✧ Eli's HTML & Layouts ✧

Posted 4 years, 4 months ago (Edited 2 years, 8 months ago) by Elithian

Eli's Coding

I decided to make some codes and started doing some small coding to be available to other people! I meant to make a thread ages ago but I've been a bit busy. Currently there's very few layouts and codes, but there's more to come, including a stats section addon and a few character profiles.

These codes can be used in any way you wish. They're more resources than they are predefined codes, so long as you're not ripping chunks out and call 'em your own code.


  1. Comment in this thread if you use any of these!
  2. You can edit these as much as you want, combine them, etc.
  3. Don't remove the credit
  4. Feel free to send a PM if you have issues editing these
  5. By using or referencing these, you agree to my Rules and TOS

Customs start at $3 for simple things and usually won't go above $20, with an average of $10-$15.

I prefer to code special tidbits like addons and worldbuilding stuff or directories, but I'll code about anything. Feel free to PM me with your details!

Character layouts

Layouts that can be used to display information about your OCs


Literature and character layout in the style of the SCP Foundation. Comes in TH colours and colours of the SCP Foundation's site.

Worldbuilding layouts

Layouts that can be used to display information about the world your OCs live in as well as their meta


A layout for your World made with premade colours you can edit, made specifically for TH's Worlds function.



An extended layout for showcasing your worlds, characters, and friend groups with an eye on factions. The recoded version that probably looks better.



A tabbed list of species present in your world or gallery.



The old version of the character directory. Not quite as pretty or up to date but still available in case anyone prefers this version.

Commerce layouts

Layouts for things such as adoptables and commission threads.


A layout to use for designs that are UFT, UFS, or otherwise in the market.

Profile addons

Little tidbits that can be added to existing profiles or that function to carry meta info about your characters.


Template for tags used in your TH gallery, with suggested categories and tags that can be edited to your needs.


Free • Premium only

Small HTML to add extra links under your profile blurb using font awesome icons. Can only be used by premium members.


Some coding resources and tricks you can reference as much as you wish.


General coding resources. On classes.



More coding resources, on styles.



Even more coding resources, on the 12 column grid and the use of tabs.


using Simple World<3


probably going to be using the tag directory and the adoptable html!


I might used this :0


I'm using simple for my newest world :)


tysm for providing these codes! i'm using your adoptable html for my uft designs ^^


Using simple world and the character directory. Thank you for making these!


Hello! I've been using the Simple World theme for my world, which is currently private, but I'll be making it public after some more researching and writing.

I love the theme a lot, and I've been doing a lot of customizing with it. I've made some "page" layouts using your code so that my pages match the theme of the main page. I have templates for things like pages with collapsible sections and just plain text pages with sections and stuff.

I'm not sure if you're aware of this or not, and I've been debating messaging you about it for a while, but in case you don't know, the "reference colors" in your Simple World theme aren't correct. The colors you list in the instructions are accurate for some parts of the code, but are off by one letter each later on in the code (so someone finding and replacing the colors to their own scheme would only convert a few sections of the page; the others have to be done manually). I wasn't going to say anything, since it was something I could do pretty easily and figured most other people with any HTML knowledge would be able to do, but after messing with the code myself a little bit, I thought I might as well do it while thanking you for making such a cool, aesthetically pleasing, and clean code.

Also, if you'd like to see/use my "template pages" to either offer to people or advertise customization options, please let me know! The codes haven't been combined with anything, so it's all 100% your intellectual property. All I did was use the same color scheme I'm using. Again, just let me know if you want to see pictures or anything! Unfortunately, I can't link the page without making my world public ><

Again, thank you so much for these incredible codes!


megamarshadow Thanks very much for letting me know about that! I'll take a look at it and check if I can fix that issue in the template code ;) Edit: big title and active BG were indeed wrong by one character. I wonder how that happened? Maybe I copied them manually instead of copy-pasting and my dyslexic mind tried to make them prettier 😔 It's been edited in the base code!

What do you mean by that second to last paragraph?


I'm glad you were able to fix the base code easily, and I'm glad that I didn't wind up spamming you about something you'd already been informed of before LOL

Sorry if I was confusing! What I meant is that I used your code to make matching "page" layouts to go with your Simple World theme. I was just offering you the code if you think they'd be worth sharing alongside the Simple World theme. I mean, it's all taken from your code anyway, so it's all stuff that you could (and, technically, did) make all on your own. I just chopped it up a bit ^^'

I realize that "offering" something that you already made back to you probably sounds a bit ... condescending? I'm sorry! That was never my intention! I just wanted to show you something cool I made with your code in case anyone else wanted to do something similar with it, or if you wanted to include templates like these in addition to your base code.

I decided to make the world public anyway, just to show you what I meant. Here's my "template" page for an informational page with collapsing sections, and here's the one without. Again, thank you so much for making your code free, available, and accessible. I'm really pleased with it, and it feels so rewarding to see everything about my world come together in such a visually pleasing and professional-looking way!


Using your Simple World code for a CS! 


Using the Simple World code. Thanks so much c:


megamarshadow Oh damn, those are some really cool edits! If you'd like to distribute the code, you are absolutely free to do so (or if you'd like me to do it? I'm unsure if you mean you'd like to post 'em or you'd like me to add 'em to the layout as an addon, something I'd definitely be cool with). Since you edited the code, you're free to also add in a credit to yourself there. It's only fair, since the actual visual layout is also a part of the code ;v;

Also, a small tip, if you add an mx-auto class to the main container, it'll be centered in the page. That way, it matches up with Simple World a little better 😉


I'd like to use your character directory redux for a world I'm making (it's currently on private bc I'm still working the bugs out) and don't know where I need to put it


Thank you! I was hoping you would be able to make them available as an add-on yourself. I don't know how to do HTML, so I don't really have any reason or interest in distributing codes myself at this time ^^'

I put myself in as a credit in the code instructions/rules for these two pages! I can't understate how little expertise I have and how little "work" I did compared to the actual code that you wrote, so I really don't want or need much credit at all.

Thank you so much for that tip. As you can see, I really don't have experience with this LMAO

Here are the same sample pages for the non-collapsing page and the collapsing page again, with color schemes matching the original and links to the code on Pastebin. Please do whatever you see fit with them!