[Open] Condensed Milk's Art and Design trades

Posted 3 years, 29 days ago (Edited 2 years, 3 months ago) by SchoolMilkCarton

Looking to do some art or design trades! O:

I can do fullbody, halfbody, bust, or chibi lined and I can also do lineless chibis. Examples below:



What I will draw:





-Some gore

What I won't draw:

-NSFW (excluding some gore)

Looking for art of anyone here, but if none of those interest you feel free to browse the rest of my characters. If you're looking for designs, I've got a few things in mind and I'll PM you with those prompts as to not clog up anything here. All final drawings will be PM'd, as well.

Just lmk who you want me to draw and what style/type and please offer what you think is fair for that!


I'd love to trade! I'll love to draw Them

here are my Characters

here are my Art example Here



Kingfisher01 Of course! I can draw a fullbody of Bug for you? O:


@schoolmilkcartoon sure!


Kingfisher01 Wonderful! Starting rn!


Weed_Eater I'm totally down to do a fullbody of Tawny! O:

Your art is absolutely gorgeous! I usually PM people an update of completion and final piece for organization sake. (:

Reese's eyes are drawn in their icon--their irises are pink and I usually color pupils as a stylistic choice so you don't have to draw their pupils yellow. Same colors as their hair, basically! Those weird things poking out of their hair are also feathers! I just drew them a bit weirdly-

Thank you for asking! O:


Weed_Eater That works for me! (:


Oh I'd love to trade with you!! Your style is so cool!! I'd love to draw this cutie! 

Art examples: Here, here, here and here! The 1st one is my most recent and is an experimental style, I'm looking to use it more.

Would you be okay drawing this lil bug? (Her TH profile is a wip.) I know some people are a little squeamish about insects.


I'd be like to do a trade if you were interested! 

My art is mostly here and characters are here 

I'd love to draw Mormo or Tortrys in whatever style of trade works for you! 

Thank you for the consideration!


rattieberry Of course I'm willing to trade! O: Just lmk what you'd like from me/what you'll do and I can try to match it! (:

Msmtoast I'm also down to trade with you! I'm down to draw Birch! I'm down to do whatever, but I feel like fullbody would work best! Lmk what you'd like, though, I'll try to match!


Full Body is absolutely fine with me! Do you have any prompts for Mormo or Tortrys? or a preference between them or someone else?


Msmtoast Not really! I have no preference between any of them!

If you'd like some, though: Mormo is known for writing a lot, especially on scrolls. They're also really good at cooking, oddly enough. Tortrys usually is seen caring for mimics, which normally take the shape of furniture, so just imagine dogsitting but those dogs are chairs or brooms with eyes and teeth.

Any prompts for Birch?


if you’re interested, I’m up for a trade!

I was thinking about a headshot/bust, I could do P56!

I’m currently looking for art of my character Terrence (https://toyhou.se/9255297.terrence-michael-hollick#33108309),

The headshot would be shaded from my part :] Ty for the opportunity!


Arcalier Of course! O:

I am more than willing to do a shaded headshot of Terrence! (:

I can PM you when I am completed so we can send final products at the same time, and in case you want any updates!