◆ The Vent Board

Posted 7 years, 4 months ago (Edited 4 years, 9 months ago) by Ventmod

This thread is locked indefinitely. TH doesn't really need an excuse to create more negativity than already exists on the site. Goodbye!

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so i have a general rule that i will not pay up front for a comm if the artist has a queue of more than about 10 ppl cuz i KNOW it will be months before they get to me, unless the art im buying comes with a stated date to be completed by and im okay with that date...

i bought from this person, got my art in like a month? i was like the last slot so a month seemed like a perfectly fine time frame, i liked my art, good experience. they opened up 6 more slots and i bought again! it's been about 2 months, i went to check up with them about the progress of my comm and discover... they have like 30 ppl in queue... and i am pretty damn far down that list. i...i have regrets.... like i assumed when someone opens up comm slots they dont already have a giant ass queue pre-existing? silly.... me..... and their tos is no refunds cuz they spend the money right away. i can blame no one but myself for not checking but like they didnt mention they had a queue in their comm post ?! this was a younger me... a foolish me... that didnt know i had to go digging for it.....


Uugghhhhh my laptop broke fuck its  so expensive to fix


mood for the next 4 years: AHAHA FUN STUFFffffaaAAAAA AAAAA OUR GOVERMENT IS FUCKED no no im okay i can still laugh at silly things wAIT NOPE THE ANXIETY IS BACK-




I'm so stressed with everything going on rn in life stop thIS-

also well what can I say I got tired of fighting to keep you as a friend when you're so passive agressive. 


Everyone is freaking out that I'm going to see my dad this summer.

At least he's trying to get to know me? And no mom, your little comments about the whole thing is not coming off as "concerning" but rather freaking annoying and downright stressful. 

Also, my scalp has been super dry? Like WTF, hair grease do your damn job already!


AscheRune I am currently lowkey a big ball of anxiety that surface level is having fun memeing it up and talking about anime bUT THATS TO HIDE THE WAY MY SOUL WITHERS AT EVERY NEW REPORT 

its only been 4 days....woo bOY


so another site i play on, someone made a suggestion where we should not allow nazi characters. a reasonable suggestion you hope one shouldnt even have to make? but the owners reply: my husband's grandpa was a nazi, nazis were ppl too!



wicked .....what the fuck.... Your grandpa being a nazi.... should be a huge source of shame not something you openly tell the world for one....



I KNOW. i read her reply i just.... closed the tab and looked out to the sea. these past 3 days i have seen more people defending nazis should ever seen in a lifetime and i dont even know how to emotionally respond to this. i'm going to bed good night cruel world


i stepped on a piece of celery barefoot and it scared the everloving shit out of me because it was both crunchy AND squishy and i was 100000000000% sure i just barefoot stepped on a bug thank you cosmic forces for that not being the case LMAO