General pet peeves thread

Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Edited 3 years, 6 months ago) by PS-X

6/11/19: big description edit

This is the thread for general pet peeves. I don't mean character ones or fandom pet peeves, I mean random, not specific to anything pet peeves.


1. Please don't name anybody.

2. If anybody starts to argue, take it to profile comments or PMs.

3. Black out any sensitive content.


Tfw a person makes good art, but they do horrible things online.

rip potential you will be missed

(This isn't directed at anyone)


kokohearts I can second this. I was a little taken aback when I saw my art up on their DA with no credit as they were adding it in for a contest. -_-


Ya wanna know what my biggest pet peeve EVER is?

People. Spoiling. Everything.

More specifically, movies.

More more specifically, Avengers Endgame

Even Marvel and the cast themselves is telling you trolls to NOT spoil the Endgame, and what do you go and do? Spoil it everywhere on the Internet for the poor souls who haven’t seen it yet and want to enjoy the journey without getting spoilers beforehand just as I and many others did.

Remember, Thanos still demands your silence!


Not being taken seriously. It happens a lot more than it should irl

And don’t even get me started on group projects. I always work with people I’m friends with, but they never do any work so I just.. ask them to do literally anything to get credited for their ‘participation’

God it’s the worst. I rather count on myself for my grades thanks 


when you're recovering from a cold/flu and ur nose does the thing where it's all crusty/sore all the time. awful


Uhh I think something that grinds my gears is probably assuming that one art style is better than another, or one medium is better than another. All art styles and mediums are equal. Though taking a blurry screenshot of a sketch in the dark doesn't help whatsoever honestly. It's all how you present it I think, and if you're able to present it right, you can make something nice, if not entertaining for comedic purposes. 


Okaaayyyy so I commented a while back and now I'm back with more.

1: Just gonna go ahead and say it again: DOUBLE STANDARDS. If you can't practice what you preach, don't go screaming in my face about your morals.

2: When you don't know something and people treat you like you're the absolute scum of the earth.  Like wow, excuse me for being a human who is still learning things.  Educate me, don't belittle me.  Like, I'm scared to ask questions now because of this.

3: When you ask people not to do or say a certain thing because it upsets you, but they keep doing it anyway because "Your reaction is funny."

4: This doesn't happen very often, but when I draw free art for someone and they pick apart everything like "Why does the guy look like a girl???" "ugh your proportions aren't totally perfect!!!" "You call THAT shading??" I did this for you for FREE.  You didn't pay me a dime.  Be grateful that I even thought of you enough to spend my time on this. It's especially disheartening when this is coming from someone who is supposed to be a friend.

5: Okay, before I get into this one, lemme say right off the bat: I DON'T DISLIKE DOGS.  I like them as much as any other animal.  But I don't like dog lovers who talk shit about cats just because they're a common pet that aren't dogs.  I've had countless dog lovers threaten to kill my cats or send their dogs after my cats to eat them.  That's more than just a pet peeve, I genuinely hate that.  


When I'm trying to watch a show and people keep talking to me. Don't get me wrong I love to chat but if I say I want a bit of space so I can watch something for idk an hour or so I don't want to be disturbed with aimless conversation and idle comments I'm expected to respond to whilst I'm watching that show. Especially when the people doing it are quick to get pissy with me if I talk over a show they want to watch but don't bother telling me they're watching something .

I always feel bad for telling people not to talk to me unless the house is on fire or we go to Crew Alert until I'm done watching that episode but sometimes if I really want to watch something I have to and I shouldn't need to. I'm asking for just 1 hour to myself, that's all. If you keep insisting on talking to me it's gonna take me longer to finish that episode. 

Recently, I've had 2 cabin mates where we'd have idk 30 mins to an hour wherein we'd pretend the other person didn't exist in the evenings and we'd use that time to facetime/phone home, watch a bit of a film/a TV show episode or just have a bit of breathing room and it works really well but not everyone likes doing that which is frustrating. When you live in close quarters like that being able to indulge in a little bit of escapism is a godsend and super important.

At this point I'd honestly prefer to watch the episodes of any show I'm following over the shitty half hour breaks (which I hate doing) than watch a show in the evening and keep getting interrupted.


People who repost stolen art to get the likes should burn.
It's so low to use others work to get appreciation.
{not a big fan of these GIRL POWAHHH series, but this particular meme is gud}



Getting a cold. :'^)



Ugh, same. Especially when I've just gotten over one.


Websites with ‘help’ chat bots that spam you as soon as the page loads.

I get it’s supposed to streamline things but dude back off I haven’t even had the chance to read the first sentence of the article I’m here to read.

I’ve come across a few of these on archive/resource type websites when I’ve been trying to do some base research for various plots recently, not only is it super distracting because once that bot pops up and starts flashing at me or spamming me with notifications that’s now all I can focus on it’s also really annoying.