Stop the "fav this and I'll draw your character"

Posted 3 years, 5 months ago (Edited 3 years, 5 months ago) by Coastette

Maybe I'm being a negative nancy but this has gotten out of control. The popular character page has been filled with "fav and I'll draw y cos" ! "fav if I can draw your ocs"! and "fav to enter for adopt"!
You can say it is basically fav farming and spamming at this point and ignoring the site's damn forums.
You want to draw ocs or free art? Go here art freebies and art trades
Want to advertise your adopt? Go here design marketplace

Like I'm tired of seeing this


edit: I just saw that yes fave raffles are allowed but that doesn't change the fact about the fav to draw your ocs


Very much agree that it is getting out of hand AGAIN


The chart you made is hilarious to look at and bask in just how big this has gotten. Would this thread be too similar to the thread though? I don't know the rules on same-topic threads.


nyainou Good to know. I'll start reporting them tho I'm worried that due to how many there are gonna be hard to report most of them

DevilsNeverCry If it's too similar and a mod or someone just points out that I'll take down the thread. Seein that thread is 2 months old and basically the same thing is o h bo y this issue has gotten out of control


Mushiri At least it's good to know many other users are frustrated with this too! I don't really use outside of the hot page and my own, but I don't think I'd be wrong to say that this is the biggest issue plaguing the site right now.



Probably to give people a false hope that they'll get drawn or something 


its gotten even worse since this was posted lmao ... cant go two steps without seeing one of these things :v

like yes, i get it, favs are nice ... but begging for them like this is a little sus and even more unreliable.

i actually didnt know that this behavior was against the rules though. you learn smth new every day i guess lol