The General Comments Thread

Posted 6 years, 9 months ago (Edited 1 month, 3 days ago) by teddiebearie

have you ever felt like saying something that didn't quite fit the positivity or complaints/vent boards? look no further! this is the board for that.

some base rules:

  • in general, use general common sense and decency when posting here.
  • use general common sense when it comes to naming or vagueing others, especially if they're also on and/or otherwise likely to see your message (yes, even if they're blocked).
  • this is not the place for discourse and/or heated or otherwise unfriendly discussion, especially not about particularly serious or controversial topics. please take that somewhere else. regular discussion is perfectly fine! use your best judgement here.
  • if posting explicit and/or heavy content, spoiler and appropriately warn for it! this means either put it in a spoiler box or change both the text and background to the same colour (like this).
  • keep this thread pg-13. it's accessible and used by both minors and adults, so don't post anything you wouldn't be comfortable with anybody in this age range seeing. here is the 18+ counterpart of this board.
  • don't forget to drink some water and get up or stretch for a bit if you haven't recently ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
  • if you don't like the way this board is working or have any suggestions, feel free to shoot me a message!
  • breaking the rules will recieve a comment/PM warning from me. if it happens a third time, you will get banned from this board.
    • bans have yet to happen in the 6 years this thread has been up. let's keep it that way!

please note I have this thread muted due to not having the time to check every single message. I do check occasionally, but if you see anyone breaking the rules, please PM me and I will deal with it accordingly. thanks!

similar boards that are worth checking as well:
Vent Board
Chat board
Spill it with Images.
The Complaining thread | complain here
The Potpourri Thread
The Positivity Thread [2.0]


Here I am to nag about plants again (it's showing I have been studying them nonstop for the past week, isn't it?) At the start of this year I thought it impossible to want to study plants and logical that everyone would choose for animal. It's why they scrapped the choice and now give them both; plant was so low interest and animal didn't have enough spaces. But the more I learn about them, the more I'm thinking I might actually continue with plants rather than with animals? They are so infinitely interesting and yet we know so little of them yet. It's gonna be a choice to make, but at least I'm happy that I fund them this interesting compared to the start of the year.

@fisty I couldn't find a ton about them online, but from what I could read they do seem pretty rad!


There was a group of flat earthers giving pamplets out today. I almost died laughing.


preparing for vacation is hard

going somewhere in the first time in like 5+ years I totally forgot what I need to take with me I'm totally gonna forgot something important hnnng if I manage to leave my sketchbook home I'm gonna be mad(tm)


i just wanna say... i love peoples OCs, i love character design , i LOVE designing them... god bless

it makes me even happier if someone draws a design i made... i melt ;w;


There are too many good artists and too little money in my wallet   


It's been a week since I beat The Letter. I'm still thinking about Ash x Isabella 

*clutches chest* this  my canon ending, bye


character profiles, but sleep, but... c h a r a c t e r   p r o f i l e s


@remivalism AMEN TO THAT

(spoiler for mild epilepsy warning and cartoon blood)


also this pic deserves to be on my profile because it sums up my mood all summer


I'm reading Horimiya and it's killing me from within SHDFDFGHDKGHFHGFHSDYGD

 ITS SO ADORBS it' so ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAHHHHHHHHHH

i've gotten real tired of school romances but Horimiya is A+++++++++++


varkarrus you might want to put that GIF under spoiler tag or something; the flashing of it isn't very epilepsy/migraine friendly ;; 

On unrelated news I can't believe I spent the entire day avoiding working on my game like I literally did EVERYTHING else I went to a doctor I did my chores I even created a new darn OC..........