◆ The Vent Board

Posted 7 years, 4 months ago (Edited 4 years, 9 months ago) by Ventmod

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wicked Rumiiya similar palettes you say... >_>


Complaint: this weekend's been a time and a half ugh. I've got all this work I've been wanting to get done but everything's been too crap with family to concentrate. And now I think I'm sick on top of it =/

I'm ready for summer again Dx


my art is bad and i feel bad


Waltz I see you are also prone to dark skin and bright hair


@ mom if you dont feel good you have a bedroom you can nap it. You dont have to sleep in the living room. Frickin would tell me to go upstairs but you cant be bothered to walk 3 feet into your room. 


Rumiiya Shamefully so... dark skin + bright hair + pink/purple palettes is my eternal bias whoops


TW: Politics and Emotionally Charged Ranting 

Stop defending nazis. STOP DEFENDING NAZIS. Stop defending people who are advocating for the death and destruction of any other race than the white race! Stop defending people opening calling for the genocide of the jewish population! Stop defending people openly calling for the genocide of the black community! BY THE 'EASIEST AND CLEANEST' WAYS POSSIBLE! STOP SAYING THESE PEOPLE DESERVE TO SPEAK AND ARE PROTECTED BY THE FIRST AMENDMENT.STOP TRYING TO PROTECT PEOPLE WHO WANT TO KILL! STOP PROTECTING PEOPLE WHO PARTICIPATE IN HATE SPEECH. Hate speech is not protected and neither should you be if you go around spewing that kinda bullshit. I hope all of you are fucking TERRIFIED to go outside for fear of being 'punched' because NEWSFLASH WE'RE TERRIFIED TO GO OUTSIDE FOR FEAR OF BEING FUCKING KILLED. STOP STOP STOP!!! Peaceful protests are not going to work. Being peaceful is not going to work. Stop quoting MLK. Stop quoting Gandhi. Stop trying to find some way to force people into being passive when the other side acts with violence and gets NO repurcussions for their actions while we DIE trying to be peaceful. I'm so tired of seeing people defend nazis for doing what they're doing and demonizing everyone who reacts violently because 'violence will only breed violence'. So what do we do? Peacefully debate while they hold a fucking gun to our heads and get to DECIDE when to pull the trigger? Why do you protect these people- Why is this country so fucking racist why is it okay to openly speak about genocide and not expect retalitation why is it okay for them to kill us and we be forced to be peaceful why is it okay why is it okay .
Tell me why it is okay for me to die. For my people to die. For any person of color to die. Tell me. Give me a fucking reason.


Are you fucking kidding me? Someone just assasinate Trump and Pence already this is ridiculous 

(and don't give me that "ALL LIVES ARE IMPORTANT UwU" bullshit because I can promise him being alive is going to get a LOT more people killed.)


I feel like as if my heritage is being fondeled over by people who arn't even the same heritage as i am, like why on earth would you only want nothing but middle eastern characters? Like its fine to have middle eastern people but there's so much variety, why on earth would you only want just one exact type of people when there's so much unexplored variety of characters you could get as well?

I dunno...I just feel creeped out when I think about it...*spine shivers*


I still haven't found a middle eastern prince or priest for one of my storylines either...I might try and design the both of them later on in a week or two...



what the fuck


Elissinia fight someone