The Vocaloid (and stuff alike) Thread!

Posted 6 years, 6 months ago (Edited 6 years, 6 months ago) by colorful


Pretty sure a lot of us are familiar with the voice synthesizer program, the Vocaloid! Especially with the twin-tailed beauty that is Hatsune Miku. However, I want to talk with the ones who really love Vocaloid!

Please fangirl/boy all you could about Vocaloids here! I'd e more than happy, glad, and grateful to talk about Vocaloid since it really had an impact on my life!

To get this thread kicking, I'll be also asking questions...

  1. What is/are your first Vocaloid song(s)?
  2. When and how did you found Vocaloid?
  3. Who is/are your favorite Vocaloid(s)
  4. Who is/are your favorite producer(s)? List at least five if you have too much choices!
  5. Did Vocaloid give you an impact on life of any sort?
  6. Does Vocaloid you inspire you?
  7. Do you have a favorite UTAUloid?
  8. Do you have Vocaloid inspired OCs?
  9. Do you have Vocaloid OCs? (UTAUs count!)
  10. Are you currently listening to a Vocaloid song?

...and optional questions!

  1. By any chance, are you also into Vocanese (Chinese Vocaloids)?
  2. How about Engloids (English Vocaloids)?
  3. How about CeVIO?
  4. Utaites?
  5. Youtaites?
  6. Do you think Google Translate is a better Vocaloid than Tomodachi Life?
  7. Do you have experience covering/making songs using Vocaloids? If so, who are your Vocaloids?
  8. Do you like any song series with Vocaloids used? (ex. Kagerou Project, Shuuen no Shiori, etc.)
  9. List your OCs that relates to Vocaloid songs! You can spam the thread and post IC if you're more comfortable that way

I only have a few rules!:

  1. If the song has explicit themes, cover it with decent black or a color of your choice! (such as MASA's Soap Lagoon and Madaco's Kurumi Ponchio for being lewd, Kikuo's Kimi wa Dekinai Ko for child abuse, and Nashimoto-P's Shinitagari for suicide!)
  2. Don't bash anyone for any reason!
  3. Spam the thread as long as you're talking about Vocaloid, I don't mind!
  4. That's all I guess
  5. Have fun!

I'll be answering my own questions next~ u v u;;

  • What is/are your first Vocaloid song(s)? I got first introduced with some older but really well known stuff like Ievan Polka, ECHO, Circus Monster, Copycat, Matryoshka, Rolling Girl, The Evillous series, ETC
  • When and how did you found Vocaloid? I think it was around 2010 when i first really heard about it but I was too young at the time to really focus on it. but in `2016 I met someone who was really in tune with it and I got to learn more about it.
  • Who is/are your favorite Vocaloid(s) Oh god where do I even start?! Vy1, Vy2, Kaai Yuki, Kaito, Meiko, GUMI, Vflower (Before and after CeVio) Kiyoteru, Avanna, Piko The list goes on but those are my top 10.
  • Who is/are your favorite producer(s)? List at least five if you have too much choices! Pinnochio-P, EZFG, KANARIA, And I love Will Stetsons Original Song that uses VY1!
  • Did Vocaloid give you an impact on life of any sort? It helped carry me through a really dark time in my life so i kinda owe it that.
  • Does Vocaloid you inspire you? Sometimes! I use a lot of songs using vocaloids to create stories or ideas
  • Do you have a favorite UTAUloid? I'm not well versed in UTAU's but from what I do know, I like Teto and Ruko
  • Do you have Vocaloid/Vocaloid inspired/UTAU OCs? Technically? Not Vocaloid itself but I have created three OCs from Project Sekai. (Makoto \ Tatsuo \Satoru owned by a friend.) As much as I love the Base games like Diva and Mirai I never felt inspired to make a vocaloid themself.
  • Are you currently listening to a Vocaloid song? I actually just Listened to Bad ∞ End ∞ Night a few moments ago

Answers under the spoiler tag because they're long:

  1. What is/are your first Vocaloid song(s)?
    > Some of the very first vocaloid songs I was introduced to were some classics like Melt, Meltdown, Disappearance of Hatsune Miku, Ieven Polka, etc. I think somehow I also saw some Kikuo songs when I first got into it such as useless child, although I don't listen to those now.

  2. When and how did you found Vocaloid?
    > I was in elementary school! I don't know the exact year but I was extremely young, and also my sister had introduced it to me!

  3. Who is/are your favorite Vocaloid(s)
    > I'm a huge fan of Flower, Kagamine Rin, Otomachi Una, and Mirai Komachi!! Recently I've been enjoying Aoki Lapis as well.

  4. Who is/are your favorite producer(s)? List at least five if you have too much choices!
    > My absolute favorite producer is Powapowa-P/Siinamota!! Some other top contenders are Kairiki Bear, john/TABOOE, Nulut/Lanndo, Pinocchio-P, DECO*27, Syuudou, Balloon-P, Wotaku, Kenshi Yonezu/Hachi, Hiiragi Kirai, Surii, and Kanaria!

  5. Did Vocaloid give you an impact on life of any sort?
    > Absolutely :) I grew up with it my whole life so it gave me a lot of comfort and strength to push through some harder moments. The song "Strobe Light" by Powapowa-P is my favorite song and the song that really helped me through some rough times, I have a very big soft spot for it <33

  6. Does Vocaloid you inspire you?
    > OF COURSE!! I honestly mostly listen to vocaloid, a lot of its songs have inspired me with my own creative works and character writings. It also somewhat motivated me to picking up Piano because I've always wanted to play my favorite songs on it.

  7. Do you have a favorite UTAUloid?
    > I love Tohoku Kiritani!! I also like Teto and Defoko/Uta Utane

  8. Do you have Vocaloid inspired OCs?
    > Unfortunately nope :(

  9. Do you have Vocaloid OCs? (UTAUs count!)
    > Nope again.

  10. Are you currently listening to a Vocaloid song?
    > Currently listening to the entire vocaloid playlist on my neocities page actually, but the song that was on when I first started answering was Pikkooon!! by Powapowa-P, I forget which ones played in between but right now Panda Hero by Kenshi Yonezu is playing^^

Bonus Questions:

  1. By any chance, are you also into Vocanese (Chinese Vocaloids)?
    > Not too closely! But I'm sort of familiar with it from searching for vocaloids/utaus in between and I did like Luo Tianyi! This question kind of reminded me that I wanted to look into it more, so I might do that sometime.

  2. How about Engloids (English Vocaloids)?
    > Same as the Vocanese answer, not too familiar! The only one I've heard/seen are Avanna and Ruby, which I did like.

  3. How about CeVIO?
    > OH this one was more recent but yes! My love for bandori led me to find POPY and ROSE and I love BOTH a lot!! I really wanna look into this one more because of those two.

  4. Utaites?
    > Not really no :(

  5. Youtaites?
    > Nope :(

  6. Do you think Google Translate is a better Vocaloid than Tomodachi Life?
    > can google translate sing ievan polka in the most cursed high pitch voice to a variety of tune templates. also its funny sounding when you make the miis sing a lot of words at once because they say it really fast. tomodachi life ftw.

  7. Do you have experience covering/making songs using Vocaloids? If so, who are your Vocaloids?
    > I haven't but it seems so fun!! I've always wanted to, I just never have motivation time etc etc.

  8. Do you like any song series with Vocaloids used? (ex. Kagerou Project, Shuuen no Shiori, etc.)
    > Surprisingly no! I've been meaning to get into Kagepro, but I haven't yet.

  9. List your OCs that relates to Vocaloid songs! You can spam the thread and post IC if you're more comfortable that way
    > oh god oh okay hold on:
    Opal: Strobe Light, If, Non-Breath Oblige (shared song with Dar)
    Zaiere: Electrostatic Human, Jitterbug (shared with Etoze)
    Etoze: Jitterbug (shared with Zaiere)
    Dar: Bitter Choco Decoration, Saisei, Non-Breath Oblige (shared with Opal), Palette Full of You
    Agate: (Not) A Devil! (shared with Toghi)
    Theikah: Reincarnation Apple
    Safi: Shunran (I also associate the song with Jelv)
    Rolynn & Lilis: Lower ones eyes
    Isalea: Bokura Mada Underground
    Senna: Cinema
    theres def more i just have my notes scattered like everywhere so im not adding them atm
  • What is/are your first Vocaloid song(s)?
Light song by supercell! and maybe this cover by meiko. ( thanks smash bros? )

  • When and how did you found Vocaloid?

Youtube! back in 2010 i think.

  • Who is/are your favorite Vocaloid(s)
I really like Meika Mikoto the most and Vflower, VY2. But Miku and Len are nice too!

  • Who is/are your favorite producer(s)? List at least five if you have too much choices!
Supercell, Neru, Jimmythump-p, niki, Fuwari-P, 40mP 

  • Did Vocaloid give you an impact on life of any sort?
Of course! it familiarized me with j-pop and helped me understand how a song works and that there are artists behind it!

  • Does Vocaloid you inspire you?
I mean the artists/producers of course it does ^^!

  • Do you have a favorite UTAUloid?
Yokune Ruko ! ( even it was my favorite! Because of their powerful voice :Oc. )

  • -Do you have Vocaloid inspired OCs?, Do you have Vocaloid OCs? (UTAUs count!)

Probably? Idk i don't think so.

  • Are you currently listening to a Vocaloid song?

The last i have hear was Inore ya Detarame by Vflower/Xitoo.

...and optional questions!

  • By any chance, are you also into Vocanese (Chinese Vocaloids)?
I heard them even hear some song but it's was not my taste. ;v;

  • How about Engloids (English Vocaloids)?
I hear some music from Oliver and Yohioloid.

  • How about CeVIO?
I like One! but it's been a while since i did check.

  • Utaites? Youtaites?
Reol, Kradness, Nano, soraru, Chogakusei, Raon Lee. i guess. ( been a while XvXc)

  • Do you think Google Translate is a better Vocaloid than Tomodachi Life?
To be honest, Tomodachi life is more fun than google translate.

  • Do you have experience covering/making songs using Vocaloids? If so, who are your Vocaloids?
Would love one day but for real, i need to learn i lot i guess xvxc.

  • Do you like any song series with Vocaloids used? (ex. Kagerou Project, Shuuen no Shiori, etc.)
I like the Seven deadly sin series by mothy.

  • List your OCs that relates to Vocaloid songs! You can spam the thread and post IC if you're more comfortable that way

Inore ya Detarame for my Eridan .  Terror(ism) by Neru for Acom/Sakumi. (and tbh this song was quite my inspiration for them back then! >w<) Definitevely Orino Riz for my Acom. (not a vocaloid but i put there. OTL)


this thread .. it calls to me ...

What is/are your first Vocaloid song(s)?
- clover club by yuuyu was my first fav and it's still going strong LOL

When and how did you find Vocaloid?
- i got hatsune miku: project mirai dx for my 2ds in like 2018-2019 on christmas after obsessing over the demo and never looked back

Who is/are your favorite Vocaloid(s)
- kaai yuki and rana !

Who is/are your favorite producer(s)? List at least five if you have too much choices!
- this is always so hard for me to answer but for western producers i'd say RIP, eggtan and ghost, and for jp ones i'd say mushi-p, iyowa and mochiutsune :3

Did Vocaloid give you an impact on life of any sort?
- its part of my wider vocalsynth special interest going on over a year now LOL so yeah ^_^

Does Vocaloid you inspire you?
- absolutely yes

Do you have a favorite UTAUloid?
- HMM not sure but a few i really enjoy are meg samsa, yumeiro theory, akiyama daichi (especially his AI voicebank) and defoko

Do you have Vocaloid inspired OCs?
- cant say i do !! :(

Do you have Vocaloid OCs? (UTAUs count!)
- currently i do not .. but ive been meaning to record an utau sometime with the intention of releasing it :3 ! i made one once but it's kindof oto'd shittily and i only made it as a test

Are you currently listening to a Vocaloid song?
- nope ! but the last one i listened to was prooooobably color and electricity by mushi-p

By any chance, are you also into Vocanese (Chinese Vocaloids)?
- i love them but i'm less familiar with them than jp/eng ones!! ive been meaning to listen to more music with them in it

How about Engloids (English Vocaloids)?
- absolutely .. my fav english vocaloids are probably ruby and prima ^_^ !

How about CeVIO?
- i love cevio !!! im more familiar with synthV in terms of vocals and program layout though

- nope >_<

- i like micchi !

Do you think Google Translate is a better Vocaloid than Tomodachi Life?
- hypothetically speaking if you were to make a voicebank out of google translate tts vs the varying voice distortion levels of the tomodachi life tts i thiiiiink google translate would win by a bit bc it'd sound a lot clearer .. but also hypothetically speaking google translate has absolutely no vocal variation and considering that in tomodachi life u can edit the voices to be higher/lower pitched and more/less expressive i think if we were talking a vocaloid with multiple banks for the same voice (power, whisper, etc) itd be super useful for making the voicebank itself

Do you have experience covering/making songs using Vocaloids? If so, who are your Vocaloids?
- i actually make original vocalsynth music yes !! ^_^ but ive only actually made one song with a vocaloid and it was a cover with luka v2 so it doesnt rly count LOL. otherwise i have miku v2+v3+v4x, yuki, rana, una, iroha, lapis, gumi (both v3 and ai), fuiro, mew, oliver, and a bunch of others!

Do you like any song series with Vocaloids used? (ex. Kagerou Project, Shuuen no Shiori, etc.)
- as of recently i started getting into project sekai and its been super fun ^_^

sorry this post is so big but omg thsnk you for this thread