♦ Unpopular Opinion Thread ♦

Posted 5 years, 5 months ago (Edited 5 years, 4 months ago) by Enigma_Host


Since the original Unpopular Opinion Thread is locked (it turned into a shit-show reeeaaal fast) , I've gotten permission to remake it. 

I've decided to use the original rules for the thread since those were gucci

Edit: I didn't mean to post ic aaaaaaaa

Spoilers: Rules

- Don't be very rude or snarky to others. Remember, everyone has their own personal opinions.

- Disagreeing with someone's opinion is allowed, as long as it's not rude.

- Yo don't namedrop people, even if they're not on this site.

- To avoid causing a mess, refrain from starting an argument at all times!

- If there's something wrong going on in this thread, or if it's going out-of-hand, please PM me so that I can take care of it!

- Vaguing someone is prohibited, and it's connected to the third rule.

- Please do not post more than twice per page, so that it won't cause too much of a mess.

- It's okay if you vent, don't go too all-out on it. This is not the Vent Board.

- Also, please try not to turn this thread into a saltfest.

- Please, no opinions focused on racism, LGBT, politics, religion and the like. These will cause a massive flamewar. Controversial opinions are also not allowed unless taken lightly.

- Don't say stuff like "I don't like X" or "What? I love X!" in a way that's aggressive. This is meant to be a nice thread about sharing your unpopular opinions, not countering someone else's opinion.

-If it's something nsfw, use a spoiler box, or blackout the text  like this

- Don't call this thread out as a "bad idea." If you don't like this thread, please do not post here.

-Failure to comply with these rules will result in a warning, or ban depending on how severely you broke the rules.

Ey yo,  if you see someone breaking the rules, pm me. I love it when ppl do this because I'm a blind bih.

Banned Users

None (yet, but I think it's time to bring this bad boy out.)



Nah, I heard the fandom is not that much better. People sent suicide baiting messages to a girl who drew rose quartz skinny.


timeandtimor I'm talking about both. The reveal that the cop guy was faking all along threw away a lot of character development. It really had no hints, as what the game shows you afterwards could  never actually be deduced while playing. I would've liked it if they actually laid out clues and didn't just rewrite scenes to make th player look like fools. But honestly everything leading up to that was amazing.


Dainties are too expensive for itself and too generic


Burgerpants is the best undertale character


I dip my pizza in ranch or ceasar dressing and it’s great


As much as I don't like Fairy Tail, I don't think it's that bad of a series. Yeah, it does have a lot of flaws after the Tenrou Island Arc, but these don't make FT bad in general. The same can be said for Sword Art Online.


I enjoyed DBH enough to play for a week+ straight, for pretty much the whole time I was awake, and then nearly every day for about a month to get the platinum/seeing the different outcomes. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


It might be more of a pet peeve than an unpopular opinion but I hate how fandoms always have to make it all about the ships or NSFW.

Just give me someone to talk about character development, headcanons, and (platonic) relationship development between the characters. Why does it always have to be about smut. It's coming from an adult, by the way.