How many ⭐'s would you give TH?

Posted 5 months, 7 days ago (Edited 3 months, 30 days ago) by Skykristal


9 Votes
16 Votes ⭐⭐
70 Votes ⭐⭐⭐
123 Votes ⭐⭐⭐⭐
28 Votes ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Random 4pm thought, hello 👋

if you'd rate TH as a whole, how good or bad would your review be? (Features, community, UI etc) 

Me personally I'd give ⭐⭐⭐. The features are amazing and offer quite a lot, the user interface is very confusing, but good if you are used to it, and the community is not really all the great to me. (By that I mean that barely anyone intacts with you. It's a post and run culture in many cases which make me personally feel disconnected. Well forum games can be great sometimes but usually people struggle to read the most basic stuff (generally, not only forum games)). Overall I'd remove the most stars for the community aspect as well as moderation. For the most part this site moderates itself. As a storage, the main purpose of this site, I would give ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐.  And like ⭐ for selling lmao.

Feel free to write a review, or just vote 


four stars if you ignore the forums
potential five stars if more people are brought on for moderation


Four stars because it really is a great (and unique!) little site for organizing original content. The only thing holding it back from being "perfect" is the lack of updates and moderation. But even as it currently exists, I love Toyhouse.


Four stars

Good at storing characters, super good features, but needs more moderation + the community is whack sometimes




- many useful features such as sub-galleries, sorting favorites, bulletins

- easy UI

- uses HTML coding (which is arguably the easiest type of coding)

- can write literature


- literally 1 mod 

- community can be a shitshow (which can be solved to an extent by mods)

- hardly any updates / maintenance is only used for bug fixes


100% 4 stars, id give it 5 if there was more moderation, and if there was a bit more organization features! Been using this site for years and have loved it since then! Sure the ui’s a bit wonkier than most sites but it doesnt bother me all that much


3 stars

it's a great site for character and world building
the community is nice too at least in Creators Corner and Off Topic + as long as I stay away from at least Service Reviews

but reason why I only give a 3 is the lack of moderation and very little site progress for a loooong time, if were resolved (hopefully one day) I would bump up to at least 4 stars

5 stars would be a site that has very little issues in general with great moderation, so far I found 0 sites that fits into that


It's all that I know, and there really isn't a better site I know of for this. 4 stars. -1 star due to lack of an active mod team


Going with 3 stars. 

It's perfect for storing my characters and being a place where I can write everything about them. It's an awesome place for me to tell my stories. Once you get used to the interface it's easy to navigate and make edits whenever needed. Folders were confusing to set up at first, but now I have no issue with them and it helps me organize everything as I see fit. If this was all the site was, I would bump the score to 4 stars.

The community side is honestly what keeps me from giving it that score though. It almost feels nonexistent at times. People are around and they talk, but rarely do you have any real interaction with others. I agree that it seems to be a very post-and-run atmosphere. I'm very guilty of this as well, and I think the main reason why it happens is because a lot of us are socially awkward or have some form of social anxiety that makes it hard to reach out to others. Personally, I want to talk to people more, but oftentimes fear keeps me from replying to people due to thinking I will just annoy them. There is also some sort of stigma against pinging people, which makes it hard to reply to people without knowing if pinging them will annoy or upset them. I don't recall ever really seeing that sort of thing on any other website, and it makes it hard to talk to people at times. TH just doesn't seem like a good place to meet people or make friends. If anything, it's more of a stepping stone for finding discord servers where you can make better connections with people.

The atmosphere at times feels really heavy and negative, especially if you lurk in service reviews. That board is constantly misused for petty reasons, and it makes someone like me even more hesitant to post online because you never know who will take a small slight as a way to try to ruin your life. People are called out for some of the dumbest reasons on there, and oftentimes it's not for anything business-related. I feel like all social media sites suffer from this, but on TH it feels even worse since the community is so much smaller than something like Twitter. Maybe I'm just not in the main demographic for this site, but as an adult, I feel really lonely whenever I'm on the forums. It's the culture of the site though, and until something changes I feel like it will get worse before it gets better.


Four stars because it's a simple site that can be customized very well, making amazing profiles. One star removed due to the moderation.


four stars! i like the site a lot ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ though like other have said forum moderation would improve it drastically


I feel like everyone who can comment on this thread will bring up Moderation, but idk why guys the tickets get answered swiftly wym /j

I'd say 3.5 stars. For the purpose of character storage and making their profiles pretty, TH has got it down (which is good because that's the first and foremost of this website). However, lack of moderation and community culture aside, this website is 10x more buggy on Mobile. Definitely some changes need to be made (especially with the "Toy house needs to verify whether you're safe" the moment I'm in Desktop mode on my phone and Ive clicked a link to check out someone's purge.... This will prompt like 4-5 times easily during my doom scrolling and it causes me to have to switch out Desktop into regular for like.. a page. It's really annoying).


BlueQuill sure tickets gets answered swiftly but some doesn't get their ticket answered at all

we're mainly talking about lack of moderation with forums, especially when it comes to the gud ol toxic Service Reviews

there's even 0 mods on this site aside from the Admin/Owner, that's another issue regarding moderation