PSA about "blackout text"

Posted 6 years, 7 months ago (Edited 6 years, 7 months ago) by aska-ray

Hey everyone.

Does THIS and THIS look similar to you? Yes? That's fine! But please switch your theme to... well I'm assuming this works on anything but 'default' but try "night" for a sec

They are different! So please when you use blackout text to hide things, make sure to select the background AND the text to be the same color! Don't assume it'll just be blocked out because the theme's default text color is black (because it isn't for all themes). Which means that if you wanted to censor out sensitive's not being censored at all.

Thanks have a nice day!

edit: I just checked all the current themes. The themes teal, bee movie, and velvet snake all have white as the default text color, so keep that in mind! (Pink theme has a pink color, you can see it through the black but it's more difficult).

**why this happens if you don't know: when you change the color of text with the text editor, it overrides the theme's original CSS for text color. For example, the default theme's text color is black, but for the night theme, the default color is white. If you do not specify a color when using the editor, it will just automatically assume the default theme color! This is a good thing to think about when making profiles, too (the amount of profiles I have to highlight just to read-).


yeah... i just realized the difference when i switched to pink velvet hours ago oTL


@uchuujinwanco yeah, it's pretty glaring... i don't mind so much (i'm that person that reads every page of the vent thread) but i know a lot of people don't wanna see certain things so.........yeah


every thread needs this psa, smh


yea I tried it in all themes and I can see the first /this/ on all of them

also I'm on a default theme because I've been having problems with font colors on other ones, whatever that has to do with anything X_X


I always wondered why some blackout text was never blacked out for me, cause I'm always in night mode.


lol I always wondered why no one had their text actually blacked out, 'cept the occasional few. I forgot the default theme's default text color was black since I've been using Night for so long rip.

Seriously though, this!


Using Bee since it came out and I've wondered about this, too. Thank you for pointing out how to fix it!


Thank you for making this PSA!

I always try to remember to use the black text, because honestly, on the default theme, I can still read black out text. (And that's with me needing new glasses and being several feet away from the screen)


@DivviviaOlexiusG is it just color or is it all format options?

if it's just color, there's a drop icon next to the smilieface icon, that will help you choose color :)

if it's everything, do you have your WYSIWYG editor on? I think sometimes it just turns off 



I find myself blocking out text with colours or not-quite-black just to be 100% safe! Like this. It makes it harder to forget to change the text colour.

Also as a sidenote I see a few character profiles around the place which have white/very pale backgrounds but default-colored text. They probably look fine with the default theme but it makes them a real pain to read with most alternate themes 'cause you have to highlight everything in order to see it!