The Freebie Bin 2.0!

Posted 7 years, 7 months ago (Edited 2 years, 11 months ago) by Rufino & Lyle Fvhn
Mod 2


Freebie Bin 2.0


Perhaps you fell in love with that design when you first saw it, but you still haven't found a place for it after months of searching and need to let it go. Maybe you designed something years ago that really isn't as great for you as you thought it was. Or maybe you just really need to clean out some space in your folders! No matter what the case, you want that character moved out to someone who can love them more. That's where this thread might come in handy!


  • You may not resell or trade anything that you receive for free from this thread.
  • Freebies only in this thread- that includes first come first serve (fcfs), write to adopt (wta), draw to adopt (dta) raffles and more.
  • You may not conduct or advertise sales or trades in this thread.
  • DTA art must be of the character that is being given away! You cannot ask someone to draw your personal characters in exchange for a "freebie". That is an art trade, and it is not allowed here.
  • The person giving the freebies has the final say on who gets it- do not harass them or complain if you don't like their choice.
  • Mass Claimers- please be considerate of others. If you have hundreds of unnamed characters with blank bios, give someone else a chance!

For a more thorough rundown on rules, Q&A, and other info, please visit the posts on the first page! Have fun!



 aww she's a cutie! I would love for her to be a messenger from the heavens to the guardian angels down on Earth. She sometime slips up with the messages, often causing a bit of trouble with the humans on earth, making them have a bad day. 


Stareater ahh i love her, she's so pretty OvO

She's kinda given me ideas for a new angel closed species (I wanna make a CS hhh)

I would make her a guardian angel of the land where she lives, and maybe RP with her based around that. :D She doesn't tend to fight to restore peace though but instead has the ability to calm people/rouge angels down.

 Plus I really badly want to draw her haha, since she has a really cute design and I need to practice wings.




SuperStar2361 so i don't lose this among the thousands of other threads in character trading

edit: oh and btw i still have a bunch of freebies in my folder called... well, 'freebies'! there's no limit to how many you can have, and all you have to do to get them is just tell me that you want 'em!





Ah.. she's so pretty!

She would be part of my Guardian Angels group, where they fight off dark forces from the world. These dark forces are often confused as Fallen Angels, but Fallen Angels doen't really exists. These dark features are beings that didn't move on when they passed or any reason. If a being was moved on to the Gardian Angels rank, they were specifically chosen because they passed on with the pure of heart, or they were deemed worthy of. In this case, this girl became an angel because she saved her little sibiling from freezing to death in a frozen lake. Sadly, on the way back, this girl fell into the lake herself was not saved. She was deemed worthy of the rank and became a special Guardian Angel with the Powers of Winter. She also helps the word transition from fall to winter if the world can't do it naturally.




Stareater Ahh ;w; I've been eyeing up for ages cx

I would like to name this bab Angi, and I feel she would fit perfectly into a small story I have about unusual species such as Gods, Angels, Demons, Vampires and more. The world this story takes place in is seemingly normal, almost like our own. Although, there's more beyond what the eyes of a mere mortal human can see. Beyond the skies, and down under the canyons lies a rift between the gates to different worlds - Airena, the world of Angels, and Deltera, the world of Demons. For centuries, the Gods and Demons ruling over these two worlds had decided to make peace between the two species to help preserve and protect the humans living in between the demon and angel rift. This partnership between the two species formed a rebellion within few angels and demons alike - causing them to leave their own world and taking the chance to rehome themselves in the human world. This rebellion caused a type of power to be born in the hearts of those opposing peace - which granted them great power when devouring humans. Due to this, Airena and Deltera both train elite angels and demons to hunt down rebels and protect the humans. Some humans are now able to kinda see small amounts of demons and angels that take form of small objects and animals, while very selected few can see all types of angels, demons and other species. This is quite rare, however, and most humans just go their every day life walking among these species without even knowing. Although, not all rebels live outside of their natural world- which lead to the creation of a village in the human world which is completely accepting of all species as long as they keep to a healthy, peaceful lifestyle. Angi is actually one of the elite angels, but was born quite fragile and unfit for battle against rebels- although, she is very knowledgable and spent a lot of her time reading books as a young angel and currently watches over the village built for all species, in order to keep track on how everyone is coping and how well the system is working. Angi currently serves under Velona, a newly born Goddess, as a type of familliar, and is currently her only familliar. Angi absolutely adores Velona and often finds time to return to Airena to tell Velona all about new things she found out about the world while living in and protecting the village. Angi is shown to have grown a lot closer to others while living in the village, and particularly enjoys being around - Lunari, LucyLee and Yuki.


TimelessKing @Dawnchi @Foxicle Venice Thank you all for your interest! It was very hard to decide so I raffled through my fave uses/stories ; A ; I will be transferring her to Foxicle. 


Stareater Ahh ;w; Thank you so much hun <3 //cuddles//



RIBROT this baby is up, first come first serve qHq my plans for him fell through






