Theme Songs for Characters

Posted 3 years, 5 months ago by Wolvenhyde


I thought this up a bit ago and decided I might as well give it a try. I know there's a lot of users that like to add theme songs to their character's profiles (I'm one of them lol) but a lot of people struggle with finding that perfect song for them. I know people who have taken years to find a song that fits their character. There's so many songs out there, and sometimes we just miss the perfect ones.

So I thought, what if I create a forum where people can toss their characters out and people can provide songs they know of that might fit? I feel that, getting other people to toss songs at you widens your scope and helps you find that perfect song that you otherwise might not have found!

There's a few things I want to ask before we start. one, please keep this mature, no inappropriate summaries or sensitive topics. If you have a character that needs a song about those sensitive topics, please spoiler it and put a warning.

Secondly, no spamming characters. Please wait for a couple people before posting again. Let's give everyone a chance to get help!

Third, if you have found a song for your character, please edit your comment to say so!

And lastly, to those recommending songs, it's not a rule but I do recommend lyric videos as those make it easier for people to see if it'll work for their characters.

It'll be easier to post IC, but it's not a rule lmao

For those posting to get songs for their characters, here's a form for you:

Quick Summary of Character:

Looking for songs about:

Not looking for songs about:

Other Comments:

Tilo Waldmüller Nuclear-Hydrangea


Here are some songs, though they are mostly goth rock

Horror Vacui - In darkness you will feel alright (can be fit for vampire)
London After Midnight - October (may fit with the vampire theme)
London After Midnight - Sacrifice (kinda love song but at the same time it's about uncontrolable love)
The Damned - Shadow of Love
Nosferatu - Vampires Cry

Quick Summary of Character: Tilo is a skateboarder and a cellist who likes taking a lot of "challenges" and bragging whatever he did, whether it's successful or failed. He is also a gamer and does speedruns, makes YouTube an Twitch videos and he has friends. Thinks he can compete with anything and anyone even it's difficult. A nuisance to citizens and tourists because of constant skateboarding. While he has a loud personality, Tilo himself isn't obnoxious in speech.

Looking for songs about: songs about challenges, thrills, being fast, well anything related to his personality or his character in general

Not looking for songs about: violence and battle

Other Comments: Tilo's music preference is Symphonic or gothic metal, though he can listen to other metal. Any language is ok, plus points if it's German though

Forgot about Tilo also likes video game music, besides metal but you're good. The lyrics also feel like him too

Raven Schollz Eos_Galvus

ETA: Nuclear-Psychomagnet

For whatever reason your bean reminded me very much os this song so veto to cling as desired.

Sopnic Boom by Crush 40 is a cover of Sonic Boom from Sonic CD... >>; It's a great hype-=up jam that his confidence reminds me of... Double Bonus, the original is from Sonic CD, a video game. ...I'll see myself out.

I've struggled for YEARS so let's finally DO THIS.

Quick Summary of Character: Raven is somewhere between a Wine Aunt and Team Mom or Big Sister. When with people she loves and cares for, she's very upbeat and friendly, understanding and affectionate. She will try to dote and comfort grieving companions, join kids in their weird little antics and even encourage traits and tricks that harm noone and do goof, and will throw hands to defend the people important to her. To her enemies, Raven is dangerous. She will rain the heavens themselves on a foe if it benefit someone she loves, she will fight for the people she chooses, and she's a very powerful mage and strong-willed woman.

But she has flaws and doesn't feel confident. She's sort of bad at reading romantic social cues and very easily flustered. Deep down she's sweet and gooey and loving, flusters easily because she's a hopeless romantic,, and she's a doting mother and family member. Raven is polyamorous with a considerable polycule, all of whome she loves but took too long to admit loving because she's that obtuse to people who love her, and she's quite a large-hearted lady. Her anxiety tries to damage her self worth though, and it may be Raven never knows why anyone would give her a second look -- and she sees looking after and aiding others as a matter of fact, not anything special, even if she takes in that crying orphan. After all -- wouldn't anyone with a heart?

Looking for songs about: Look. Look. If it fits heer personality, go forv it, but I prefer something with a melody. I've had trouble for years finding the perfect song and the closest I ever got was... Not ideal.

Not looking for songs about: I can't stand Rap, Hip-Hop, and RnV. Nothing with graphic depictions of gore, nothing about depression, please try to avoid anything gory sounding or with too many sunbeams and rainbows, a nice middle ground fitting her personality is amazing.

Other Comments: Swearing is fine, obv. label it for the innocent ears, sensitive topics are.... Keep it PG-13. Also, as for Raven's general vibes, the character is prone to be a goth, punk... Generally she's into the alternative lifestyle instead of something more mainstream. I'm noting this in case it helps, don't feel required to look into the gothic or punk stuff if you don't want to/think it fits. Just avoid the Do Not Wants.