♦ Unpopular Opinion Thread ♦

Posted 5 years, 5 months ago (Edited 5 years, 4 months ago) by Enigma_Host


Since the original Unpopular Opinion Thread is locked (it turned into a shit-show reeeaaal fast) , I've gotten permission to remake it. 

I've decided to use the original rules for the thread since those were gucci

Edit: I didn't mean to post ic aaaaaaaa

Spoilers: Rules

- Don't be very rude or snarky to others. Remember, everyone has their own personal opinions.

- Disagreeing with someone's opinion is allowed, as long as it's not rude.

- Yo don't namedrop people, even if they're not on this site.

- To avoid causing a mess, refrain from starting an argument at all times!

- If there's something wrong going on in this thread, or if it's going out-of-hand, please PM me so that I can take care of it!

- Vaguing someone is prohibited, and it's connected to the third rule.

- Please do not post more than twice per page, so that it won't cause too much of a mess.

- It's okay if you vent, don't go too all-out on it. This is not the Vent Board.

- Also, please try not to turn this thread into a saltfest.

- Please, no opinions focused on racism, LGBT, politics, religion and the like. These will cause a massive flamewar. Controversial opinions are also not allowed unless taken lightly.

- Don't say stuff like "I don't like X" or "What? I love X!" in a way that's aggressive. This is meant to be a nice thread about sharing your unpopular opinions, not countering someone else's opinion.

-If it's something nsfw, use a spoiler box, or blackout the text  like this

- Don't call this thread out as a "bad idea." If you don't like this thread, please do not post here.

-Failure to comply with these rules will result in a warning, or ban depending on how severely you broke the rules.

Ey yo,  if you see someone breaking the rules, pm me. I love it when ppl do this because I'm a blind bih.

Banned Users

None (yet, but I think it's time to bring this bad boy out.)


marshadow I feel so strongly about what you said and the feeling is YES and the SAME goes for MIMES

also also lemon demon is super super good


I wish people putting tropes on tvtropes for their ocs profile... ( a bit like mbti, blood type, Zodiac...)

Tvtropes was so fun ! and not so stereotypical as that. It help so much for inspiration and give a simple idea for the oc personality tbh.


superhero movies are boring and i'm sick of them


^^^ + 1 to that they pump them out so quickly and they all feel same-y 

anyways google emojis > apple emojis like look they're little blobs 



^^^ I miss the blob emojis....I frankly don't like the Android 8.0 emoji update at all

(Not an unpopular opinion but responding to above post anyway)


Now back to unpopular opinion? I was surprised to see how TvTropes is that frowned upon? Sure not all pages were the best or accurate but I like seeing which tropes actually (and coincidentally) fits within my characters lol


Treating people with DID like they're RPing or are otherkin is honestly disrespectful and disgusting and it's the first thing I check before I befriend anyone anymore.


Whoops, time for me to get in on the party.

If people don't want sites like Tumblr / Twitter / DA to have NSFW art, the sites should either make better filters and reinforce them, or there should be sites similar to them meant for NSFW content. It can be really hard to navigate a lot of NSFW art styled sites because they're typically formatted in a way similar to forums, not actual social media. Also, saying that you're happy people who produce NSFW can't post it makes you lame. Let people create what they want, nobody cares about how you think titties are gross. It's a human body, kinky or not, that's people. People who throw a fit over an exposed nipple are babies.

You don't have to have realistic anatomy to be a good artist. Saying things like HER BACK WOULD HURT or WOW THEIR INSIDES ARE NONEXISTENT isn't funny, it's just rude. You don't say the same thing about cartoons / comics / etc?? So if it flows well, what's the issue?

Last but not least, using abbreviations and shortening where it isn't needed it's annoying, please stop.


Shochix while i agree that sites should have a better grasp on filtering nsfw art (tumblr just banning it outright was kind of dumb but they just didnt want to put effort into actually moderating their website), theres still a huge problem with artists drawing porn of like.... pedophilia, incest, etc. and putting it in a place where its easily accessible to children. i think when it comes to that, "let them draw what they want" isnt an applicable argument because tumblrs ban on nsfw mostly came from the fact that there was so much disturbing content (pedophilia) that it was taken off the app store. its less thinking titties are "gross", and more on... actually super harmful content. 


i dont trust anyone who says "rap music sucks"

rap music is good and you all only scratch the surface and mostly when i hear 'rap music sucks' its yall saying 'huuu these lyrics are bad because they have sex in them huughhghn'

yall ignore the culture behind the music because you find it intimidating via ur own personal biases. you dont hate the music, you are made uncomfortable by the culture behind it. but if some of yall told the truth abt that youd obv be called out bc it sucks!!

thats my unpopular opinion (based on observation)

edit: no no its ok to respond!! also thats a valid opinion but its more me being salty that like.... some ppl i know personally are saying those things but then clearly dont mean it as a dislike of the actual genre fsljffs


Unpopular opinions:

The nintendo switch is a pathetic excuse for a home console. If nintendo wants that damned price tag, have the internal storage to compete with the competitors! Also, make up your damned mind. Home or mobile console. As it stands it's basically a tablet without tablet access.

Breath of the wild is not a Zelda game. It's skyrim with a Zelda coat of paint. (I did enjoy thr game. It's just not a Zelda game. Does not feel like one. At all)