The Complaining thread | complain here

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago (Edited 7 days, 12 hours ago) by Courier

a thread to bitch and moan about literally anything! Just complain into the void, and get it out of your system.


1. No nsfw 

2. No namedropping, and keep shit VERY vague if you’re complaining about someone. Nothing like “Courier is an asshole!” more like “I hate when people are mean to me.”

3. try not to air your dirty laundry. This thread is mainly for whining not saying “so and so did blah blah blah.”

4. Arguing, well funny to me, is discouraged. Be civil and not a moron please.

5. Don’t have to respond to anyone, don’t have to talk to anyone. Just shout your annoyances into this hellhole and get it out.

6. Don’t be racist or homophobic. Cant believe I have to say this.

7. No Zionists

a small thing to help calm down, just incase your really angry!: music to relax to

Other threads:

The General Comments thread
Vent board
The positivity thread


@Sunny_dragonix: Transphobia. 

@Megumi6215 Transphobia


The only thing I can eat is bread and it keeps getting all over my bed


Medibang Paint is the only drawing app I'm using rn, and it would be great if it weren't for its ads, every app needs ads to make money, I get it, but Medibang, no exaggeration, has been giving me ads that basically fucking soft lock the app and give me no other option than to close the app. It's been giving me game ads that, when I click the X, take me to a website, which has MORE ads on it, with absolutely no option to go back to the drawing application. Thankfully Medibang only gives me ads after I save anyway, but fucking imagine if I got one of these ads with unsaved progress one day. 


truly believe the forums just should be shut down at this point. the community moderation thing the mod has going on does NOT work why did i just see  someone telling someone else to off themselves Guys have u read the rules.That  is not allowed!! it doesn't matter if u dont like them!!!


for twenty minutes max i was sitting down and the sun was hitting the right side of my body… somehow my relatively tan-ass somehow managed to get slight sunburn on my right arm and the right side of my face… if you’re gonna do that make it equal smfh


Usually I'm bored and have nothing to do so I have the idea of checking the Toyhouse forums. Ends up being a frequent lurker. End up seeing various opinions ex. "[x] in a drawing is bad!" or "you should be able to draw [x]!" or "[x] is the best for character designing!" and then I soak it up like a sponge and walk off with a brand new thing for my brain to bother me with. Now I'm sitting here worried about making random people upset or "not being a perfect artist" because I don't do these very specific things even though I probably won't ever actually talk to/meet these random people directly but regardless it ends up with me wondering if my art is actually good or not. Oops! Thankfully now that I've realized this I'm just going to hope I can stop that part of my brain from doing that for a little bit.


💀 people are crazy taking advantage of kindness wow woowowowowowowoww anyway


IbisPaint X’s ads is making me feel insufferable. Not only that the empty bars is showing TWO ads instead of just one, but they’re also promoting sketchy links to gambling sites and crypto apps now? Why??

And, uh- I mean, look, I know you‘re a bit too young for this, but… QUIT WHINING ABOUT IT, OKAY!?


I woke up with a headache


pugging brainrot goes hard... d&l party where ppl couldnt even live past arcane, para 3 party where we only got to para 3 a select few times in the span of 2 hours because for whatever reasons one of the tank keeps on dying at the lasers hindering progress... i think we really should make a habit of talking about the problems instead of bashing our heads and hoping itll be right next pull because something must be wrong if 1 of the tanks keeps on dying after para 1, not enough mits? not enough healing? tank switch? wth why did bro keep on dying 😭


ofc i decided to join another d&l party... we only managed to get to it ONCE 

my dudes it's okay if youre not 100% confident in prior mechanics as a dps (okay but not everyone, it's okay for 1 or 2 dps to be deadweight) but support? youll fck us over if you die 😭 like im here being insecure fucking up mechanics despite having cleared it THRICE so i decided to go back progging but ppl cant even get to the point where i want to practice 😭😭


I was forgiving of it but maybe the neocities social media features were a mistake given people keep advertising on larger site's profiles & now people are throwing bigoted temper tantrums there as well


Oh my god I feel the slightest amount of pain in my stomach and now I am petrified of going through food poisoning again. I doubt it is but I swear to God by the off chance that it is I am going to fucking go insane