Posted 1 year, 1 month ago (Edited 11 months, 1 day ago) by Oricale

Everything you need to know is BELOW!

Hey! Just to clarify, if you recieve a character from me, even if not created by me, I must be able to see them. I dont want someone hiding them then deleting them because I doubt any creator would be happy with that and just to ease my mind! I wont bother you about not using em and they can be hidden just make sure I can see them please and thank you!

UPDATE! 8/25/23
All characters directly Up For Offer or Entertaining Offers are marked with an UFO tag or and EO tag! Characters not listed as such are still entertaining offers but you're less likely to get them. UMA's is OFF LIMITS!

All UFO characters here!
Looking for Art, Uma's/, and C$. Will look at characters but tryna downsize., in that order from wanted more to wanted little! Will look at anything! Will take digital and traditional art. I like raptile, dragone specially, creatures, mostly like ferals but will look at humanoids and like pokemon/human fusions. UMA's like beardogs, fluffoxes, leparis, and especially WERMZ I am interested in! Art honestly for UFO peeps just a fullbody usually does it or two halfbodies, some of these peeps I just want GONE.  (ALSO TAKING WERMZ ITEMS)

All Chars EO here!
Not more or less tent than the UFO characters necessarily, don't feel afraid to offer!

All DTA's here!
Draw to adopt, please tell me who you're dta'ing before starting and confirm with me.

All Freebies here!
Claim to adopt! Limit of 2. Adopts are case-by-case basis in this tag. (A few are NTA's or WTA's.)

All Adopts here!
Some are free, some are WTA, some are DTA, and some are NTA.

I will not take furry characters and am picky with Anthros but will still look- I like more sketchy or unrealistic anthros and will not take any that show nudity or have human private parts.


GhostlyGrotto done!


Thank you!!


AtalaSirion Them for nivine?


sure, we can trade. 


May I adopt


I was Iinterested in 


Hi! I'd love to claim this cutie if they're still available! ^u^


I'd love to get this fella!


could I offer a Scene and a Bust for

She’s super cute


crow_faerie How many ocs would be allowed in the scene? Thinking of 5 and you can omit the bust because the chars I have in mind one is a bit detailed. They all canines btw feral canines if you can do that.

(Also, if you'd like to do an art trade anytime I got these guys that would look cool wormified on that base you have for your silly guys just a thought I WILL overpay or another char?)

(A recent art example I can do graphite 'lineless' like below or outlined with ink pen I can do multiple fullbodies just you'd be put on a queue for when i start drawing again as my wrists are worn out rn.)



Omitting the bust, I can definitely do 5 characters for the scene. As well as props and if you have a specific background in mind I can do that.

if this sounds okay then I’d like to move this conversation to either toyhouse messages or discord so we can discuss the scene further

for the art trade did you want me to wormify those guys or did you want access to the base?


crow_faerie you can dm me on discord! My discord is vTacoGamesv


Sent a request, my user is crowfaerie


Can i adopt these 2? :3