What are A.S.H. and T.R.A.S.H. units?

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago (Edited 8 years, 6 months ago) by _featherweather

FAQ about species that includes a lot of lore, done in a format similar to F.A.Q.


What is an A.S.H. unit?

A.S.H. stands for "Anima Sub Human", a classification given to these bio-engineered creations of Cruadal Pharamaceuticals.

They are manufactured sub human species of near human sentience, made primarily to be companions and caretakers to humans. Today, however, a good number of units have been employed in the hospitality and housekeeping industries, and other jobs.

Alright... So what's a T.R.A.S.H. unit then? Are they actually garbage?

*laughs* No, of course not! T.R.A.S.H. is an acronym for "Tactical Response Augmented Sub Human". They are specialized A.S.H. units created for the use of government agencies in important, often deadly, situations where an A.S.H. would do better than a human., and some rouge entities. They have the same appearance of regular A.S.H. units but have specialized training and some genetic modification that no Ash would have. 

You can think of them as the powered up, highly trained version of the original A.S.H.

So they're the same... but not?

That... sums it up fairly well.

T.R.A.S.H. look exactly like an A.S.H. unit but they often wear powered tactical suits in one of 10 colors.

From here on out, unless otherwise noted, A.S.H. units is used to refer to anything that pretains both to A.S.H. and T.R.A.S.H. units. 


What can you tell me about the process to create A.S.H. units?

Not a lot, sadly -- much of the design and creation of them are protected under various copyright and patent laws. But I can tell you a bunch of other things about them!

All right, what do they look like then?

A.S.H. and T.R.A.S.H. units are slightly more varied than humans, possessing a number of traits that makes each unit rather unique. 

The only constants on all A.S.H. and T.R.A.S.H. units are their elongated ears -- which can swivel and move in 360° -- their fur -- despite being human like, they have a slight amount of fur all over their body, with the thickest coating on their legs which covers their clawed feet -- and the serial number printed on the inside of both of their wrists. The eyes and eyebrows of A.S.H. units always match

The average A.S.H. units have a full height between 5'7" to 6'5", but there are plenty of outliers. The average T.R.A.S.H. unit weights more than an A.S.H. unit of the same hieght due to their augmentations.

They can wear all sorts of clothing, but normally adopt whatever is customary in ther home or occupation. 

Serial Numbers?

Oh yes, those! Since A.S.H. are created in labs, they have a serial number to designate and name them. Of course, they are allowed to have nicknames for further customization and individual preference.

All ASH units have a serial number printed on the inside of both wrists in the style YSSS, where Y is the generation batch and SSS is the manufacturing number.
1001 is the first ASH unit, 3004 came before 3006, et cetera.

For some reason, "Freeborn" A.S.H. units, also known as "Second Generation" or "Child" units are born with serial numbers as well, despite not being born in a lab. Their serial number format is slightly different, in the style YAAAXP. The "Y" is the current generation batch number - somehow units know this -, while "AAA" is the average of the unit's parents' manufacturing number, and "P" is the eldest parent's batch number.


Wait, child units? A.S.H. units can have kids!?

Yes they can! A.S.H. and T.R.A.S.H. units are stil rather humanoid and, unsurprisingly can procreate.

Normal units are created in batches within Cruadal's facilities and are released fully formed as young adults, but freeborn units are hatched from large eggs. These units start at a "child" stage, which is essentially a smaller version of their adult selves, soemwhere between 1/4 to 1/3 of a normal A.S.H. unit's height. They grow at an accelerated rate for the next seven to ten months before they are aged to about the same of a normal unit. Their base height is shorter and they are more prone to having mutations than normal A.S.H. units.

Okay... how?

Oh, wonderful question!

Biologically, A.S.H. units are all the same - single - sex, but may"choose" to express a preferred gender, often to better integrate with humans. All units have a pair of breast and nipples, although they are generally small and it is rare for A.S.H. units to have breasts larger than an A cup which itself is uncommon. They possess a cloaca, which also includes a penis, which remains in their preputial glands when not in use. The appearance of A.S.H. penes vary greatly; a good number have rather human like organs, but plenty have been documented with spines, barbs, or knots. 

For some reason, A.S.H. units lay eggs, much like a monotreme, rather than bear live young. 

A.S.H. units can procreate recreationally, within their speicies and with other ones, including humans. However, no cases of offspring has been documented through interbreeding, although attempts have been made in lab settings. In fact, offspring is pretty rare, even when A.S.H. units copulate among their species.

Would you like more information about their biology?

Sure... Give me more information about A.S.H. biology.


Well, A.S.H. units are highly durable -- more so than humans -- but they can still be irreparably damaged to the point of death. Overall, their anatomy is rather human like, so they can be treated in normal hospitals, although they can not receive blood.

A.S.H. units bleed clear -- they can have human plasma transfusions (but only with AB plasma) but that doesn't help with the most greivious of wounds. A.S.H. units have ABO blood types but they do not contain the RH (D) antigen. Instead, their blood may contain certain antigens that are not compatible with human blood which also causes human blood to be incompatible with their bodies (antigen negative A.S.H. blood might be able to get transfusions from RH- humans, but it's rather rare).

As mentioned previously, A.S.H. units are manufactured and released as young adults and grow from there -- they generally age 1 A.S.H. year for every 5 to 10 human years.


Do they have any powers?

No A.S.H. units have magic of any sort, but T.R.A.S.H. units tend to have various augmentations that give them preternatural abilities, such as super strength, enhanced senses, some element control, and more. 

All TRASH units have at least some augmentations which lets them endure more and hook up to their company's network.