What position do you draw in?

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago (Edited 1 year, 2 months ago) by Raynbow

Only until recently I found out the proper way to sit at a desk with a tablet or paper, helps to have a stand to hold those. Most important thing is to sit straight up and not slouch

For years I've drawn in my bed in a slouching position with my tablet resting on my legs lol, not really heathy. I'm curious to hear how other people draw


I sit up fairly straight (either at my desk or in bed propped up by several pillows). I draw using a tablet that connects to my laptop, and I always need my tablet to be propped up at an angle (usually with a rolled up blanket beneath it or just tilted against the edge of my laptop). Not a perfect setup, but WAY better than when I used to draw on the floor in a full shrimp position.


I usually draw laying on my back lol. (I draw with my finger on an iPad)

Sometimes I sit and slouch over the iPad but that kinda hurts after a while


idk how to explain it this is my artistic rendition ill move my legs around but it's usually this frog looking shit


i sit at my desk and slouch over the tablet and stare at the screen, completely unsure what i'm doing with my life. i try to sit up straight a lot, but end up leaning over. i also draw at an angle? like my tablet is always a smidgen sideways so it makes all my art come out side ways and i have to straighten it up (if i remember to). my head also tilts at the opposite angle. it's really annoying actuallyodghasg



With really bad posture. My desk is too small for me to fit my tablet, so I have to make do with what I have/ can.




i’m ordering a desk so for now it’s flat on my bed hahaha rip my shoulders 


On my bed slouched over or on my recliner slouched over my pc

I really need to give my poor back a break lmao


I draw lying down on my stomach and propped up on my left arm 😭😭 it gets numb so I keep moving it lol. I don't have a desk in my room anymore so I'm either on my bed or on the floor. Mainly draw on my phone with stylus but this applies to sketchbook drawings too


I sit in a computer chair with my legs crossed 


i think i have decent posture! i sit at my desk with my tablet on my lap and my laptop propped up on a laptop stand ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

at points though i used to sit on the floor cross-legged with my tablet on my legs and my laptop on a coffee table. it wasn't uncomfortable but man would my legs get numb orz


I draw sitting criss crossed on my bed with my binder and paper 😭 I wish I could draw on a desk though. And I wish I can draw laying down but then I'll get lazy;;


cross legged on my bed w my tablet on my lap & laptop in front of me, or if using paper i'll rest it on one of those spiral hardcover sleeve binders bc i find the angle is easier to draw on than a flat surface, still on my lap, but i'll draw traditionally in my uh. what are they called. anxiety pod. cloud beanbag. idk i call it my nest, in the lounge area

yeah it hurts my back but i don't seem to have the drawing coordination if i do it at a desk or table. or elevated at all. my dominant hand suddenly becomes useless lol


At my desk, back straight with what I can only hope is good posture. Life's too short so if I'm going to spend a majority of my free-time drawing then I don't want to develop spine problems lmao