Final Fantasy 15 Chat Thread

Posted 7 years, 8 months ago (Edited 7 years, 5 months ago) by Hackwolfin

I didn't see one here and I want to talk to people about FFXV for fun.


  • Going off topic is fine, but move it to PMs or else where if it starts to stay off topic ' v '// (off topic = non FFXV stuff)
  • Friendly debates only, don't force your ideas and such on others
  • Mark anything pass Chapter 8 (in game) as a spoiler, like so Non-spoiler example
  • The last of half of the chapters go pretty fast, so I'm going to assume anyone whom has played through 9 has beaten the game (or is fairly close), if this is not the case let me know.
  • Gifs are a great idea
  • So are quotes, I love the in-game random quotes * *
  • Let this be a fun and happy forum.

' v '//

Don't be afraid to start on new convos, or just post random pics from your game/internet. You don't have to read everything that has been posted before joining in


Whom is everyone's favorite character(s)?


Started the game with my best friend yesterday and I already love Ignis so much. e ve
Edit to add that this keeps happening in Hammerhead:


Nico, OMG, what is going on there XDD


They like to fuze into one being a lot....its always an adventure with that.
Anywho, whos your favorite?  :'D


*slams fist onto the table*

I don't have the words to describe how this game makes me feel, and reading up on the backstories discussed in Brotherhood, Kingsglaive, and the stuff we didn't get to see that was published in Ultimania, makes me pity pretty much all of the antagonists in some way, including the big bad!? (I have such a huge headcanon about them omfg save me) I am so emotionally attached to so many characters, especially the chocobros, but mostly I just want to marry Ignis. 

Also for the people who played in English, there are two very important localization errors that I'd like to cover!!

Final Cutscene, post credits: Noctis says in Japanese: "I love you guys," not "You guys are the best." Very important characterization for the kid who has trouble expressing emotions when he's so obviously carries so many of them.

Chapter 12 or 13 Ardyn comment: He says "You'll never guess where I got the name Izunia from" in English, but in Japanese it's more like "I took the name Izunia so long ago, that I don't recall where it's from." Izunia isn't as important as the localization makes it out to be...

Also fun fact, chapter 13 spoilers, too: I use the term "fun" loosely here. Prompto's biological father is Verstael Besithia, one of the researchers who created Magiteck Troopers. He's that old man that's shown in that one scene with Ravus, I think Aranea's behind him too. Isn't it nice how much Prom doesn't take after him;;;


I feel like it's also important that he tells him exactly how much they mean to him directly. It's not fair that we get to hear it and they don't, I think?  It's just one questionable localization choice out of a handful, people feel Cindy/Cidney and her Eng accent is also questionable, but I also love it a lot and agree with what they did with her. To each their own, of course. :9

But yeah, I loooove the voicework, except Glados(as I call him) is kinda flat sometimes imho, but the other three boys and just about everyone else are A+, Glados gets a B+ I think. Great job overall. Ardyn's VA is S-rank though, you could tell how much fun he had with his lines. Especially the train bit, Prompto!Ardyn was just off enough for me to question him right before Ardyn!Prompto woke Noct up. I still fell for it though, hook line and sinker.

Speaking of the train bit, When Gentiana froze Ardyn mid-sentence had me howling with laughter, even though I was upset about Prom by then. The last half of the story was such an emotional rollercoaster, my god. I tortured myself doing 9-14 in one evening, I was basically a wreck.

Also I was telling my friend about all the plot holes today, and that a lot of things needed to be filled with outside sources, and she was just like "Oh, sounds like a Nomura game for sure." And i just can't help but laugh thinking about it. 


Glados's snippiness was annoying, he's my least favorite out of the four boys. I kind of understand where it's coming from, he barely had time to grieve about Insomnia himself, since his dad died in the attack too, so he probably was still bent out of shape when "oh no my headache" happened, but it's not like Noct wasn't pushing through it. Then on the train, the same thing, he was grieving but still pushing forward. So much happened after he did his first official Kingly thing and it all fell to pieces. He's 20 and suffered so much, just let him heal on his own, ok.. And he treated Iggy like such dead weight, and I bet he didn't even realize until Iggy yelled at the group for it. Prom's animations were so cute though, whenever Iggy started going the wrong way, he turned him around. I'm kinda proud though, I only got yelled at four times by Glados, and two were accidental because I was trying to let Iggy stay close.

Ardynnnnn I have such complicated feelings about him. He's such a great villan, my god. I was so excited to attack him on the train when the prompt initially came up, but then the plot twist happened and I felt so guilty about it. I tore through the rest of the chapters just to kill him because of what he did to Prompto. Chapter 13 especially. I just wanted to end his life like he wanted The freaking "heart's desire" line, though. Promptis is canon. Or at least Ardyn ships them?? He's such a creep to Prompto when they stayed at that one outpost though. In JP, he says a really cute "Good Morning" in English when you meet him at the store after. His personality is everywhere and it's kind of beautiful. Also his character design is amazing, I love it, it's so my aesthetic.I think he'd be my second favorite character if I didn't want to personally punch him in the face for being such a creep.

Yeah, they announced another big update coming up, I think another free one outside of the DLC. Supposed to patch a couple more holes like 1.03 did, fix up 13 a bit, add multiplayer??? I think I read something about Leviathan too, but I don't know what it was. Even with the 10/5/3 year (depending on how you look at it) development cycle, it still felt really rushed. I hope with all these DLCs that we slowly end up with how the game was meant to be. The world building comes off soooo deep but the storyline is so poorly mashed together. It's a shame how much the story's quality clashes with the world, the characters, the battle system, and the absolutely perfect banter.


Also i'm looking for a twitter post! I think! It's blind!Iggy in chapter 14, and he's smiling in a promptography image like ^ u^ or laughing or something!? It's super precious and I can't seem to find the original post;; I thought I saved it but I can't find it anywhere :( Might be tumblr, but I'm pretty sure it was twitter.


Nico, favorite character is Prompto by far, I relate to him in so many ways ;;v;;

Pepperly, kokohearts, Ahhh I enjoy reading all your comments <3

By chance did you guys sub to this thread? I didn't see any pings going on? Ahh I personally don't ship promptis, but it's mostly because they come off to me as super close friends way more than lovers, but I see where it's coming from. I mean, they do sleep together every night in the game...


So, there is that one random bit of dialogue where noctis says they couldn't get the camp fire going, but I never camp during that time, so, since you play around with that part, can they really not start a fire?

Also The camp scene right after Ignis, was something I missed the first playthrough, but man did it add a LOT to that chapter ;;v;;