How many ⭐'s would you give TH?

Posted 5 months, 11 days ago (Edited 4 months, 4 days ago) by Skykristal


9 Votes
16 Votes ⭐⭐
70 Votes ⭐⭐⭐
123 Votes ⭐⭐⭐⭐
28 Votes ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Random 4pm thought, hello 👋

if you'd rate TH as a whole, how good or bad would your review be? (Features, community, UI etc) 

Me personally I'd give ⭐⭐⭐. The features are amazing and offer quite a lot, the user interface is very confusing, but good if you are used to it, and the community is not really all the great to me. (By that I mean that barely anyone intacts with you. It's a post and run culture in many cases which make me personally feel disconnected. Well forum games can be great sometimes but usually people struggle to read the most basic stuff (generally, not only forum games)). Overall I'd remove the most stars for the community aspect as well as moderation. For the most part this site moderates itself. As a storage, the main purpose of this site, I would give ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐.  And like ⭐ for selling lmao.

Feel free to write a review, or just vote 


4 stars for character profiles and privacy features, I wish more character storage sites had similar, versatile features for info and art organisation purposes!

1 (I would give 0 if that was an option) for the complete lack of moderation, uncomfortable community atmosphere and weird obsession people have with trying to dictate and police the use of characters that aren't theirs, and general lack of meaningful engagement.


2 ~ 3. Good concept, has what it needs to serve its purpose, but could be improved upon significantly IMO. The actual owner is completely gone and the site is left in the hands of Sudo, and they can hardly do anything because there’s only one mod and a bajillion users.

Like it’s pretty barebones, which is fine, but It could add a lot of customization features. 

The community is large, which is good for users, but the fact it’s still in “beta” for all these years and people just keep on joining and joining while the site is hardly being improved upon and has absolutely no moderators is pretty scary


1-2 stars, websites been the same since it came out near 10 years ago, still invite only too.


⭐⭐⭐ I put three starts, which is actually higher than I was going to initially go because it's definitely one of the best character storage sites. BUT my biggest issues are the lack of moderation, lack of updating, lack of transparency and admin updates in general. The fact is: so many people have premiums, and with how big the user base has gotten they could've hired more people to help. This site feels like it's on the verge of shutting down, the fact that the owner is gone and sudo being in charge is hardly comforting. I get it, life sucks, but for these issues to have gone on this long is insane. I've been on this site since 2015 and it's barely changed, one person CANNOT do everything. Idk if it's anxiety, them being controlling/possessive, or something else as to why there aren't more people working on toyhouse. If they had even three-five people working on the site it would be a powerhouse. Now I regret not making my rating lower LOL


4 stars! Easily the most customizable storage site I've seen. Some of my favorite artists and designers are here! But, by the gods, we need some moderators ;;


i totally misread this as “how many stars would you give YOUR th” and i was like “oh, five. no questions asked” to be #funny . and then realized i had indeed misread something. 




  • Character storage, of course. I used to have my characters in a binder.
  • Customisation. Sucks that CSS is behind a paywall, though.


  • Inability to disable bios for public viewing. I'd have to make a completely new tab for the character solely for public purposes just to counter this and have it purely for galleries. I should be able to do this by default.
  • Basically the first point, but I should be able to do a "profile authorisation" thing and control who is allowed to see character bios.
  • Lack of "profile template", as in, every time I create a new character page, it gets pretty exhausting having to make tabs one-by-one.
  • Difficulty finding topics. I heard the search bar is for subs only. This should be available by default. I'm forced to use " [INSERT WHATEVER IM LOOKING FOR]".
  • Difficulty navigating forums. For example, the HTML/CSS board badly needs two sub-boards; one for people looking for codes, and another for people to share their codes.
  • I find all of the site themes ugly.

I don't really care for the lack of moderation or updates, I'm only here for the storage. But I would be pretty peeved if this site were to vanish at some point.