✦ Making Friends Thread ✦ 2022

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago (Edited 1 year, 11 months ago) by voidstation

Hi! I’ve been seeing a lot of those “LF friends” threads lately, so I decided to make a thread for people looking for new friends/mutuals! Ik there’s been a few other threads like this, but I figured I would be better to make a new one for people currently searching for friends this year!

To make introductions easier, you can use this form:

- Name/Pronouns:

- Time zone:

- Interests/hobbies:

- Social Media:

- Extra info: 

I’d suggest contacting each other in dms rather than have convos in the thread; that way it won’t get too crowded in the thread. Other than that, have fun and be respectful! :D

  • zid / b (they/them)
  • pst time zone!
  • final fantasy (9; working through 8 and 14 atm), mob psycho 100, and the world ends with you are my three big interests atm but i'm also somewhat into pokemon + evangelion + whatever else im forgetting haha
  • would prefer we interact for a lil bit here before i hand out other socials :,)
  • want some people to chat w/ around my age preferably (16-21 i'd say?); as long as you're over that minimum though you're fine to shoot me a dm 👍 just a kinda comfy spot for me ig. i'm really introverted admittedly so i apologize if i don't talk too often :,))

- Name/Pronouns: duckie they/them

- Time zone: bst

- Interests/hobbies: character design, baking, sanrio, jfashion, markiplier, virtual worlds, jerma985

- Social Media: discord: duckie#2887

- Extra info: i just turned 25 last month so idk if i'll get anyone around my age but here's to trying :D i'm not the best at communicating bc i'm autistic and haven't had the chance to be very social bc of crippling anxiety :'D so pls be patient and use tone indicators/emojis if in doubt! <3


- Name/Pronouns: sumi, she/her

- Time zone: EST

- Interests/hobbies: Interests: a lot, currently fixated on bungou stray dogs, manhwas, genshin impact, warrior cats, vtubers,  vocaloid, history, prehistoric life, heartstoppers and fear street  hobbies: Drawing, animating, reading, writing

- Social Media: discord: suchan#4506 (let me know who you are first though)

- Extra info: im 17! i also have a lot more interests, there's just too much to list here. im also way to shy and awkward to message people first. im happy to talk about ocs/original stories too!


EDIT OCT 5th: Still open and looking!


Name: Amorii, Maggie, Mags

Pronouns: No preference!

Interests & Hobbies:

  • Drawing and writing!!! These are my primary hobbies and I am more than keen to connect with more artists!
  • I LOVE OCs please talk to me about OCs... I have so many of them floating around in my brain... I'm also open to making new OCs with other people!! 
  • Japanese language learning. Maybe we could be learning buddies?
  • Anime and manga - generally talking about manga unless stated otherwise
    • Seraph of the End, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Shounen no Ato (A Boy's Scar) + more!
  • Video games (RPGs, MMOs, casual)
    • Scarlet Nexus, Final Fantasy XIV, Genshin Impact, Spyro the Dragon (Classic and Legend) + more!
  • Music (Punk rock, hard rock, alternative, jrock, instrumental)
    • Bring Me The Horizon, Foo Fighters, Linkin Park, Three Days Grace, Mindless Self Indulgence + more!
    • Spyro (Copeland & TLoS soundtracks), Pokemon, WoW, FFXIV... honestly a ton more...
  • RP
  • Flight Rising
  • Cooking, hiking
Social Media:
Discord (Ask in DMs)


Other Info
  • I'm 18+. I won't discuss adult topics relating to anything (ex. some OC lore, manga, etc.) with minors.
  • I prefer anime art styles and human OCs. You can find samples of my work here.
  • I would really love to meet some more people who are creative like myself - I love to chat about mangas or games often... but my lifeblood is my creative work.
  • I tend to talk a lot or message out of the blue with things like memes or ideas. If any of that makes you uncomfortable, we're probably not a good match.
  • We don't need to be into the same things. I'll gladly listen to you ramble about your passions so long as you lend an ear to mine.
While I don't mind initiating conversations, it's nice to be reached out to as well. ^^

My DMs are open - I love receiving comments, messages, etc. I hope to hear from some cool people!


- Name/Pronouns: Shadowzim777 or just Shadow, He/Him

- Time zone: Eastern Daylight Time

- Interests/hobbies: Written RPGs, Writing, Art, Anime, Manga, Cosplay, Cartoons, Video Games

- Social Media: I do have a Discord but please DM me first so we can talk there before I hand it out.

- Extra info: Would prefer to talk with anyone over the age of 20+ please! I do love to RP so it would be great to do so. Even talk about our own OCs and such. Would be great to talk with an artist to learn some art tips. I really do want to be an artist one day. But I am perfectly fine talking about other things as well. 



- Name/Pronouns: Mae and I use any

- Time zone: Central america

- Interests/hobbies: my main interests are my ocs and stardew valley! I like anime as well and I will play any types of games! I also enjoy story building !

- Social Media: I used discord and instagram primarily! so please message me on either but I heavily prefer instagram!

sugar.pixxie on insta

sugarpixxie#7809 on discord

- Extra info: I turn 14 back in December I will only talk to people 13-15 and maybe 16 but even that might be weird to me hshgfsh I also have adhd! I love llove loveeeee my ocs and ill will probably never shut up about them HASGDSAHGD 


I honestly doubt I'll find anyone around my age at all, but I already saw some older people post in this thread, so I have nothing to lose, really.

- Name/Pronouns: I go by Xed most often online. I slightly prefer they/them pronouns with new people, but you're free to call me whatever you'd like, I really don't mind at all.

- Time Zone: Mountain Standard Time, though I tend to be an insomniac/occasional night owl so you can pretty much message me at any point and I'll probably respond whenever I see it, don't be alarmed.

- Interests/hobbies:

  •   Video games

(Strategy games, RPGS, JRPGS, indie games, I honestly play a bit of everything though, ask me! Some favorites include:)

    -Pokemon (I used to battle competitively, feel free to talk to me about that even), Fire Emblem, Terraria, Animal Crossing, Minecraft, Sims, Stardew Valley, Elder Scrolls, Rune Factory, Civilization series, Risk of Rain, Rimworld, Phoenix Wright/Ace Attorney games, Legend of Zelda series

  •     Music

(I like most genres, but rock, metal, synthwave, VGM, and electronic are my favorites. I also compose music from time to time.)

  •     Anime

(though I tend to be picky, I tend to like crime/psychological/thriller, shōnen & seinen, fantasy, sci-fi, and action anime the most)

  • Cooking (though I'm absolutely hopeless at baking, sorry, haha)
  • Hiking, Camping , & Fishing
  • Biking
  • OCs, Writing, Worldbuilding, & RP (all are a huge passion of mine and I love hearing about other people's!)
  • DND/Pathfinder/TTRPG type games
  • Digital art, pixel art, and 2d animation
  • Programming & game dev
  • True crime, analog horror, and related mystery/horror type podcasts/videos
  • YT/Streamers such as Vargskelethor, Vinesauce, Jerma985, Markiplier, RTGame

- Social Media: I mainly only use Discord these days other than a really empty Instagram account. I prefer to only give out my Discord handle through TH DMs so I can verify who I'm talking to first.

- Extra info:

-I am currently 26, about to turn 27 in June and ideally would like to meet some people more around my own age.

-I won't accept any friend requests from minors as I'm looking only for art, writing, rp, and fellow oc-having adult friends.

-I'm also generally extremely nervous around new people and it may take me a while to feel comfortable talking to you, but I tend to get pretty talkative when I warm up to people.

-I'm generally easygoing, but I tend to be pretty straightforward, slightly blunt, and swear quite a bit habitually. I prefer not to interact with those uncomfortable with this, as it's not a habit I can easily break and I don't want to feel like I have to walk on eggshells with anyone as it spikes my anxiety way too much, sorry.

-We don't have to be into all of the same things and honestly love hearing about new things, but I would be most comfortable with someone with at least some shared interests okay with sporadic conversations and things like random meme drops. 

-I'd also be okay playing games or watching anime/shows with people once I get to know them, but I generally don't care much for vc chats. 

-I am not comfortable talking about children, politics, or most sexual topics. I have a few other things I'd like to avoid talking about, but in general, you can find more info about me here on my Carrd.


 Name/Pronouns: Rev/Reverie. prefer They/He, Genderfluid

- Time zone: MDT I'm active most really early in the morning and a lot less so at night, I'm not always online or super active all hours of the day so I hope to be friends with someone who is chill with that

- Interests/hobbies: for hobbies I enjoy drawing, baking/cooking and travel(when I am able to), reading comics/graphic novels, and playing games(both digital and tabletop/board games, I like playing story based games or farmer/survival sims). 
I enjoy making elaborate fictional worlds and characters in my head, not the best getting it out on paper though haha. fluffy dragons/monsters are my favorite in designs as well as feathered wings. I do love to make aesthetic moodboards for stuff
I also enjoy the shows: Gravity Falls, HunterXHunter, My Hero Academia, Bob's Burgers, Doctor Who, Owl House, Adventure Time. I also play a lot of Flight Rising

- Social Media: tumblr flight rising, due to past harassment and stalkers please DM me for my discord that as I don't feel comfortable publicly posting it.

- Extra info: , I am also 18, almost 19 years old and prefer to make friends who are 17+, cant do voice calls rn (sorry) due to my living situation, please dont use me as vent fodder, I enjoy memes and funny/cursed pictures