Chat with Friends(And make some!)

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Edited 5 years, 11 months ago) by Shugahime

So, I have recently come into wanting to be part of this site more, and would love to belong to a circle of friends, or some such thing. I will warn, I am not an artist, but I am a roleplayer.
I have anthros, and some fandom ocs, but anyway...

I'm 25, female, and I love dolls, and video games.
I am a lesbian. Yessss I like girls. >///< And taken by an amazing woman!
I own a 2ds, hoping to upgrade soon! I currently have Pokemon, Monster Hunter, and Animal Crossing!

My favorite shows are Steven Universe and Star vs. The Forces of Evil.
I am also into anime, though not as much as I use to be. Yes, I have a few anime fandom characters... Mostly Sailor Moon though. o3o
I am a bit picky with music, my favorite bands being Buck-tick, FEMM, and Kamelot. I will warn... my tastes in music are very, very weird. xD

I can't wait to meet you all soon!!


Dark Mousy. By far.


I liked Krad  myself.


I guess he was alright, though I didn't like his cat-like eyes.


I rather liked his eyes, but it was his backstory that really captivated me. As he was a good guy once... then locked away with Dark Mousy, well, it drove him insane, and snapped him into pieces until that kind soul was so warped no traces of it was left. Then again, Dark had a pretty tragic love story.


Shugahime Ah, I want to re-read the books super bad. The next character I need to get up here is actually a HP oc hah. I'd love to make pokemon gijinkas, I love seeing other peoples! I will definitely check out Monster Hunter, riding them sounds awesome!



I didn't know that about Krad. Thanks for teaching me something new. :D


I will warn it's onle Monster Hunter: Stories though. owo

Well, more like the doll series rebooted and almost everything changed?? So people are either hoarding the older ones or getting rid of them(those hoarding them snatch those up lol). 

I'm sorry if you feel like I spoiled that. >w<


No, no. Not at all. I like spoilers and that was definitely something new to learn. Don't be hard on yourself, Shugahime.


guess who's late? yepp


Well it is at least around the people I know lol. Yeah the cost is making me sad ;-; Consoles too. I cry errday over the fact that I'll never get to play Journey and Bloodborne cause they're console exclusive *cries in spanish* Okami is another game I really want to play but I heard it's coming to PC soon ovo At least I hope it's true. Lmao I haven't played any of it for a few weeks now. I'm gonna get rekt so hard so bad once I come back xD



I'm really hoping one day Journey will pop up on PC. Abzu is from the same devs and it is for PC so why not re-release the older games too? ;A; I think Bloodborne was made console exclusive so they can easily sell the said console. Which happened and I don't think they would let it now on PC so the sales won't drop or smth. Damn you Sony. How can we call ourselves PC master race when we can't have such good stuff xD. Lmao I'm never finish Hollow Knight. Humble Bundle just had one game for free which I nabbed. Never heard of it but seems cool (except that I failed at tutorial part lmaoo) so I'll be playing that instead. Rip



I'll be forever salty about Bloodborne until I die lmao. The game isn't hard (yet) but seems just.. wonky? It's obvious it was originally made for consoles so the controls on the keyboard are weird and mouse sensitivity is oh god so bad. And you can't change it. So no wonder I failed tutorial xD Now I'm glad I got it for free lol. I'm gonna be annoying talking about Morrowind again but I guess that's my favorite lol. I'm really hoping Steam would throw sale on it for Christmas so I can finally buy it and play again after such a long time. Sucks being so broke that you can't even afford old ass game like that lmao. Other favorite is Dark Souls. Played only the first one but its lore influenced my own worldbuilding so much