Final Fantasy 15 Chat Thread

Posted 7 years, 4 months ago (Edited 7 years, 1 month ago) by Hackwolfin

I didn't see one here and I want to talk to people about FFXV for fun.


  • Going off topic is fine, but move it to PMs or else where if it starts to stay off topic ' v '// (off topic = non FFXV stuff)
  • Friendly debates only, don't force your ideas and such on others
  • Mark anything pass Chapter 8 (in game) as a spoiler, like so Non-spoiler example
  • The last of half of the chapters go pretty fast, so I'm going to assume anyone whom has played through 9 has beaten the game (or is fairly close), if this is not the case let me know.
  • Gifs are a great idea
  • So are quotes, I love the in-game random quotes * *
  • Let this be a fun and happy forum.

' v '//

Don't be afraid to start on new convos, or just post random pics from your game/internet. You don't have to read everything that has been posted before joining in


Someone makes a comment, and Noct's just like *sighs* "god... dammit" right? I love that. I only had it happen once, Prompto said it iirc, but I've heard Iggy's from tumblr. 

Oh man is that the sewers? I had my camera glitch severely in the boss for the area, it sucked. 


Oh, that one went like (if I remember correctly): Gladio: hee, great job getting that one Prompto. Prom: *snots/laughs idk it was cute thou* I know. Noct: *signs* god... dammit

Though I got one that started out with Prompto saying "pfff fail"

Ahh yes, yes it is. I was running around looking for the secret door to do the hidden dungeon. I hate the place too, I place without guilds (unless I give up, which I usually find it out myself, but there have been times...), so it took me a fair amount of time to find all the switches to get to the boss ;;v;;


Yeah! I got the *snort* fail comment. I think I have that picture on twitter somewhere, hmm...

Oh god is there a menace dungeon in there? I haven't gotten any of the keys yet, I don't know how? I thought I started the initial quest to start geting them but I haven't been given any by the lady who does it. 

I went into Pitioss the other day, wandered for a few hours on stream, then my game glitched out and I had to shut down, and I lost all motivation to play anything but the carnival since ; ____; I'm going to pull up a guide and follow it because I really really don't want to do it again. Other than that I've been mostly guide-free, I asked for a couple hints here and there from someone who was playing just ahead of me, though. I also want all of Iggy's Recipehhs so I might look for a guide for that if it's available, too.

Oh also I finally found the picture I mentioned I was hunting for on the first page! (endgame spoilers) ; w; 


To get the key (it's only one) you have to complete every dungeon (minus Pitioss, as it's just an extra to mess with your head...), look at map of the dungeons in the game and see if you can find the one (or two) you may have missed. (edit: I should metion that I mean online and not ingame, as it won't show unfound dungeons on the map, but I'm fairly sure you knew that) I ended up finding the last one while running around grabbing food stuff. It was a level 40-ish dungeon, that I had missed even after 80+ hours of playing (at the time). So you may had missed that one. Which I must say, the group says some cheesy stuff in it and it's great.

Oh, little tiny side quest that does nothing for you but is worth it! There is a cactaur figure in Altissia, it's in the key item section of the first shop you find in the city. Buy it and give it to Talcott, you'll get a cute little scene, though you won't get any exp. or items for doing so. But it's really nice. ;;v;;




Oh, if I missed one, yeah I can look that up, thanks! My last Royal Weapons were pointed out to me, actually the spare tomb that you can get when you photograph with Prompto (I didn't go in, I should've, lmao) and that level 5 dungeon on the way to Galdin Quay with the level 55 boss. I actually had the Costlemark one finished before I found those two, lmao. Easy to miss dungeons are a pain. XD More banter, though! I'm excited for that :3c

I found the Cactuar immediately into my first visit to Altissia, and as soon as I could go back with Umbra I hiked over and gave it to Talcott. I was very pleased to see the whole collection later in the story ; w; You can look at the whole set in first-person-mode on his truck's dashboard after he rescues Noct.

Isn't it the best!? Blessed picture ; w;


The guys look so good in the jacketless glaive outfits ♥
Man if I gotta wear something fancy to something sometime soon, I want one of those. 


Yeah I'm going to focus on wearing that when I try to hunt down Gladio's race ttour because I don't trust myself when I can only do Noct's second wind thing successfully about half the time. 


Fortunately the reward's the same whether you win or lose, but I still want to beat him!! He deserves a beating!!!

Speaking of tours I want to see the Prom/Cindy tour aaaaaa


Oh no! XD I haven't done any of Gladio's tours, but my SO got the Noct/Iris one (cute!) while I was watching on stream, and the fishing one twice, both times with failure.


Okay, okay so the fishing is really worth completing. I would recommend using the reel you can get in Altissia, it's got around 345 attack. And stop at the shop before beginning the tour and buy the rod there, it has 210 defence. Noctis fishing level wasn't too high for me when I got the fish in, like 5 or 6, so that shouldn't be a problem. Change out your line after every fish, because you'll need the full 2,000.

After you pass the tour, you can catch the fish outside of it. If you catch it again, Prompto lays down next to it, lining himself up to it and it's the cutest thing aaaaaaaa. That and how happy Noctis acts while waiting on Gladiolus to bring it up.