The General Comments Thread

Posted 6 years, 9 months ago (Edited 25 days, 16 hours ago) by teddiebearie

have you ever felt like saying something that didn't quite fit the positivity or complaints/vent boards? look no further! this is the board for that.

some base rules:

  • in general, use general common sense and decency when posting here.
  • use general common sense when it comes to naming or vagueing others, especially if they're also on and/or otherwise likely to see your message (yes, even if they're blocked).
  • this is not the place for discourse and/or heated or otherwise unfriendly discussion, especially not about particularly serious or controversial topics. please take that somewhere else. regular discussion is perfectly fine! use your best judgement here.
  • if posting explicit and/or heavy content, spoiler and appropriately warn for it! this means either put it in a spoiler box or change both the text and background to the same colour (like this).
  • keep this thread pg-13. it's accessible and used by both minors and adults, so don't post anything you wouldn't be comfortable with anybody in this age range seeing. here is the 18+ counterpart of this board.
  • don't forget to drink some water and get up or stretch for a bit if you haven't recently ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
  • if you don't like the way this board is working or have any suggestions, feel free to shoot me a message!
  • breaking the rules will recieve a comment/PM warning from me. if it happens a third time, you will get banned from this board.
    • bans have yet to happen in the 6 years this thread has been up. let's keep it that way!

please note I have this thread muted due to not having the time to check every single message. I do check occasionally, but if you see anyone breaking the rules, please PM me and I will deal with it accordingly. thanks!

similar boards that are worth checking as well:
Vent Board
Chat board
Spill it with Images.
The Complaining thread | complain here
The Potpourri Thread
The Positivity Thread [2.0]


God Metaphor: ReFantazio sounds awesome but my computer would fucking explode if I tried to play it and I don't own the other platforms it's going to be released in since I'm more of a Nintendo/PC gamer.


They're adding so many of my favourite songs in jpsk...... I want to play jpsk again... but i can't bc my tablet crashes after a live every time 😭


yunno how do people bring their plushies & figures with them and I mean this in a "how do you do that" way bc I want to do that for on-the-spot toy photography, but also the idea of losing my LPS mascot somewhere 2+hrs away makes me upset 😭


taking care of another kitten, he's very cute


imagine if i actually clear p12s or any savage for that matter... if i, a slow af learner and certified floor tanker, can do it, anyone can 😂

i recently cleared my first extreme (seat of sacrifice) with 4 hours of progging total, mayhaps there is chance for me?? 


YouTube pls stop recommending me video tutorials for other game engines I only use GameMaker 😭


As someone who would cry with a small portion of hot sauce, people who put hot sauce or other spicy condiments in their foods all the time will never cease to scare me ( looking right at my older brother )

EDIT ( I'm having thoughts rn ): I would absolutely read "La Passe-Mirroir but Ophelia is constantly 2 foots away from burning down the entirety of Citacielle" ngl


I LOVE the song 'Slim Pickens Does the Right Thing and Rides the Bomb to Hell'


Yesterday I returned home so exhausted and frustrated because of how much stuff I had to carry (we don’t have a car so I had to carry everything from my work to the bus stop, then from the bus stop at my house to my apt), like I was genuinely about to lose my mind but then I went down the stairs and there was just a kitten there looking at me and someone standing next to it, and the kitten was scared at the bag swinging in my hands and I was like “oh sorry, sorry” until I realized the person next to the kitten was my roommate and I was like “oh my godddd omg hi kitty you’re so cute”, like this random kitten ran up to her as she was leaving the apt and I was so excited, so we took it inside and put it in my room and I pet it and talked to it a little before i was like “alright kitty I’ll be back” and went to the office to report it possibly missing, they said it was missing yes and went to go tell the owners, they came over to my apartment and I opened the door and they were just standing there crying and I was like “hey are you guys here for your cat?” and they were like “yes 😭” and I was like “alright let me go get ‘em”, I retrieved the cat and they were so happy and crying and they tried to give me $200 FOR RETURNING THE CAT??? Like I’d love $200 but I’m not taking that much money for simply doing the right thing and returning their pet, so I was like “oh my god no no that’s way too much money, it’s no worries” and they’re were like “are you sure?” And I was like “yeah yeah it’s no worries” and they were like “Do you need anything at all? Would you want $20 instead” and I was like “sure I’ll take $20”, like I’m not gonna take hundreds of dollars from you for basically returning your friend to you, that’s way too much money, like I need money and I’d love to have that much but I’d rather earn it earnestly rather than from just doing the right thing and returning their cat. Cat was very cute though, and I’m $20 richer ;3


ayyyyy another song i perfected on hard in megamix/ future tone B) this would be like

the second or third i get 100% or over on? i technically have a bunch more i have 95% and over but come on, it's not as cool


half●alive new stuff holy shit,,, tunes good so far :)

its just. some acoustic versions but