trades and sales + tentative (LF: Art/$$$)

Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Edited 6 years, 7 days ago) by Hag

old thread is old, new thread is here!


It's okay~ good luck!


thank you!! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧


oof i'm tempted to draw for the faylin but the same time i need to give myself a break, bumping because your stuff is gorgeous


@wanco-alien aaa hopefully they'll still be around when you get done with your break!! ;w; thank you SO much!!!


Hey i'm wondering do you have proof of ownership for the gummi sharks? I don't mean to sound rude it's just they're pretty hard to get your hands on now


@Riverkouhaix you're not rude at all! i didn't know they were hard to come by (tbh i want to keep them for myself but i don't have time to work on them). ;w;
they have privated TH pages that are created in Pie's username. they were transferred to me by Kavaro, the person i bought these from maybe a month or two ago (here is a link to the folder i found them in-- as you can see, Kav also has other gummis around the same price).
i also have the summary of my purchase from Kav on my paypal from that time.  ($4.00 total, same price i'm asking for now, as i haven't commissioned art or done anything with the cuties OTL)

if you buy them, i'd be happy to show actual screenshots. but if you're just asking to ask, you're gonna have to take my word for it. hopefully that's enough evidence as it is, though! hahaha.


Beed if they're verified on TH under Pie's name that's plenty for me! :'o If you dont mind parting with them I'd love to purchase them both, my email is [email protected] if you would like to send me the invoice


@Riverkouhaix YAY! thank you so much for your kindness. i have sent the invoice ♥ will transfer them when i get the payment!


Zone I don't see prices on the weebly site LOL;;;; (i may be just a smidge technologically challenged) but anyhoo, would you be down for one clean bust and one sketch bust for the two of them?


Zone ah thanks! okay, sounds good with me! is drawing this fella alright with you?


Zone yay! put the human on hold for you, thank you so much! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧


I really like this boi,  I can offer some art