[+267] More transparency from the Admin

Posted 3 months, 1 day ago (Edited 1 month, 4 days ago) by Vallien_Fulki


269 Votes +1

I have seen that the Admin has responded to one person in a ticket

I don't think there's anything else I can do with this thread, so it's time to lock this
Thanks to everyone who +1

The goal is to bring attention to this issue to the admin in a non threatening manner.
If you can't do that in this thread then I may block you. This is your only warning.

Btw, frustration is okay!
However be careful when speculating. We truly don't know things until we hear from the admin themself.

+1s are counted by the poll, not the comments
I do realize that I don't have anon poll on by accident but is a bit late for me to fix that


To Do List - "Edited 4 years ago"

Changelog - On the latest posts there's just maintenance

It's also been 3 years since the mention of "working on mods" (let me know if there's another post)

It has been long enough that we have been kept mainly in the dark for updates for Years

Monthly or Quarterly updates on how things are doing, Admin. It's all we ask.
Especially on the most important thing this site desperately needs currently: Mods

Busy with all those help desk tickets? You know who would help? Mods.


yes please, i'd like to know what the admin is up to, and i think others would (especially premium subs)


forgot to turn on anon poll btw


15 votes already in 11 hours
goes to show how important transparency is on things whether you are a dev
or even an artist


8 more to 69



oi be a little more kinder, we're not here to go to the admin with pitchforks
I'm frustrated with this whole situation too but we need to address it to the admin in a calm manner

plus subs are optional, they're not charging anyone When people Don't sub

I will only warn this once.


Honestly wouldn’t mind becoming a mod for the site if they gave me premium or just a little bit of $$. But toyhouse is probably big enough to get volunteer mods. It’s not a huge site like ig or facebook but still people love it (including myself!)


I highly agree, I haven't heard nor seen any development progress in quite some time outside of maintenance down-times. Of course I could have simply missed some things, but it feels like nothing has been happening since we know nothing.


With the info that is readily available as I linked, I don't think you missed much at all with how there's barely anything for years



edit: is gone to 70 already


holy carp yall we're nearly at +100 in 7 days, I didn't think I would get many at all
thank you to everyone who has +1
hopefully this may be our light to knowing how site progress is

I will update if I get any response at all from the ticket (I'll create one once +100 is reached), though know that a response may take a long while
if I get a chance for a response at all.


I hope this suggestion ticket works 🙏
again thank you to everyone who has added a +1


Bump! Man, it's really frustrating. I understand that a site is much, heck! We (talking about us) weren't even able to keep a server up with 30 peeps. I understand the stress, the pressure, the need to make it right for everyone. It's only human. //Train of thought cut here

I'm not even sure who the mods are, though there is prolly a way to find out. And I think being able to code doesn't make you a mod, it makes you a dev/coder. They need kudos too, of course! We wouldn't have this site otherwise, but that's their primary job, code. We need mods for tickets, mods for this, mods for that... //

I love this site, really, we have spent many many hours of our lives on here already, but if I think it through, there's actually so much work that needs to be done, too. - Jasmin