OC purge: Accepting art/swaps/USD

Posted 6 years, 8 months ago by HollowedAngel

Did a massive clean out recently and Im looking to rehome a few characters

Sale/Trade: http://toyhou.se/HollowedAngel/characters/folder:249361 

Trade only: http://toyhou.se/HollowedAngel/characters/folder:249360

Seeking: Art, character trades, USD, etc

please comment here with offers or note me privately!



Probably around $215-20 for them but feel free to negotiate pricing c:


http://toyhou.se/1287878.namine / http://toyhou.se/1282724.bunny-girl

I'm interested in these two, but all I can offer is art. http://nitrogoblin.deviantart.com/journal/Art-Trade-Request-Box-666169758



I like your chibi's! How much art do you think you could offer for either of them?


Thanks, I can offer a few, like maybe 4-5 to get both? Considering you don't know the designers and most of the art you have appears to have been requests, I feel it's a fair trade considering my chibi is are 20-25$ each depending on complexity.

Edit: I found the designer of the bunny here https://toffihay.deviantart.com/art/Chibi-Anthro-Adopts-CLOSED-365924213 and apparently the other was made by https://mi-ya-ka.deviantart.com according to one of the arts I saw on dA



no thank you! 


what range were you thinking then since both were originally sold for for points? I gave you a range based off that, you didn't have a price listed. 5 chibis would be more than 100$ value. How about just for Namine then? I am being pretty fair considering you're expecting more than you bought them for and the added artwork was requests and not commissions.


i asked about this guy in the comments, but i'm not sure if you saw! (: 


do you prefer trades for him? or is he preferred sale? how much would he be? 


http://toyhou.se/1287844.caesar How much for him or what kind of characters would you be interested in?