trades and sales + tentative (LF: Art/$$$)

Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Edited 6 years, 1 day ago) by Hag

old thread is old, new thread is here!


Kaibutsu omg YAY and thank you!! that sounds like a fair deal to me, i'll put the merman on hold for ya.
as for the specifics, all i know is that i'd love for him to just be standing plain and simple! everything else is up to you for sure (size of piece, expression, etc)


Beed Okee dokee! Do you still want it to be small like the example or would you like it to be bigger?


Kaibutsu well, at first i wanted to say make it small, but you know what, having it bigger sounds nice too! so just make it bigger. thank youuuuuuu ♥u♥


I'm kinda interested in this elf boy

What kind of art would you be interested in for him? I can do a pixel or a regular digital piece maybe? 

Here's my dA again for examples ;' )


peyote gosh it's always so hard when you offer cos everything is so tasty... would u be cool with like, an animated fullbody pixel? Not necessarily 100x100 but bigger than the 50x50s. Let me know what you think is feasible and fair-- that elf is tough to properly consider lol and I'd love to have him go to a good home ♡



Aw tysm! I thought he would fit perfectly with the other elves in my little fantasy world LOL, he's super adorable. < 3

And yeah that's totally doable! A 100x100 is fine, unless you have a specific size in mind! It would be awesome if you could note me with what you'd like :' ) Ty


peyote ahhh I'm so glad you've already got some feelings for him LOL and I will PM you thoughts and deets tomorrow, about to head to bed rn!! Just letting you know that this all sounds great so far woo woo


This guy in your tent tag is absolutely adorable. Wondering what you were looking for him what you preferred if you ever let the beauty go?


@CallMeKatzchen for Kalo i'm just looking for Pixel-Latte swaps or dream-CS designs (venos, booklings, dainties)!

also, kinda related, you left me hanging here instead of letting me know you weren't interested-- just for future reference it'd be helpful to know that sort of thing next time! ^^; refusals are completely fine by me, i just was unsure if i was putting them on hold or not after the radio silence lol.


Oops. I always reply. I may have not gotten your ping or forgot to respond. Lol so sorry. XD And yes, after looking back at it, it's a no for me because I found a different character to draw for.


@CallMeKatzchen oooh okay! 's all good!   


I could possibly trade a kiddo from here?:,TENT


Ive been lookin for some creature babs for a new AU im making with aliens and stuff!


@MizukiCho sorry, i didn't see anyone i'd be willing to trade for! ;w;


@atoll OMG hmmm!!! Both sound good, do you mind if I think on it?? 🤔 either way it looks like sable is going back to you!