The Freebie Bin 2.0!

Posted 8 years, 2 days ago (Edited 3 years, 3 months ago) by Rufino & Lyle Fvhn
Mod 2


Freebie Bin 2.0


Perhaps you fell in love with that design when you first saw it, but you still haven't found a place for it after months of searching and need to let it go. Maybe you designed something years ago that really isn't as great for you as you thought it was. Or maybe you just really need to clean out some space in your folders! No matter what the case, you want that character moved out to someone who can love them more. That's where this thread might come in handy!


  • You may not resell or trade anything that you receive for free from this thread.
  • Freebies only in this thread- that includes first come first serve (fcfs), write to adopt (wta), draw to adopt (dta) raffles and more.
  • You may not conduct or advertise sales or trades in this thread.
  • DTA art must be of the character that is being given away! You cannot ask someone to draw your personal characters in exchange for a "freebie". That is an art trade, and it is not allowed here.
  • The person giving the freebies has the final say on who gets it- do not harass them or complain if you don't like their choice.
  • Mass Claimers- please be considerate of others. If you have hundreds of unnamed characters with blank bios, give someone else a chance!

For a more thorough rundown on rules, Q&A, and other info, please visit the posts on the first page! Have fun!


Alright, so I went through my characters and all I want is to find a home for these children, I thought I could authentically keep them but I just can't emotionally attach since these were more along the lines of pulse claiming them, so they're WTA just to prevent these characters to be taken just by impulses!!

Yes they are WTA, but I do have some rules to go over, the main general rules are that you READ THE GUIDELINES IN THE FOLDER ITSELF or else I will not take any of your entries. You can try for multiple, but at most you'll may be getting 1 since there's so few of them and I want everyone to receive a darling they wish to cherish. Please fill out a regular form like name, age, personality, and background, it makes it easier for me to read the basic forms and to evaluate everyone's entries. Another rule, I am tentative on a couple in there since I'm still a bit attached to them as I want to draw them but I'm not sure if I'll continuously do so in the future, so the more detailed the entries on those, the more likely you'll be trusted to take them off my hands to love them like I wished to. One more rule, please, please, please, give me your opinion about Snyails since they're an opened species on DeviantArt, found here. Other than that, have fun writing for these children!!

End date is on September 1st!!



I Submitted an entry!! Gosh your characters are so cute and the one I wrote for will work well in my book tysm for the chance!! <3


edit: both claimed and sent! thank you   



Could I claim the first one please? :o

Edit: thank you <3



Could I get


Refilled my freebie folder! Fcfs, comment on the character to claim. No limit but please don't be greedy


Still have three more characters in my giveaway folder! Please take them :'0

Comment on the character, fcfs.


Added more to this again! All these are free. FCFS .. there are some unknown ones in there, if   there are please only take them if you know who the original creator   was, so you can credit them. I have... not the time nor the energy to   keep looking for them anymore. I found a lot of them, but I am at a  loss  with the rest. ( That and about three of them the creators left  notes  on them saying they didnt want to be credited for )  But  yeah, if you know who they are you can take them. Whats not taken  in the  next month I will.. likely just delete. To clarify the only ones  that may be deleted are the ones where names can not be found. 

Some of these are freebies I have gotten here or FA/DA, some of them  are ones I have purchased from FA/DA Some may be some I made, any  characters with adult art may not be taken by a minor. If I suspect you  are,  I will not send the character.

FCFS YOU CAN NOW take up to three each? Anyone can grab them even those that have over the past few days.  I will likely add more to this again in a day or two... if I am up to it. I have I think something like 100+ adopts that where never uploaded to my TH... I will see how I feel. But if I do add more I will keep posting this reminder when that happens. 

Ping here or on the character. Prefer a ping here because I have missed four pings on the characters themselves...not sure why. But yeah...

Choco,Psi,Tarock are pending.. I think thats all that are currently


Sythrawolf can I get please?


Sythrawolf may I have


Sythrawolf Can I get Adon.

Thank you in advance<3



Oh my, may I claim this bab please?


Sythrawolf Could I adopt please? <3


Sythrawolf i'd love !