Art Trade! Open! :>

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago (Edited 10 months, 15 days ago) by SerenityMay

Hello ^^ I love doing art trades they are so much fun! If anyone would like to do one with me please let me know!

I prefer Humanoid Art Trade but not opposed to others for my end! (I have humanoids) 

Please make sure to tell me what type of trade (bust, full, half, etc) 

And what character you would like to draw/ let me draw! (If you want to keep it a surprise for my side you can just write who you would like for me to draw or if you want it to be a surprise for your side let me know!)

Here are art examples!


Chicken Smoothie 

Here are my fav ocs I would love getting Art of!


Kingdom ocs

if you want to draw someone else I have other ocs out of that tag, anyone would be awesome to get drawn! just let me know who you would like to draw! :>


Made a little form uwu

Type of Trade: Headshot

Character I'd Like to Draw: Strawberry Milkshake Wolf

Character I'd Like You to Draw: Nova, Quail Song, or Akuma (Can choose someone else)

Average Time I'd Finish: Between Friday and Sunday


I would love to do that! Ill message you ^^


Yeah definitely! I’ll message you ^^


If anyone would like to do an art trade let me know! :>


I’d love to! I’ll message you :> 


I would like to trade with you!

My examples are Here, and Im willing to do a fullbody!


Awesome! I’ll message you :>


Hi hi!  

I’d be up for an art trade!  Probably a half body (clean sketch) colored?


(hopefully that’s how to ping lmaooo)

I’d love to!! Who would you like for me to draw? 

and for my character I’m fine with anyone from this tag! 

But if none of them interest you I’m fine with anyone on my toyhouse! :> 


((I dont know how to tag but hopefully  SerenityMay ))  I'd love to draw Alice!  If youd like, you can look through my characters and choose any of them!  Preferably somebody without much art but if not that's okay! :)


((I dont know how to tag but hopefully  SerenityMay ))  I'd love to draw Alice!  If youd like, you can look through my characters and choose any of them!  Preferably somebody without much art but if not that's okay! :)



Sorry for responding so late! I would love to draw Alhma if that ones okay! :> if not just let me know! ^^