What's your average screen time? 📱

Posted 5 months, 9 days ago (Edited 3 months, 30 days ago) by Skykristal

🕕 approximately, how much do you use it daily?

1 Votes Under an hour
9 Votes 1-3 hours
26 Votes 4-8 hours
16 Votes 9-12 hours
17 Votes 12 hours+

On your phone (or tablet). You can usually find this information in your system settings (digital wellbeing). I currently have my tab with me and approximately use it 6-8h , on some days only 1-2h but that's relatively rare, often when I'm sick etc.. a day, most of this is my drawing program haha. (phone's likely more time, I always let commentary/ videos running while I'm doing something so it's not really 'i look at it all the time' screen time but I definitely use my tech a lot.)

oh yea, gonna add a screenshot


ps, my worst day ever (I still remember that) was 15 hours once 💀





I can't find an all time, but average from the first week this year is almost 5 hours. But idk if that includes when I just leave a video on since I like having something to listen to while I sleep. With the video I use being almost 2 hours long, I'd say a good guess is about 3 hours? Besides the nightly help me sleep video, I'm on discord, telegram, sometimes use mobile yt, and I play phone games to wind down for bed


Stormeko aaa I love leaving something on when I'm going to sleep as well! Yea I think it's also counting (generally when you have your screen on, even if you do nothing. At least my devices do that). your screentime is pretty good imo. I'm worse haha 


Mine's a little over 3 hours


Not me with 16-18 hour average every day since September (both laptop and phone)


only 2 hours currently which feels good lol! I use app timers to limit the amount of time I spend on apps with endless scrolling features cuz if im tired i end up scrolling for far too long, especially in tiktok/short-video format
my computer and tv screen time however.......rly need to touch some grass


Seems to vary between 3 and 6 hours. Used to be way more but I put a 30 minute timer on Instagram cuz it was consuming my life

Edit: This is just on my phone. I have my laptop on pretty much any second I'm 1. Awake and 2. At home, so that would probably be way more


Usually about 6-7 hours, it goes up when I do comms and down when I catch up with friends


please dont ask this question im embarrassed...


I basically live online, since I'm primarily a digital artist, barely have friends in the city, and I like to art + watch/listen to shit.


9 hours and 8 minutes...

In my defense, I don't have that many friends irl, always listening to music, and I'm literally snowed in rn... I'm also just chronically online 


don't worry folks, most of us live online. I would not exclude myself from this either. + I feel the no friends situation. most of my connections are in fact online. 

It's been a few years since I am no longer in school and the only digital thing we had were laptops every other month and a projector that got recently installed somewhere after i left. just some random thoughts here, but I really liked the none-digital world I had as a kid-ten. I know some schools still do but others only live in a digital screen now. At least in my country.


Lol i checked i seen several days were 12+ hours