🛍️The recent purchase thread🛒

Posted 5 years, 2 months ago (Edited 3 years, 18 days ago) by ChatMod

Hi hi! This was planned to be another weekly prompt for Weekly Random Discussion thread but then we thought this kind of topic would be better as a general thread.

Post your recent purchases that you feel like worth to be shared here. This includes both physical or intangible purchases, whether you bought it in-person or online! Though, to keep this thread safe for public, there are some things you can and cannot share. Some examples on what is alright to share...

What you can share
What you can't share
  • Any small or big purchases, includes new CDs, books, foods, collectibles or any services like e-books, streaming service or drawing programs.
  • Recently purchased a commission? Feel free to share here as well as the Show Off Your Newest Character Art! or Positive Service Reviews!
  • Purchases of any new characters or designs are allowed as well.
  • Hauls? Collections? Go ahead!
  • Pictures/photos of your recent purchase are also allowed as long as it doesn't break the rules in the right box.
  • Anything NSFW or things related to drugs, offensive or heavy topics, etc.
  • If you're posting an image that may be sensitive to others (sharp objects, etc), put it under a spoiler.
  • You can promote certain sale or discount period to let others know but do not use this thread as an advantage to excessively advertise.

Happy shopping and spend wisely 🛍️


Went to a local comics expo and got a few things (zine, longer comic, comic anthology). + not really a purchase but I got some pointers on where to connect w/the local comic community more so that's neat

also I got 2 LPS later on. They're the last of the blindbox pets that I wanted (I'm not going for a full set, just the ones I really want) so collecting is gonna be put on pause


I got possessed by the spirit of a keychain enthusiast while wandering a convention and opened my bag to find all of this when I got home9a45a142c7743e98e67184cb13f0114cff9758b7


I would give an image but sadly i don’t have the keychains with me 3

But only 3 days ago i bought some HSR keychains! They were quite cheap (27 thousand each, except for Gepard who was on offer, so i got him for 19 thousand)! They shipped quickly and i am proud with them 🥹