Unpopular art opinions 🖌️

Posted 11 months, 16 days ago (Edited 9 days, 5 hours ago) by Skykristal

(Unpopular) - Art Opinions

Update: Because of how popular and frequently used this thread has become, I feel like its important to mention that this is not an advice thread... These are opinions

I am very interested in hearing people's opinions and thoughts on art subjects specifically. Because art interests me a lot. (I will eventually post on this thread myself) . Share some opinions you typically don't see too often, or not at all. What's on your mind.

- don't hate
- just be a decent human being
- be respectful
- don't argue too much please. This is an unpopular opinion thread. self explanatory title. There's no need to complain about it constantly. You are allowed to have convos / agree/disagree . But this isn't meant to be a constant "well but blah blah" complain thread... please


Linearting IS fun 


there’s a fine line between style and actual anatomical mistakes and errors. if it’s not a consistent thing, it’s most likely a mistake. if it IS consistent, it’s most likely a style thing. 


shading isn’t the only way to render things and sometimes it’ll just make the piece look worse!


just a personal preference ofc but i find most pixel art ugly. also being good at technical skills like anatomy does not mean your art looks good


sorry i have a lot of opinions LOL

1) i despise it when people (especially adults) who just start out in creative work expect to be good at it right away. when i picked up the trumpet, i was terrible. it took three years for me to even be okay at it. it takes time and more importantly, practice. do not give up, that self defeatist attitude is good for no one.

2) i can't say that i'm keen on interacting with artists who just post their art in discord channels without saying a single thing. like if you're gonna post then run... ok? not even a peep or emoji or anything. idk it's just weird to me.

3) also weird to me that some folks don't even comment on a piece before posting theirs. are you telling me that you can't even muster a simple, nice thing to say? not even a "cute" or "cool"? grade schoolers have better manners and courtesy than so many people nowadays. and then these people whine about being 'forced' to make a nice comment, like??? literally grow up.

4) and then these people complain about not getting any interactions or be upset about 'shallow' comments like idk what you expect.

5) extreme anime art styles just aren't for me, they're pretty! but it all looks the same. i'm not too fond of this specific brand of semi-realism either, where the expressions just seem so flat, like a dead fish. i can't explain it. 

6) i think people forget that creativity is supposed to be fun.