What the most ridiculous DNI that you have seen?

Posted 2 months, 18 days ago (Edited 2 months, 18 days ago) by NappyBby

(EDITED BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE MISUNDERSTOOD!) Mainly that you have seen. But I wanna hear other people opinions.

Let's be nice and don't mention their user for privacy reasons!



*Insert Star Wars intro text crawl and theme music

Also I love how the first one has just "Tommyinnit" in it, like not "Tommyinnit fans", just simply "Tommyinnit". I know it's likely a mistake on their part but it really sounds like a personal animosity and I'm crying lmao

I really hope these are just bait, I just dearly hope. but at this point I'm not surprised by terminally online of this magnitude hhhh


Oh yeah, DNI regarding what people like/dislike are the most generally ridiculous to me. But idk what's more egregious, "DNI if you like (insert thing I hate)!" or "DNI if you DON'T like (insert thing I love)!"

Also I feel like the "basic DNI criteria" should be just common sense at this point, especially in a not ""superheteronormative""(???) space like this even. Because I feel like unless someone is a member of a hate group, or a troll, No one would outright identify or even see themself as an actual -ist or -phobic.


"Dni if you have a dni list".

Why have a Dni for dni lists if you already literally have a dni for this sort of thing??? You're just contradictory in a way..


I've always found DNI lists kind of silly. One time I came across one that said DNI Markiplier fans and I audibly said "What?" because why on earth would someone have beef with Markiplier

vvv If my 2-year-old little sister could read she'd be devastated omg


the funniest DNI i have seen is someone's bio on tiktok that said "numberblocks fans DNI /srs." i have also seen someone telling people with the same name as them to not interact in their DNI.


To be honest, all DNI lists are ridiculous to me, nothing's stopping me or anyone else from interacting with your page (short of avoiding them altogether because they must be miserable and no fun to be around). That being said, the ridiculous DNIs I've seen and remember off the top of my head are:

Any DNI from -kins; if you're (insert thing you have no control over, i.e skin color); names that begin with T; early birds; goth girls; facial hair; good dental hygiene; general political shit; people who drink causally; woke people; catboys...


dni if you like (insert media)

bro what ☠️ no one’s gonna harm you because they said “i like genshin”

also small note in my dni there’s something that’s basically “dni if you dni people because of their interests” lmao


I was just thinking about this the other day and wondering if anyone else thought they were "worse than useless" for a variety of reasons lmao
Ran across a serious DNI list that said:

"DNI if you post, are a fan of, support, or are neutral on any of the following media/creators: Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, harry potter, attack on titan, detroit: become human, omori" among other things

Oh no! I have..... "a neutral opinion of Jacksepticeye" ???????


i think it's just a weird thing in general to put "dni if you are homophobic" or whatever like anyone who is a bigot cares/is going to click away because they're suddenly self-aware about being homophobic. it's pretty ridiculous to have a dni in general so i just block people that make me feel unsafe or who i know i will have a bad time interacting with. there are plenty of bigots out there and i just need to take accountability for myself and my own comfort so it's easiest to filter through manually - nobody's gonna click away if they dislike me.


not a specific dni criteria, but anyone who puts "general DNI criteria" on their dni is either dumb or using it as a way to farm morality points... like, at that point, you're literally just saying "dni if ur bad". that's literally a given for most people. you don't have to specify that. people aren't gonna think you love racism and transphobia because you don't put "racists dni" on your profile warning

on a polar opposite note, i have seen quite a few "DNI you have the same name as me" which is about as comically specific as it gets


DNIs to religions/ethnic groups/countries will be the death of me. I don’t get them. People from certain countries don’t reflect their government, and the internet seems to forget religious people make up BILLIONS of the world population. 85% of the world identifies with some kind of religion 💀 I get weeding out extremists and religious trauma is 100% a thing BUT also maybe weeding out 85% of the world population from interacting with you and complaining why you don’t get more than 15 likes isn’t really smart…

Same thing with the DNI insert sexuality y’all will use this to be thinly homo/transphobic and it’s not slick. /nbh

Also I saw someone put capitalists or capitalist countries DNI and like???? Homie IT IS A CHARACTER STORAGE SITE 💀 


"Dni if ur into *insert non problematic media (such as Demon Slayer, JJK, Csm, CRK, Genshin, ect)* like dude?? 😭😭what's the person into genshin gonna do. Say ooga booga and scare you? The only reason I kinda get this is with problematic media or wtvr😭


i don't personally understand the whole "dni (fandom" thing because it's easy to just block or not follow someone back. i personally don't like hazbin hotel but i dont care if people who enjoy it follow me and i can always block them if they upset me. i personally do have "DNI proshippers" on my profile because i realllly don't want to interact with them but if they follow me i'll just block.


saw one that said "dni if ur a xenogender" and... their moot.... was a xeno.....