Chat with Friends(And make some!)

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Edited 5 years, 11 months ago) by Shugahime

So, I have recently come into wanting to be part of this site more, and would love to belong to a circle of friends, or some such thing. I will warn, I am not an artist, but I am a roleplayer.
I have anthros, and some fandom ocs, but anyway...

I'm 25, female, and I love dolls, and video games.
I am a lesbian. Yessss I like girls. >///< And taken by an amazing woman!
I own a 2ds, hoping to upgrade soon! I currently have Pokemon, Monster Hunter, and Animal Crossing!

My favorite shows are Steven Universe and Star vs. The Forces of Evil.
I am also into anime, though not as much as I use to be. Yes, I have a few anime fandom characters... Mostly Sailor Moon though. o3o
I am a bit picky with music, my favorite bands being Buck-tick, FEMM, and Kamelot. I will warn... my tastes in music are very, very weird. xD

I can't wait to meet you all soon!!


Ohh?? What country do you call Home, and you don't have Halloween??

Ohh your kitty is such a cutie!!! ;;w;;
Ohh you are so lucky!! and naw, I would love to go to Japan too.. their culture is just so different from what I know... I find it so intriguing. Since  you will be going there for school, do you speak Japanese already??
I am currently not in college, but I do hope to start after Christmas sometime. I want to go into graphic design. :)

Hey welcome! :D Most of my ocs are furries too. :) Who your fav pokemon???



I can speak a little bit of Japanese, but not enough to hold a decent conversation because my school only has French and Spanish. I took French and it's not exactly that close to Japanese. But when I get to Japan I'll already be enrolled at a language school because art school there requires that I attend one for at least six months.

But graph design eh? Can you tell me a little bit more about it? If I don't have the money to go to Japan after I graduate I'll be going to a community college in Washington where I might do an artsy major.



Yeah, I raised multiple competive teams for the battle tree. Good luck Shiny hunting! Hey, at least Shiny hunting is easier in this generation, as it takes way less Pokemon registered in the Dex to get the Shiny charm (like 200 compared to Gen 6's 800). And also, with the SOS calling feature, you just need a Decidueye or False Swiper, Leppa Berries, and a whole lot of patience!


Don't make me choose! I love so many Pokemon. My favs are probably Banette, Scrafty, Leafeon, Luxray, Cobalion, Gliscor, ect! I get so attached to my Pokemon. I also nickname almost every single one of my Pokemon. I don't do nuzlocks because I would be heart broken if I had to release on of my babies.


I gotcha, I hope everything works out in your favor so you can go. <3
Graphic design is a large and encompassing field. You can help set like layouts for news papers, bulletins, flyers... heck, even website layouts, along with stuff like logos and such.

I gotcha. xD I am in the same boat as you on Nuzlockes... just can't do it... especially since I shiny hunt. x.x I am too stingy to follow those rules.

I can say after that long, it got rather tiring. I would have to say my favorite place I ever camped was in Sarasota Florida, or close to the Keys... I loved the peaceful, yet somehow energetic atmosphere these places had... plus this was where I got to see Loggerhead turtles, and manatees... I also saw flamingos. <3 I would have to say the zoos were the best part period.


late replies are late >u>


Since Skyrim was my first TES I nearly died laughing when I went to Morrowind and saw their walking animation for Khajiits lmao. It looks so awkward xD I only played Oblivion for a lil while on a friend's computer, I never got it ;; And I'm always super slow player, just exploring rather than progressing the story so I haven't got very far lol. But the map in Shivering Isles looked so pretty ;-; 


In Czech Republic we don't have anything like Halloween at all e-e. Stores are selling decorations and stuff cause of American influence but no one is actually celebrating it. When it comes to remembering the dead we have "dušičky" which is 2rn November where people just light up candles and that's all lol. So sad compared to what's going on in America. No free candies lmao



Maybe if they were wearing shoes their walking would be even weirder xD I don't really understand why Morro refuse to give beast races shoes tho ;; I don't want my khajiit paws covered in mud from the swamps everywhere ew. Even from the lil while I played Oblivion I liked it more than Skyrim tbh. In Morro and Oblivion you are actually weak at the start, it feels so good to be overpowered god at the end it feels like actual progress. Skyrim is kinda the same the whole time? :c And can't make your own spells pff. I loved breaking the game with combining all OP spells into one and killing everything in a second lmao. NOT THE CLIFF RACERS. That moment when you think you have to kill just one but actually it's like 500 of them stacked on top of each other and it juST NEVER ENDS. In Skyrim I finished main quest just to get 100% of steam achievements xD and in Morrowing cause I installed texture pack and apparently I acidentally installed it as nude for females so I wanted to finish it just so I'll stop being constantly attacked by groups of naked ladies 8'D


It was really wonderful... and manatees were surprisingly cute. ;;w;; You live in Georgia? So do I! :D Was the Georgia aquarium good? I haven't been there, but I have been to the Atlanta zoo... it was soo cool to see Pandas. <3 <3 <3 What was your favorite thing you saw at the aquarium??

Ahhh I'm really sorry to hear that, though it sounds like it's trying to get a foothold there? What kind of Holidays do you celebrate? I'm sorry if this is a rather silly question, but I like to know about Holidays in other countries. <3 And I don't know much about the Morrowing... but being attacked by naked ladies sounds awesome. xD



*Morrowind. Pff either I can't type or my autocorrect extension is trolling me. Should turn that off when I'm not writing profiles lol. Also I should really go back to writing those profiles >w> all I did was 5

I think most of holidays are the same or at least very similar? o: We just don't have halloween and thanksgiving


Ahhh I gotcha, I gotcha. owo 
Anddd autocorrect is ALWAYS trolling people. -w-



yepp. Autocorrect is the biggest evil and source of all awkward messages. My favorite fail is still going to be when my mom texted me asking what I'm doing and I wrote her in czech 'maluju' = painting and it corrected it into 'miluju' = loving. Thanks phone, I really needed to confuse the hell out of my mom that day lmao


I didn't even realize they limited helmet for beat races o: I don't remember the name of it atm, but I always wore helmet that was literally just a skull of some animal on the chars head and I always imagined my khajiit ears poking out of the eye holes in there xD Yeah, Morrowind world is probably my favourite out of them all cause it's something unique. Snowy mountains like in Skyrim we have too and vanilla Oblivion looked so sadly generic ;-; Nothing too crazy, just normal green land with castles, ruins and villages around. Meanwhile Morrowind had mushrooms so big that they were made into houses lol. More of that please.


Ohhh my goodness... that sounds wonderful. <3 Now I really wanna go sometime!! <3 ;;w;; I bet they have jellyfish too... and a lot of specimens... I MUST go there one day! >w<
Yeah, if not mistaken those pink flowers are Sakura blossoms Georgia is notorious for them. owo I was shocked! They are just so lovely... and the magnolias too! How are things going on the college front??

Oh lordy. x.x Yeah, it seems no matter what the language is, autocorrect WILL strike.
My most embarrassing was when I typed one sec, but autocorrect was a bitch and corrected it to one sex. x.x