ゴ ゴ Jojo's Bizarre Discussion Thread ゴ ゴ

Posted 5 years, 21 days ago (Edited 5 years, 20 days ago) by Xhat

dd4j43k-25daa008-bb0d-4f92-af3c-792dce6dWelcome to the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Discussion Thread! dd4j43k-25daa008-bb0d-4f92-af3c-792dce6d

Hello and welcome to the JJBA discussion thread! As the title may imply, this thread exists as a discussion thread for all things jojo - whether it be the anime, manga, or any of the aspect of the fandom that you wish to talk about. As of now there isn't a set list of rules to abide by, but I do ask that you tag spoilers, remain polite to your fellow users, and refrain from 18+ conversation. Nonetheless, feel free to scream about the jojo!!

Here are a few questions that you can answer to break the Vanilla Ice, per se:

  • How did you find/get into Jojo's Bizarre Adventure?
  • Which part are you currently on? Did you start with the anime or manga?
  • Do you have a favourite character? Favourite stand? Favourite part?
  • Have you created any characters for the JJBA fandom?

This section is being saved for a potential discussion/activity thing - stay tuned!

Aaand, I suppose that I should answer my own questions!

  • I can't remember the specifics, but I believe that I had seen a mixture of clever memes and fanart in relation to JJBA. At the time I'd been looking for something to watch, and well, here I am!
  • I've read/watched up to Jojolion, but have given it a break with the intention of returning to it soon. I initially watched the first three seasons of the anime, then caught myself up with the manga.
  • My favourite characters hands down are Risotto and Doppio. However, I also have special spots for Prosciutto, Mista, Fugo, Okuyasu, and Iwasuke. Favourite stands would be Killer Queen, Purple Haze, Spice Girl, and White Album. And, if it wasn't already apparent, Part 5 happens to be at the top of my list.
  • I have! They're all branches off of part 5 [surprise, I know] but exist in a separate area with only brief appearances from the canon characters.

Nice choice of avatar.

Started because of all the memes. Stayed for the awesome story. Currently reading JJL and I started with the manga.

It's hard to pick an overall fave character, but I'd have to go with either Diavolo or Doppio. All the mysteries make it super interesting. I do adore Gyro too though.

Johnny is my fave JoJo, with Gyro being my fave JoBro. Valentine is my 2nd fave JoFoe after Diavolo.

As for a fave Stand... Again, a very hard choice. I separate the sentient Stands from the non-sentient ones when picking faves. 

So fave normal Stands would be: Diver Down, White Album, D4C, Tusk and, Soft & Wet. Fave sentient Stands are Sex Pistols, Foo Fighters, Whitesnake, Paisley Park and, Spice Girl. Honourable mentions for Weather Report/Heavy Weather and, Echoes ACT 3.

Steel Ball Run or Vento Aureo would be my fave part. I really did love Stone Ocean too though.

Lastly, I haven't created any OCs for the series.


How did you find/get into Jojo's Bizarre Adventure?

i found Jojo through netflix! They had Arc one a few years ago(about 3 or more idr) and i had it on my list for a bit ajd decided to give it a try.

Which part are you currently on? Did you start with the anime or manga?

I started with the anime at arcs 1-3 and then read the manga 4-8 . I plan on reading the mangas again but only arc 4-8.i know arc 1-3 so well LMAO

Do you have a favourite character? Favourite stand? Favourite part?

oh god i do. i have quite a few. I'll name like my big BIG loves. Fav chars ofc my trash dad Dio, The pillar men (more so Wham but its very even),  Vanilla Ice, Jotaro, Joksuke, Kira, Okuyasu ,Mikitaka, Diavolo/Doppio, Abbacchio, Mista, Fugo, Melone, Risotto, Prosciutto, Narciso,Pucci,Rikiel Gyro,and  Diego

Stands would be Whitesnake, Killer Queen, Kiss, Foo fighters, Black Sabbath, Purple Haze, Death thirteen, Cream, Cinderella, Enigma, Highway star, sticky fingers,  King crimson, Oasis, The greatful dead, dirty deeds done dirt cheap, aanndddd nut king call

My favorite part is arc 1-3 because Dio is big love and arc two has The pillar men. Its also the arcs ive invested the most time in to but i also love arc 4 and 5 for aesthetic reasons and somewhat plot. Also of really awesome stands and cool n funky characters are in those two arcs.

Have you created any characters for the JJBA fandom?

i did have one a While ago but im working on one now!


Vector HellMilk - It's great to see some fellow jojo fans out there!! Those are def some good choices for fave characters, and I couldn't agree more. *v* If y'all don't mind me asking, are you currently watching the anime for part five?


I put Jojo on pause because i was hellbent on starting and catching up with One Piece lmao. so I have not watched arc 5 yet. I plan on it tho after i recap and rewatch arc 4!


I'm currently watching the anime for Vento Aureo. Watched each episode at least twice by now. In the instance of Doppio's ep... seven times.


Hellmilk, You can definitely rest assured that you have a wonderful anime to come back to when you decide to rewatch, though! qvq

Vector, Oooo, me too - Doppio's episode was just too good and the backstory was just --- hoo boy! Love me some Doppio. ;0; You have me beat by a few more watches lol.


t h e r e s  a  s h a r k  i n  m y  s o u p


m u f f l e d  s c r e a m i n g

[welcome, by the way!!]



I love that line bc I legit said it out loud before the character did and when he said it in the anime, I lost my shit LOL 

I'll be happy to answer the questions when I have the time <3 


nyo ho, i believe i have been called

How did you find/get into JoJo's Bizarre Adventure?

Well, one of my friends got into it in around October and was obsessed with it for the longest time and she kept making references and showing me memes and stuff. One day I bought the first manga because she kept telling me to read/watch it, and I got interested so I decided to watch the anime. Now here I am, woo

Which part are you currently on? Did you start with the anime or the manga?

Just caught up with Vento Aureo and reading Steel Ball Run! As said before, I started with the manga. I think I started watching in around February and just binged right through it, though I took a "JoJo's hiatus" after starting part 4 because it seemed really boring to me at first

Do you have a favorite character? Favorite Stand? Favorite part?

Its legitimately hard to choose just one, they're all so loveable tbh. The first character I ended up getting really attached to for some reason was Kakyoin. I've cosplayed him recently at a con and bought a plushie of him. Abbaccio is another one of my mega favorites, I got one of those 40$ figures of him. I've also taken a liking to Rohan because of his "amazing" personality. Kira and Kars are two of my favorite villains, honestly what is up with me and people who's name that starts with k ????? ajfbsjfbs

I'm in love with Killer Queen, i adore the song and he's just hella cool man?? Who doesn't love a good exploding cat man?? Magician's Red is p cool too because I love birds and fire. Boom, fried chimken. Spice Girl, Purple Haze, and White Album are a few others

As for my favorite part, Im not very sure. All I can say is that part 3 left a gaping hole in my heart for some reason, you know that feeling. (Also is it just me or does any part after part 3 not really seem JoJo's? I got used to it being "buff men fighting ancient forces of evil" or something of the sort) Part 7 is also really good, I'm planning to cosplay Diego for the next con I'm going to >:))

Have you ever created any characters for the JJBA fandom?

Ive made a few! I designed a Stand for myself. He might seem a bit generic looking since he's basically a dog, but I've connected with him more than any other I've tried to design.

I also made a Stand user in the past, he was a french guy named Lucien. I designed his stand before I watched part 4 and he looks quite a bit like Killer Queen, whoops. They're pretty much retired now




Don't you mean a gaping hole in your stomach?

I'm sorry.

All the parts feel like JoJo to me.


Oh for sure! I already read part 5 so ik what happens I'm just excited to see it all animated.! I have a pin I got from a con that i wear at work that says 'is that a jojo reference' and 2-3 ppl recognized it , so that made me really happy. Idk if anyone else here collects figures but I'm excited for the Dio Minissimo nendoroid! I currently have killer queen atm and plan on getting Jotaro as well. I've been iffy about buying medicos figures as most of the ones i want are older and im unsure where to buy them in box and legit rip//


How did you find/get into Jojo's Bizarre Adventure?

At school, a lot of my close friends love Jojos and always talk/meme about it, so I had to give it a shot. I knew a bunch of jojo references before even finishing part one haha

Which part are you currently on? Did you start with the anime or manga?

I’ve only been watching the anime, and I’m up to part 3. (I watched part 1 dubbed, and part’s 2 and 3 dubbed no one can stop me) I haven’t watched it in a few weeks, which I need to get back on soon oops

Do you have a favorite character? Favourite stand? Favourite part?

If I had to choose, I’d say so far my favorite is Jospeh Joestar (part 2), but old Joseph is pretty good too. I currently don’t have a favorite stand, and my favorite part is part 2!

Have you created any characters for the JJBA fandom?

I haven’t! I might consider it as I delve further into the series. 




ahh yes, cried because of today's episode