Any mabinogi players here?

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by Dianxia

It's been a very long time since I met anyone who played Mabi outside of meeting them in game first, and since all servers have finally merged I feel like it'd be neat to find some mabi players again (If any LOL)

I've been on-and-off with mabi since it first launched (though the first hiatus to my second one was a massive gap) with me breaking my year and a half break today! 

The game is as old as dust but still holds a pretty sentimental and warm feeling for me, despite it all, haha. 


heartbloom oh DANG ;_; i hope its with normal ducats cause i need to save my seasonal ones for transport LOL

Felt that though, but I caved and did commerce immediately even though i still need to finish the curse that is engineering


YAAA Ive just been running back and forth from Filia haha



(Painful smile)

hell is over


Monisplats Thank you!! 

I never wanna go to hillwen mines ever again I am tired of bison O<-<


Welp. Time to finish up merchant talent normally and then off to finish adventurer and cooking talent ,,, 0-<-<

at the very least merchant is easy to finish off since my gold strike is already maxed but I’m dreading on having to finish cooking AHHHH


Monisplats Thank you! I already remember why I stopped, and that is because I detest the cooking dungeon LMAO


Monisplats SAME it's just an overall hassle AHHHH



woohoo now to finish up the rest of adventurer before i start crying about cooking later



learned painful lessons today:

1) i was close enough to master adventurer i only needed to take 10 minutes to actually rank up a little bit of campfire to achieve it even though i spent all day grinding fiodh for rest books

2) you cannot use ap train on a skill that requires you to talk to an NPC for the skill even if you've skill trained it  : ")


ONTO COOKING.... i'm going to just pray that i can skip the books if i just ap train it enough because kitchen dungeon is my worst nightmare in this game, i would rather mine at hillwen for 3 hours straight