(P-cate, Chippou) Reselling ocs and OFFERS ON MAIN

Posted 3 years, 6 months ago (Edited 3 years, 3 months ago) by starhabit

Here are the ocs:screenshot_4_by_starhabit_dee4nka-fullvi

All the ocs to trade/resell here - 

Pan gone

https://toyhou.se/7540918.tilly - 25 usd

https://toyhou.se/4194229.thinking-of-name -160 usd

https://toyhou.se/1676668.val - 100 usd (p-Cate)


My main ones- 

https://toyhou.se/starhabit/characters/folder:799732 - I am looking for more dream designs most of them I could resell but I would like to see what people would offer other wise I think i will keep them T_T 

Ones I am willing to let go  - Chrissy, Red

A lot of the other ones I hold close to my heart and I might let go of them for certain designs T_T I prob wont let go of Locke , lust, Yashiro, Star, Nix, and prob Fuyuki. But that is just probably 

if they dont have how much they are I just have to relook on how much I bought them for I might add more but I want them gone as soon as possible! 


yuette I dm'd the artist but my paypal is [email protected] :D 


starhabit payment sent!


yuette sent right over ^-^ 


Oh gosh I'm in love with Pan, are they available?


H3llJam yes just 25 usd ^-^ 


I'll take em! To where should I send the mons?


H3llJam [email protected] ^-^


Sent! ^-^


H3llJam I hope you enjoy <3 


04ENSK sorry i dont see anyone I could use ; -; 


Would you consider selling or trading This boy of yours From your mains? If so how much would he be or what kind of designs/or designers would you be looking for? 


SlayerOfDucks i wopuld trade them but i dont knwo for what T_T my favs are just a good thing to look at tbh 


I am also interested in buying Hu if you can and want to sell him uwu otherwise I can offer : https://toyhou.se/Feinny/characters/folder:1790449


Hi just curious on your feelings on Hu and Nova perhaps?