New FE Heroes thread!

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Papes

Since the old one's dead. Have fun folks


kokohearts At least you pulled Ephraim. He's good for something :') (and who knows. Maybe you'll come up with a use for Takumi if you haven't already).

There's a post on the FEH Subreddit that has a chart of events happening in the month of August. Not every event is listed, so I'm reaaally hoping for a SS banner before Valter's GHB. Also, Legion's GHB is apparently returning next.

...Uwee hee hee.


Ooh Legion, I barely tried on his GHB at all so that's good! I only did Hard then gave up xD

Also kokohearts agreed with ^! Ephraim is love. Ephraim is life. Plus at least you can sacrifice Takumi for Close Counter if need be lol.


I want close counter for my raurblade leo ;n;

Tomorrow is August 1st! Monthly quests reset. More orbs ahoy :D


If you aren't using Takumi kokohearts, hold off on merging. You might want to give Close Counter to someone in the future. Especially if you've got a better archer, it's not worth it.


kokohearts Seconding what HeroofEnelios said! I had the fortune to roll 3 Ikes (the universe was spiting a friend of mine by giving me all the Ikes he wanted ;_;7) and merged them, but I regret it since Heavy Blade is a really good skill I wish I could give a lot of people. For super rare/valuable skills like Close/Distant Counter you should definitely always hang onto them until you're sure what you want to do! Not to mention merging can send you up against heavily merged teams in arena if you use a merged character on your team.

Also nthing the excitement for more Sacred Stones representation!! I started playing Fire Emblem with Awakening so I haven't played any of the earlier games myself, but I've been catching up with the series via screenshot Let's Plays and just finished reading SS a couple weeks ago. That game has so many great characters that it's a crime there are so few of them in Heroes right now.

Also also I kinda hope Leo wins this Voting Gauntlet just because the poor dude's already lost more than one, but at the same time I'm a sucker for a good running joke... I'm on team Robin myself, though, since she's the only summer unit I have right now and I probably would've picked her anyway since I love her design and character! Not sure who I'll go with if she loses to Tiki, but hopefully I'll have rolled one of the Nohrian siblings by then! Gotta get those extra points.

I really want Corrin because she's so dang cute + another ranged flier... also Leo just because he has a tomato tome. They totally should've called it Tomatome, though. C'mon, IntSys, you're killing me here.


Isoprene SS is well liked for the reason that many of its characters (both playable and villains) are well written and memorable. From Valter to Joshua, hilarious characters like L'Arachel or Dozla... there are so many great ones. I hope for Myrrh though. We need more dragons if we ever get a SS banner (and hopefully it's like the recent SoV one: an Eirika army banenr and an Ephraim army banner).

I'm siding with TeamTiki! Even though I never pulled her, both her regular versions (Y!Tiki and A!Tiki) have been mainstays on my team since launch so I want to support the best dragon :D


still gotta respond to stuff but i gotta leave this here for a second because how did i get so high up here...

kinda wonder what my final rank will be... i was gonna sleep but now i feel like i better stay up to make sure i stay in the top 50 so i can put "one time i got into the top 50 players on team robin in this voting gauntlet thing in this gacha game" on my resume


... What madness is this?

TEAM TIKI LOST? I honestly thought she would win because 1) melons makes her the automatic waifu of this gauntlet and 2) she's a series regular... sort of. Not really as opposed to Anna, but still sort of.

Although I just took a look at scores and looks like Corrin is gonna absolutely destroy Robin (from what I've seen so far). Corrin... go easy on your little bro and his nerdy tomato-tome.

To be honest I just didn't want Xander to win LOL so I don't really care now. Still cheering for Leo though!


Yeah, Tiki and Robin were really close the whole time so I wasn't sure who was gonna win! Glad Robin won, though, so I can keep getting bonus points to up my rank. I, uh... I wound up getting to Rank 3 in Robin's army somehow?? I woke up at like 3 AM on the first day and caught her in a lot of those early seesaw losing streaks, I guess?? I don't think I'll get that high in the next two rounds but I'm glad I have that on my record!

If Robin loses I'm gotta roll with Leo... I love Corrin's summer design, but the tomatome! The tomatome!


Yesss join #TeamTomatoLord


Right now it seems Robin and Corrin are neck and neck, with Robin in the lead!


I'm so glad that I was lucky enough to summon Summer Corrin after only 50 or so orbs. Now I can continue hoarding orbs for the eventual Sacred Stones banner..

Also Tiki losing? Blasphemy!

I'm curious to see how this will turn out! Turns out Leo is much more popular than some people thought. Maybe this is his time!


So... for those not on Team Leo, we were winning the entire time except Team Gaius made a sudden comeback in the last four hours which wasn't enough time for us to pull through again (esp without the multiplier) :'(

Leo loses again...