I want to see what people look for when it comes to making characters or any details that make you like about a character. Is it their backstory? A marking that you like? Etc.. 


I love being able to see an oc is loved, lots of in-character art, extra bits like diagrams and alt outfits, an in depth backstory and personality, bonus points if they've been expanded out to have aus ontop of their base lore

As for just eye candy ocs? Color palettes and outfits are the things that catch my eye the most as a humanoid artist 


If the overall OC fits my interests.
- personality
- artstyle and art quality
- theme and vibe
- specific modern fantasy aspects/ concepts
are the main features that depend on the character and vary heavily on what I find interesting and what not.
If it fits, it fits. 

For example, I can not care about a pink-haired girl on one occasion, but I absolutely can on another. Or I can find a monster OC boring, but the next very interesting. There is no very clear & set detail that makes me go HECK YEAH, and its rare. Though I mostly like adult ocs more than others, in any case.


I am very big on story. Most of the time when I like a character it is because I am intrigued by their story in one way or another. Rarely is it because of design. If you write a captivating story that is up to my extremely high standards, I will be following around your character like a lost dog.


if they look cool, I'm instantly hooked. It also depends on the art style cuz I'm really biased for art styles that are cartoon ish 

And if they're roblox related.. that's an extra point : D



seriously though i enjoy more unique concepts/fun twists on "basic" concepts 


A detailed history! There are some really awesome designs around here but if they have no story they're just...designs. :/ To me it's the story that makes the character.

Sadly, even most users who say they have detailed histories for their characters usually don't post them. I guess they figure nobody reads them, maybe they're right for the most part. Even with a detailed history, a character has to speak to me in a way. I'm not into really mundane uneventful lives, or fandom things. I like unique emotional rollercoasters, especially if they relate to my personal interests (which almost never happens, thus why I write my own).


Design - Ocs with bright colors always catch my eye! Besides, I like simple but efficent designs, when the oc is complex it's cool too, but it doesn't catch my eye as much as a simple design that still suceeds at portraying the idea

Story - I like stories that are well-written and different parts are sorted into their own places. Genuinely, no matter how I try, I can't bring myself to read big walls of text- If they're sorted into their own subcategories, however, it's very easy for me, and I always read stories like this!

Of course, characters that are of fandoms I know catch my eye more than just the typical characters. But I think that's for everyone lol


If they keep posting stuffs about their OCs a lot plus having a comic then I would definitely enjoy them a lot. Examples like z-t00ns and wafferscotch come to my mind about this


Depends! If Im buying a character, it’s always the design and art style. I love being a loyal shopper to my favorite design artists, and will always support someone whose art style speaks to me over someone who’s art I don’t connect with, even if they’re an amazing artist/more popular designer.

For myself? I always start with a personality and aesthetic first, then connect with their history, and only draw them once I have a clear vision of them in my mind. 


Depends! If Im buying a character, it’s always the design and art style. I love being a loyal shopper to my favorite design artists, and will always support someone whose art style speaks to me over someone who’s art I don’t connect with, even if they’re an amazing artist/more popular designer.

For myself? I always start with a personality and aesthetic first, then connect with their history, and only draw them once I have a clear vision of them in my mind. 


I usually only get invested in peoples ocs if theyre my friends or are a comic character of some sort. otherwise i dont read peoples stories and just look at the characters to steal traits from and rework in my own way lol


I like it when people draw lore art 


Tbh im so oc-pilled I will give every persons oc a chance bcs I love seeing what people come up with. But I especially adore seeing ocs with lots of art / have existed for a long time, there's just something so special about a well loved oc