Into the Storm šŸ” Medevil Chicken RP

Posted 3 years, 10 days ago (Edited 3 years, 1 day ago) by Strazi


For centuries, the chicken civilizations have mostly lived in peace, until the looming threat in the Western kingdom of Kazori had begun to present itself in the past decades. Villages are being ransacked, egg and chicknappings are a daily occurrence, and rumors have it there is corruption spreading in the high ranks of the largest Kingdom, the Kingdom of Wattalia.

You are a fowl called upon by Aostra, a high priestess of the Wattalian Kingdom. She had sensed that evil was afoot in the Kazori Kingdom, the Twisted City, home of the Dark Lord, to the west. With the power of divination, she was able to view the intricate weavings of fate to try to gather the chickens necessary to resist, and possibly put an end to the evils of the Dark Lord. Being a high priestess it was in her power to request messengers on behalf of the king to recruit you. Some of the chickens recruited come from a high and noble background, some from a poor, humble background living in squalor, and others have a treacherous past behind them. Nevertheless, it is up to you to decide what happens from this point on.

RP started - post below, you may still join though!

Some general lore and worldbuilding:Ā 


Pictured from left to right is a knight of the Black Knight Order, a knight of the White Knight Order, and a mage chicken.Ā 

The Black Knight order is an order of knights who don black armor and consume a substance that makes every part of their body ink black, including their meat and bones. Ex-Black Knights eventually return to their original coat color though, and some newer members of the order may still be their original color prior to treatment taking effect. Their purpose is generally unknown to the public and they are a secretive type. They are formidable in battle. Black Knights are not explicitly good or evil, they follow their own path.Ā 

The White Knight Order is distinctly Wattalian and is oftentimes recruited by the King of Wattalia to serve in battles. They are less independent than the Black Knight Order, and adhere to heavy moral standards. However, members of the White Knight Order are given more freedom in terms of their choice for gear and colors.

There are also many other classes and orders in this world and you can create your own, for example your chicken being a sellsword as opposed to a knight, or something custom. You can make your chicken a member of the Black Knight order, the White Knight Order, or anything else really. It is just some factions that exist.

1. landfowl or waterfowl only. you can have a non-chicken character but it has to generally be a wild game bird or some sort of poultry
2. guns like arquebus exist, cannons too but they are very inaccurate and take long to reload. you can make an arquebusier chicken.
3. you can use photos as your chicken's reference but follow rules in regards to copyright and image hosting.
4. you dont have to create a toyhouse character to participate but it makes it easier to follow along
5. mounts exist so you can give your character one, the chickens have tamed rabbits and other rodent-like animals. predatory animals such as raccoons and foxes prey on chickens, so they cannot be mounts. they are enemies.
6. bleaches and dyes exist too so you can make sparklechickens

Resources for potential chicken breeds (in case you do not know any, you can also just put unknown or mixed):



Gingasnap perfect! accepted :>


Name: Tympa

Gender: Male

Species/Breed: Greater Prairie-Chicken

Class: Rogue

Bio: A wandering gamebird who does assassinations for a living. He was taught how to fight and live off the land since he was young and soon after parting with his mentor, he modified his wings with sharp copper daggers. He prides himself in his speed and quick wittedness, and is not ashamed to run when things look rough. He's too smug for his own good and seriously needs someone to knock him down a peg or two.

Description: Typma body has barred brown markings with an exposed, naked orange neck that can inflate to intimidate or impress others. He has feathers that can stand up like a bunny's and orange caterpillar eyebrows. His primary flight feathers are copper knives that can be disguised as regular feathers. He has a satchel around his neck that holds snacks and maybe coins.. mostly snacks.



I still need naming help-


burntbunns Accepted!
We may start in a few days, I'm thinking June 6th,

PureMouse Personally for me I take inspiration from novels or latin root words, like Aostra is a mix of aero (air) and astra (star). In this RP you can use anything as a name. My irl silkies that I used to own were named Cupid, Marshmallow, Cottonball, and Jupiter. Not sure if it helps tho.
Could try these : and other fantasy name generator categories at the site.


Name: Dyiden the daring

Gender: Male , He-him

Species/Breed: A mix between a Faverolles and a Sultan

Class: Theif/assassin , although acts as a sell sword and will do any jobs that he gets good benifits from.

Bio: Dyiden was born to a semi-high class family, known for their fancy parties and grand events. Although Dyiden didn't like the stuffy parties and the old, snobby birds he was forced to be around at these events he was happy nontheless. A safe home, plenty 'o food, servants willing to do anything for the young chick- he was content, even if he had to pretend to be a 'goody two shoes' which was, to be quite fair, far from the trueth. However, tragedy struck when Dyidens mother ran from home with his older brother and took most, if not all of the earnings his family had. This left him and his father fairly broke, even getting the boot from their home. Dyiden didn't really help out much, mostly because his father, who was now seen as 'disgraced' even though the loss of his money wasn't his own doing, didn't want his sons hands to get 'dirty' in his words.. Dyiden, however, started stealing, taking anything he could and sharing some of the spoils with his father, but always lied, and he always kept more of the share for himself.Eventually though, Dyiden was left alone due to his father passing away from illness, leaving him the small amount of items and cash he had on him, and their ragged shack they begain to call "home" to the young soul. As a young adult now, Dyiden has perfected his abilities, taking Assassin work onto his roster of work, but really you name the job and he will probably do it for a hot meal or a good price. his moral compass is going astray

within himself, quickly growing use to the harsh realities of things- yet still feeling slightly entitled. He does greately miss his father, and feels guilt for not helping his father more, but he would never admit this... right? Do note, that Dyiden never says his true past as to not let people know he was once a spoiled high-status bird, he usually spins up a lie on the spot when asked, or tells someone to "mind their own tailfeathers."If chosen as one of the party members: Dyiden was reluctant to take up this ... 'quest' offer- seemed cheesy, boring even, that was until he relized this could bring him great amounts of wealth, and great amount of fame within the kingdom- he could become so known that people would beg him to take jobs for him. He then agreed, using this for his own greedy gain, not too bothered about what would happen with the kingdom itself... although, he may be also looking for any possible ways of honoring his father, maybe even looking for his missing kin, but he probably wont tell...Description: Dyiden is a slightly slim chicken mix with light brown-white feathers, a brownish-pink beak, and a rather small crest, barely visable within his feathers. He looks fluffy, and quite 'fancy' for an Assassin, looking more like a high-class bird, so he often ruffles his feathers up to give him more of a 'mysterious' and 'edgy' vibe. Dyiden also has pretty eyes, a brownish-green color, almost like old moss, they also have a bit of a sparkle to them! He wears wraps on his legs, and a hidden strap under his wings where he keeps small pouches, knives, and small viles of poisons for his assassin work.

Image: TBA , currently making a design! i just need to practice drawing chimkens first pff


Appicot accepted! I will formally start the RP tomorrow but more are welcome to join! Today I'm a little too tired to do the writing from the heat wave.


I second juniperw ;o;
me and a couple of other friends are raving over the concept qwq

Tikatonu Hiamovi

Name: Tikatonu, Tika in short
Gender: Male
Species/Breed: Takahe
Class: Bard

Back when Tikatonu was but a mere chick, he had longed to travel north to the great Kingdom of Wattalia, to serve all birds of the land as an all-powerful mage. But of course, as the story usually goes, he would not be successful in joining their ranks. After all, a happy-go-lucky personality is not the most suitable when it comes to war and combat. Yet Tika could not possibly return south, back to his parentsā€™ nest. He was now fully fledged, and it was time for him to start a life of his own.

Strangely enough, Tika did not wish to stray too far from his previous aspiration, even if it meant keeping his paths rather limited. His future seemed bleak and hopeless, until that fateful day came along, changing the rest of his life forever. Stepping into a tavern, he does not remember how or why (probably after some pints), but regardless, he started to sing. Not just any song either, but a tale spun of his own life story. When Tika had finally sobered up, he awoke to bags of coins and doubloons, neatly placed beside him by the tavern owner. And just like that, the famous bard ā€œTakahe Tellerā€ was born.

With his large and stocky build, it is difficult to miss Tikatonu in a crowd. It is even harder with the birdā€™s vibrant plumage, an iridescent array of blues, purples and greens. His beak and legs shimmer a bright red, his caramel eyes gleaming with an everlasting glint of enthusiasm. A green and cyan cloak trails down his body, held together by a circular wooden pin. A brown cavalier hat sits upon his head, accompanied by a long lute which distinguishes him as a bard.



Hiamovi Accepted! I will begin writing the intro post now
JuniperW -TheCelest- You don't need permission from me to make a chicken/bird char with the characteristics put in the thread, but if you want, I opened up a world where you can submit your character, but you don't have to RP
It's my first world so it's a little rough. I think you can request to join, I may send out invitations eventually but I'm a little busy.

Also I'm be doing stuff today sorry ;w; but expect the posts to be out in 4-5 hours from now.

Aostra Strazi


The First Meeting

It is nearing dusk. The fowl arrive at their destination, the Temple of the Moon situated in the Wattalian Kingdom. Their mode of transport differ by each - some prefer arriving on foot, while others preferred being assisted by Wattalian escorts, nevertheless they are all gathered outside. Some time passes before all of the fowl are ushered into the temple by guards decked in white glittering armor. You are in a tranquil stone room with hanging flowers and an open ceiling. The air carries a cool stillness. In the middle of the room sits a decorated pool, but it looks like an ordinary fountain, with dull water. The high priestess Aostra then makes her entrance. Though the guards had informed you earlier she has no sight, it feels as if she peers right into your very soul.

"You are brought here by pen and paper, by courier and hare, but you do not know your true purpose -- why I have called you." Aostra takes a step towards the fountain in the center, it suddenly alights with an ethereal blue glow. "I have peered upon that which no waking eye may see. Shadow soon lies upon us, it is a darkness that will bring ruin to not only the Wattalian Kingdom, but the entire world of fowl as we know it. But I know that we are not bound to fate alone. In this pool I have felt your faces and names, and from that I have gathered you. I know not of the lives you have led, but the gods give me certainty that you shall bring victory and triumph in your quest,"

"There are artifacts you need to discover, in order for success on your journey. Yet before I bestow their names upon you, I must know, are there any doubts or questions that plague your mind? Are you truly willing to accept this quest, one that may take your life in its talons?"


ooc Ended up having more time to do this than I thought, so early post.
ashitae LavenderFae Gingasnap burntbunns Appicot Hiamovi (sorry for ping if you were following thread, lmk if you don't want pings)
(also I apologize I got any characters wrong but for each major post I'll do a little doodle for immersion, you are welcome to do your own too!)
Also if you feel like you are unable to RP or want to leave you can do so at anytime, feel free to PM me questions on here or hit me with suggestions :P

You can RP in first person or third person whatever you prefer!

Late joiners can arrive too during this scene, or be stuck en route and later encounter the party, it is up to you!