♦ Unpopular Opinion Thread ♦

Posted 5 years, 5 months ago (Edited 5 years, 4 months ago) by Enigma_Host


Since the original Unpopular Opinion Thread is locked (it turned into a shit-show reeeaaal fast) , I've gotten permission to remake it. 

I've decided to use the original rules for the thread since those were gucci

Edit: I didn't mean to post ic aaaaaaaa

Spoilers: Rules

- Don't be very rude or snarky to others. Remember, everyone has their own personal opinions.

- Disagreeing with someone's opinion is allowed, as long as it's not rude.

- Yo don't namedrop people, even if they're not on this site.

- To avoid causing a mess, refrain from starting an argument at all times!

- If there's something wrong going on in this thread, or if it's going out-of-hand, please PM me so that I can take care of it!

- Vaguing someone is prohibited, and it's connected to the third rule.

- Please do not post more than twice per page, so that it won't cause too much of a mess.

- It's okay if you vent, don't go too all-out on it. This is not the Vent Board.

- Also, please try not to turn this thread into a saltfest.

- Please, no opinions focused on racism, LGBT, politics, religion and the like. These will cause a massive flamewar. Controversial opinions are also not allowed unless taken lightly.

- Don't say stuff like "I don't like X" or "What? I love X!" in a way that's aggressive. This is meant to be a nice thread about sharing your unpopular opinions, not countering someone else's opinion.

-If it's something nsfw, use a spoiler box, or blackout the text  like this

- Don't call this thread out as a "bad idea." If you don't like this thread, please do not post here.

-Failure to comply with these rules will result in a warning, or ban depending on how severely you broke the rules.

Ey yo,  if you see someone breaking the rules, pm me. I love it when ppl do this because I'm a blind bih.

Banned Users

None (yet, but I think it's time to bring this bad boy out.)


^^^^ The truth has been told, Spinach forever !


Purple is the best color and very underrated

(Mainly talking about mid to dark purple)


Turquoise is the best hair color for humanoid characters. I'm not sure why it's not been used a lot.

Also, plain rice sucks.


Navi wasn't annoying


TikTok is pretty funny sometimes.

Kill me.


'HQ art' is just another way of saying that ur biased towards your own opinions and that anyone who doesnt meet said opinions is lacking good art quality, stop using that term. its shitty.


If I’ve said it once I will say it again; mimes are not creepy!!

Also it’s not funny to be catty to someone who is just doing their job!! If a clerk is a little nervous or odd, don’t be weird or rude to them!!

Steven universe is a great show that teaches complex lessons, and it deserves a better rep than it gets


K-Pop is overrated come at me

I really liked Divergent

There aren't really any "inappropriate" jokes (if that makes sense), just inappropriate times/places/people to say them around. If you can joke about one bad thing (i.e I actually wanna die) you can joke about them all.

Rats are underrated.

Hotdogs are DELICIOUS and you can FIGHT me on that,


I feel like the "K-pop sucks" or "K-pop is over rated" opinions aren't unpopular at all considering it seems every 20 pages or so we have someone saying the same thing.

Also I don't think many people on here think of each other as content creators and competition? That sounds like a weird experience you're having there.

Anyway as for a unpopular opinion...

Let's go with a music related one this time. Dubstep isn't nearly as great as people let on, and in fact, most of it is just plain headache inducing. 


Another batch of unpopular opinions:

Gacha Games can be fun, even though it doesn't have that much content, like say for example; FEH doesn't really have a lot of content, but it's still pretty fun.

Most non-Asian fantasy video games/movies/films/tv shows just feel so generic aesthetic-wise, and are pretty much lacking in originality.


Remakes are often seen as "bringing back our childhood" but imo the more remakes being made these days the more the series loses its nostalgic value or feeling to it. It's not bad, but lately its easy to tell on which remakes are for the intention of "continuing the legacy" or just plain cash grab from something that used to be popular. 

Also I hate it when a multiple branched franchise/series got a new branch and "old" fans will go like "BRING BACK THE CAST FROM GEN 1!!! THEY'RE SUPERIOR AND NOTHING WILL REPLACE THEM!!!!" without even trying to get into the new gen/branch lol. New protagonists or casts extended as a new premise isn't always a bad thing, sometimes I prefer them over remakes :')


"Object" pokemon are the best

Garbodor is precious, okay ?