this thread is no longer maintained.

Posted 5 years, 11 months ago (Edited 1 month, 6 days ago) by vitaminSALES

please do not DM this account.

So I've been interacting in these sorts of threads for a while now and I'm p. tired of putting in really nice designs only to get really cheap ones in return. No shame in that, if that's what the user below me has, but I thought maybe it was time to make a high-quality edition for people who just have some really nice designs that they can't use and don't want to/can't sell. This is like every other version of the game (see this forum channel) with a few extra specifications.

1. All characters traded must have at least one full-body reference.
2. You must wait until 3 people have posted before posting again.
3. All characters traded must be of a high quality. This means no five-minute designs, nothing made on dollmakers, preferably no bases but high-quality base-work is allowed. Basically something nice, properly lined and maybe shaded, fully-coloured. Use your discretion.
4. If you don't like a character, do not complain or return it, just throw it back into the game later on! The exception to this rule is characters you are sent which do not follow the rules, in which case please tag @gimmique privately so that I'm aware of the situation.

Please fill in the form when posting to make sure you get what you want. When sending a character to someone, try to follow their form as much as possible - it's okay if you don't have exactly "a pastel dog" but if they say no humanoids, don't send a crystal gem, etc.

Human, Anthro, Feral or Other: Self-explanatory
NSFW Okay?: Yes/No
Gore Okay?: Yes/No
Preferred Themes: Ie. Species, Look, Genre etc
Preferred Colour Schemes: Ie. Pastel, Black and White etc
Fandoms: Any You're Happy Receiving
Big No-Nos: Stuff You REALLY Don't Want
Other: Anything Else Important
I will send a bonus character to the first person who posts!


Human, Anthro, Feral or Other: No ferals unless they're dragons.
NSFW Okay?: Yes
Gore Okay?: Yes
Preferred Themes: I'm big on that pseudo-game of thrones type fantasy setting. Fur cloaks, swords, dragons, magic, etc. I'm also fond of cyberpunk type stuff like robots! I have several pages of favorites that give a general idea what sort of stuff I'm into.
Preferred Colour Schemes: I'm not usually picky, but if it's MS Paint default color-picker stuff, I'm not interested.
Fandoms: None. c:
Big No-Nos: Basically covered in the fandom section tbh, but I don't care for generic humans with nothing really unique about them. Miss me with that black-haired Jane Doe with regular clothes, I don't want her. Also, as an added note I'm not huge into closed species. Or open species. Or really anything I can't sell in a pinch. If it has strings attached I'm sorry, I don't want it. 
Other: 🐊


Human, Anthro, Feral or Other: Humanoids only please

NSFW Okay?: Yes ;)

Gore Okay?: No gore in any capacity please!

Preferred Themes: Modern Fantasy, Demons, Angels, Lolitas, stuff that looks like it could be in an RPG are great! If you don't know, take a look at my characters for an idea of what I enjoy!

Preferred Colour Schemes: Pastels, Pinks, Yellows, and Blues are great! But as long as there's no neon colors or rainbows, I'll love it probably!

Fandoms: Please no fandom characters at all! Thank you!

Big No-Nos: No overly complicated designs, fan characters, plain designs, or eye bleeding colors please!

Other: I would prefer more masculine male characters, but anything is fine!!!!


Bumping thread, didn't see new post


Human, Anthro, Feral or Other: Humanoid or Anthro

NSFW Okay?: Yes please!!

Gore Okay?: Yes please!!

Preferred Themes: My profile has a hecka long list, go take a look XD

Preferred Colour Schemes: Pastel, eyestrain, I love pinks

Fandoms: No fandoms thank you

Big No-Nos: Please don't give me a feral unless you're 110% sure I'd love them

Other: Drippy slime things give me life??


Human, Anthro, Feral or Other: No ferals unless they're dragons. Not big on anthros right now either.
NSFW Okay?: Yes
Gore Okay?: Yes
Preferred Themes: I'm big on that pseudo-game of thrones type fantasy setting. Fur cloaks, swords, dragons, magic, etc. I'm also fond of cyberpunk type stuff like robots! I have several pages of favorites that give a general idea what sort of stuff I'm into.
Preferred Colour Schemes: I'm not usually picky, but if it's MS Paint default color-picker stuff, I'm not interested.
Fandoms: None. c:
Big No-Nos: Basically covered in the fandom section tbh, but I don't care for generic humans with nothing really unique about them. Miss me with that black-haired Jane Doe with regular clothes, I don't want her. Also, as an added note I'm not huge into closed species. Or open species. Or really anything I can't sell in a pinch. If it has strings attached I'm sorry, I don't want it.
Other: 🐊


If you don't like it, I can give you a custom

Human, Anthro, Feral or Other: Human

NSFW Okay?: No

Gore Okay?: unrealistic only

Preferred Themes: Male, fantasy, magic

Preferred Colour Schemes: Pastel, black-white

Fandoms:none really

Big No-Nos: Eye bleeding, scary

Other: I love heterochromia, please have a full body pic


Human, Anthro, Feral or Other: Humanoids only please

NSFW Okay?: Yes ;)

Gore Okay?: No gore in any capacity please!

Preferred Themes: Modern Fantasy, Demons, Angels, Lolitas, stuff that looks like it could be in an RPG are great! If you don't know, take a look at my characters for an idea of what I enjoy!

Preferred Colour Schemes: Pastels, Pinks, Yellows, and Blues are great! But as long as there's no neon colors or rainbows, I'll love it probably!

Fandoms: Please no fandom characters at all! Thank you!

Big No-Nos: No overly complicated designs, fan characters, plain designs, or eye bleeding colors please!

Other: I would prefer more masculine male characters, but anything is fine!!!!


Human, Anthro, Feral or Other: No ferals unless they're dragons. The only anthros I'm really looking for are things designed by @squeedge. 
NSFW Okay?: Yes
Gore Okay?: Yes
Preferred Themes: I'm big on that pseudo-game of thrones type fantasy setting. Fur cloaks, swords, dragons, magic, etc. I'm also fond of cyberpunk type stuff like robots! I have several pages of favorites that give a general idea what sort of stuff I'm into.
Preferred Colour Schemes: I'm not usually picky, but if it's MS Paint default color-picker stuff, I'm not interested.
Fandoms: None. c:
Big No-Nos: Basically covered in the fandom section tbh, but I don't care for generic humans with nothing really unique about them. Miss me with that black-haired Jane Doe with regular clothes, I don't want her. Also, as an added note I'm not huge into closed species. Or open species. Or really anything I can't sell in a pinch. If it has strings attached I'm sorry, I don't want it.
Other: 🐊


Human, Anthro, Feral or Other: Humanoids only please

NSFW Okay?: Only if it's not a soley nsfw character, nsfw in some pics is ok

Gore Okay?: If it's not a soley gore character, gore in some pics is ok

Preferred Themes: Heavy into high fantasy! I love that shit. Sci-fi, cyberpunk is great too.

Preferred Colour Schemes: Anything as long as it fits well together

Fandoms: None c:

Big No-Nos: Underage characters, female designs, men wearing shorts?

Other: I prefer serious characters