Post your pets

Posted 2 months, 1 day ago by HeinzDoofenshmirtz

Do you like guinea pigs?

35 Votes Yes
2 Votes No

These are my sons Sir Pancakes and Professor Waffles.  I would love to see your pets!!VrwQWuS.jpeg


such cuties!! I love their names! a friend of mine used to have guinea pigs too. 

I've got two spoods, there's pictures and everything in there. ^^ just a little warning for spiders ofc.


My dog (Lottie):


My grandma's cats (Davy and Sissy):


My grandma's other cat (Charcoal):



I have two cats, Fanny and Fenway :D



Skykristal Your spiders are extremely cool!  I saw that it said Ori hasn’t eaten in 2 months… How long can they go without eating?


this is my dog mocha


he’s the silliest best thing in the world



thank you so much!! :] How long they can go without eating depends on a couple of factors actually. I always worry about my ladies so I do a ton of research. They're both adults, Ori too. Her abdomen/butt is still "full" (there's a guide for what's full and what's hungry & concerning) 

in short: full butt = doesn't need to be fed. (not to be confused with being gravid tho)

they can go months without food as adults. However, as slings (babies) they can easily die within a few days without food. I've seen a couple of discussions and posts all over the internet and some say 4+ months with no food can be normal. But can also be a sign that it's the end of their lifespan. older = lower food interest, no interest in hunting 

idk if she's near her end, or just not hungry... But I hope I'll still have her for a bit longer. <3


everyone on this thread, please give your pets little headpats for me. thank you



Tortie on the left is our old housecat Sassy. She's missing part of her tail. We inherited her from my deceased grandmother. She's normally quite asocial, but has been coming around in her old age. She used to fight (play) with my previous housecat, Cosmas...he died in 2016. She's gotten quite cuddly with my mother since my dad died last year...I know she misses him.

Black cat on the right mother named him Darth, I refuse to call him that, to me he's a goblin. Or a hairbag. Or a big sack of hair. Whatever, I can't figure out how to handle all the hair. We inherited him from the outside after I'd been feeding him for some months (my dad used to feed him, I took over after he went to the hospital last summer), he's a stray, he decided one cold day he wanted to come in and never leave, we took him to the vet for a tapeworm and he had no chip but had been odd...couldn't find any missing notices for him on Facebook or anything. I don't think we have a catch-&-release program here. Who pays to get a cat neutered then just...lets it run away and never looks for it? He's...very clingy, toward me. Like he expects me to change my mind and throw him back out. Nope, I'm stuck with him, hair and all. Weirdly, he was scared of rooms for a long time like he's unfamiliar with houses, and doesn't seem to know how to play with toys, or that he can retract his claws. Oh, plus he farts and drools a lot, and usually has a little drip on his nose. Sassy hated him at first, but lately has been figuring out how to fight (play) with him. Took a while, like they speak different languages.

Here they're giving me disgusted and woeful looks over the barrenness of the food bowl. They share that language, at least.

EDIT: Just remembered I saved this from Imgur, it seems appropriate:



Oh my gosh i love your piggies so much, the Abyssinian breed is my absolute favorite 

I’ve had 4 piggies total, 2 when i was in 6th grade and another 2, which i have rn, that i got after the other two passed. White one is Mayonnaise (mainly just call him mayo) brown one is Beans. (Full name is Bushs baked beans) Since mayo is white with a dark brown spots on his booty (mold spot ☠️) hes alot easier to take photos of. But since beans is such a dark brown, it’s real hard to get pictures of him unless i take him into the living room or oitside when its sunny out. Which sucks since hes such a handsome fellow 😔

(Had them out while i was cleanin their cages here. Mayo got something on his nose which i cleaned off before i put him back)


Besides the piggies i got two dogs. Blond one is a collie shepherd mix who is 10 year old, almost 11. The Husky is 4 yrs old. Tho to an incident she has a limp in her back left leg which she sometimes drags/hops on. got to the point she was dragging her foot on the sidewalk so much she filed down this one nail and it was bleeding so bad we had to go to the vet. So we put a lil boot on her back foot before letting her outside.



i love seeing pet threads i love seeing all these silly goobers fr

These are my cats Jasper and Cheeto :] Love them they are very silly. Jasper is kind of lazy and pretty affectionate (if he likes you), and Cheeto is your classic goofy dumbass ginger. Jasper likes to also clean Cheeto where she just wants to run around and play, so he will sometimes just sit on her to do that it's funny



manual bump...


OHHHHH GUINEA PIGS!!! i've had several over the years and don't have any currently but here's my most recent pair, ginger and patches! i've always taught mine to stay on little fleece lap blankets on the couch so they can come hang out with me and when they poop it's not a big deal which is where ginger is at in the first picture. and then on the right is my service dog in training angel!


I'm not a super big pet person, but cats are the exception! We have six but here are the two that chill in my room all the time. Their names are Milkshake (solid white) and Kisses (brown/white). They're super close siblings and always fall asleep in my lap when I draw/game/write!


Bonus baby pictures below! They both turned one year old on the 20th!
