Do you own any of your dream charas?

Posted 7 years, 15 days ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by SpaceSheepy

ok so I've acquired quite a few of my dream characters and I'm super happy about it! I was wondering if any of you guys out there own any of your dream babies and if so how many and who are they?<3 to see min you can click the Dream Ocs tag on my page haha

 Sascha atsuyakihara

Him! I saw him up for trades around November last year but I never offered because I was afraid of being turned down >< fast forward to this January I decided to see if he's been forever homed and much to my surprise he wasn't! I just had to offer on him! The last owner was very kind and was willing to trade with me, now he's forever homed with me <3 I love him so much...!!

 Valerian E. Vassard GalacticNebula

Vale is actually a dreamy who has helped me through a lot of things, there is another that looks just like him out there but there wasn't anything I could do about it no matter what I showed or not so I learned to accept it and just move on, its... been rough but hes my baby and I love him dearly. 


i got this boi from a rlly close friend and gosh i love him sm,, he's still pretty WIP tho,,
i also got IC from the same friend and i instantly got ideas for him and now he's one of my favourite OCs

 Moe arezcore

This kiddo! And pretty much anyone else in my star folder ^-^

I got him at a discount since the creator was interested in a physical item! I absolutely love this kiddo

 dinoFOUR train conductor testicles

i uh

so i recently obtained my favorite oc ever on all toyhouse ever

t h i s

am i okay

Ruina Cherii Kuneho

Got her a few days ago from a trade aaah *^*

Rudy {sona} Rudy

I recently got my dream sona design! From Dead-fl0wers here on th (they're so good, check 'em out ;o; <3)

Kris TheHazelPhoenix

I have hundreds of dreamies i saw and wanted, or just characters that I aboslutely ADOREE (though I'd never push to get a char I know I can't get) but Kris might be the only one I obtained. I won a raffle and he. is. AMAZINGGG

Eldritch Herobette

He was one of my dreamies when I saw him, Im super happy I got him through a trade ;w;


i legitimately can’t remember posting here. so. sorry if i did LMAO

Soku - love his design/colors, energy is immaculate 

Vvisp - same as Soku, love this boy to death

Blake - they just look so cool i love their design sm..

Chiagi - they were made by one of my fav designers !! not to mention they’re apart of one of my most fav og species

Eugh (Eli) - i barely got them a few days ago, but when i tell u i’d die for him. i would die for him.

MATT - GOD DAMN MATT.. i had my eye on him for a good month or two on amino where he was being sold, i didn’t have anything to offer for them so i had to let em go. time passes, and i see he’s being put up for trade(??) and i actually got them man :’]

Roi - ALSO made by one of my fav designers, i was able to snatch him :]

Gore warning

Zakuro - i just ?? love his ?? design ?? again i just think he’s so cool,,

 🌻 Honeypaws Bleatjio

Honeypaws was my dream design! I loved him to pieces when I saw the previous owner had him for sale to the point that I hyperfixated on him before I bought him (a bad habit that I'm trying to break - anytime I hyperfixate on a character, I either try to acquire it or try my best to move on!). He's now my mascot and will be turned into a fursuit hopefully this year, for the sole purpose of being happiness itself!

Veni RobotOcelot

This snail was love at first sight and I haven't looked back. Pulling a Rick Astley and "never gonna give 'em up"