UPDATED 27/4 HQ Humanoids Anthros Ferals LF $$

Posted 5 years, 4 months ago (Edited 1 month, 12 days ago) by st4rd4st

Important note: I really dont mind holding characters if I know they will be in a good home but if the weeks pass and you keep ignoring my interest check messages Im sorry but I will opening them again to the public after 5 days of silence (REALLY tired of ghosting happened too many times already)

If you lost interest in a chara or something happened JUST TELL ME PLS its perfectly ok and understable rlly I wont bite u ahsjsd;;


Hello folks the journal is old but still active and updated from time to time and I still need cash hshs (I always do basically lol until I can find a job,)

I will haggle on most and do discounts and give freebies if buying more than one chara, esp those in the sales folder

🌟This is my sales folder all charas here are 100% open to money offers:



You can also offer on my OCs but only in this tag its my Entertaining Offers tag, read profiles for what I am seeking on each

Im also selling more pricey and pop designer stuff here: https://toyhou.se/~forums/13.adoption-center/455941.ufs-spsr-dreamy-slot-dainty-moggiedelight-hq

Multiple choice is ok and preffered since Im looking to downsize (depending on what you offer tho, see below)

3-ways are fine too! Just keep everyone informed uvu (aka me an the other person you want to 3-way with)

➡️I also update the folder and tag quite often so I recommend subcribing to this post or taking a look from time to time!


  • Money (PRIORITY, ask for value on those without prices)
  • OCs (VERY picky, look at my Favourites and my TH in general to see what kind of stuff and aesthetics I like <:3 charas in Favourites are not a guaranteed autoaccept, please dont harass owners)
  • Art (pretty much autoaccept if Im following you here and/or in Deviantart, or if you art is similar (or are you one of the artists) to the ones shown in my Favourites)

Heres the list of artists I enjoy for trades: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/211253.fav-artistsdesigners-guide

Comment or PM your offers!


EnderLatios Sure! Once yours, you can change whatever you want about the design uvu just give me credits for the original and you're good to go x3

Ill DM you!


V0RE Hii! Tysm for your offer but unfortunately I didnt saw anyone I could use...And ur art is cute but not exactly what Im looking for ;v;


Hello! I'm super interested in this babe <3

I know you'll be picky with art, but I figured I'd go ahead and throw my hat into the ring dghdsjkgh

I could offer something like these for them! If you're not really into that more chibi-esque style, you can check out more samples of my work here and maybe we can negotiate!

Thanks so much for checking out my stuff, and best of luck rehoming these guys! :-D


hoodiedogs Oh my gosh your art is so lovely!!! Could I think about what I want exactly for a couple of days? I will DM you with whatever I decide<33


Thank you so much! Yeah, of course, take all the time you need. Just send over a DM whenever you have an idea and we can talk about it! <3



I really like this guy,,, I don't have a lotta examples but I hope you'll consider my art https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/829372562982436934/968579464726458378/image1.jpg


HimariNaito Hiii! Im sorry but your art despite being pretty cool its not what Im looking for at the moment ;v;

Also money is priority rn so Im mainly looking at that!


this might be a long shot but sdlkjfhg i rlly love these two? https://toyhou.se/2756247.alien-bat-pony-20- / https://toyhou.se/4545541.kemono-20-

you can look through my characters here? https://toyhou.se/Synthdweller/characters/folder:1151196 the character quality varies but there isnt to many i swear sdklfjg


Synthdweller Heyo! Tysm for your kind offer but unfortunately no one catched my eye ;v;

Im also only interested in money rn as I need cash but Im willing to haggle a bit on em!


are you able to sell https://toyhou.se/5040772.ensel- ? ^_^


dracuIa Im only looking at whats listed on their profile sorry! ;v;


no worries, would anyone here + art/custom add on interest you? https://toyhou.se/dracuIa/characters/tags:1 
the only ones i probably wouldnt do for them would be artorias, phantasmagoria, or claudia but everyone else is fair game ^__^ multiples OK!


dracuIa Ah you have pretty cool charas but very sadly nothing I could really use or connect too;; Tysm for your offer tho!