TH live code editor [1 MILLION PAGEVIEW UPDATE]

Posted 4 years, 11 months ago (Edited 5 months, 21 days ago) by circlejourney
I've made a World for code editor discussion and suggestion! It would be great if you could post suggestions there so they're all in one place.

Toyhouse code editor with live preview

Bookmark it on Toyhouse


Preview your HTML/CSS code in various layouts as you type.

Toyhouse watermark previewer

Bookmark it on Toyhouse


Preview watermarks applied to images without uploading and regenerating.

A couple of code utilities for making certain aspects of using Toyhouse less tedious! The code editor shows a live preview of code as you type it, and the watermark previewer lets you preview the appearance of watermarks on images.

I created these tools to help make coding and applying watermarks easier. I'm not affiliated with Toyhouse and I'm maintaining these for fun in my free time. (If you'd like to support me, you can donate to my ko-fi.)

These are works in progress, and I've been fixing all bugs that I find/am informed of. I'm always happy for feedback, suggestions and bug reports! Do check the "known issues" section on the website to see what has already been reported.


Box_Studios hmmm, could you send me a PM with the code snippet that's doing that?


Crowman didn't notice that - I have just fixed this, thanks for the note.


do you have any idea why sometimes the code will work on your site, but when pasted into ToyHouse it completely breaks? I was able to figure it out on another piece of code I was working on, but the current one I'm working on I have no clue what could've broken it. is there like a list of common things that don't easily transfer over when pasting into TH?


diatzk yeah, Toyhouse processes profile code in their backend to remove blacklisted CSS properties and sometimes reorganise HTML tags (e.g. it won't let you put a div tag inside an a tag). Usually if the code looks OK on the editor but not on TH, it's because of one of these things.


you are ACTUALLY a lifesaver! I wanted to do some more toyhouse coding for myself and this definitely helps since I can't always visualize what's going on :D


ahh that makes sense, I think fixing some </div> tags helped a ton, thank you for this awesome resource ^^


HeartlessSpade Sometimes that happens because the CSS uses an @import rule, can you check if there's a line starting with @import in the CSS? If not then feel free to DM me the CSS and I can take a look!


HeartlessSpade would you be willing to send me the code in a private message just for debug purposes? the CSS feature is generally working fine on my end so I'd like to try debugging it with the code that is causing the issue.


So I was editing a code for an oc and the page bugged after I left the page and returned to it.


After I refreshed the page, All of my progress was gone but the weird thing remained on the side and won't go away.


The code is by @Aurorean


Box_Studios oh no, it looks like maybe you toggled to the blurb tab and the code ended up in there? what happens when you click on the Blurb tab - do you see the code in the HTML area?


circlejourney Ah I see! I must've Moved the code there somehow by mistake! Thanks for the help!