MODULAR | The HTML Where YOU Pick The Layout!

Posted 3 years, 10 months ago (Edited 1 year, 11 months ago) by MODULAR | Customizable Layout CivilEngideer

Hello it's me! Someone you've probably never heard of! And I've got a question for you...

Have YOU got a 

Are you totally unable to start doing anything with that because you like having matching layouts but you don't have the same level of detail for every character so you either have to make a bunch of new content for those characters or edit the codes super hard to make them work for you and even then you have to tear them up in weird ways to fit your different types of characters and it totally ruins the look and you're just so tired and don't wanna do anything with your because of it, leaving everyone just as empty profiles??? 

Well, I have a solution for your highly specific problem! And it's free!

It's a layout I made called MODULAR! It's a code that lets you have full control over what's in it, because, well, it's modular! This also means that I can easily put out new components for you to add whenever! 

Check out the character this posted from for more info and lots of example uses! I'll be posting here whenever I add more modules so feel free to stick around and watch!
I'd also appreciate if comment if you've used this code so I can see! I've actually added a few modules based on what I've seen people do with it. So it's really helpful <3 (Also bumping helps people actually find this which is also very sexy and cool.)

Thanks for checking this and possibly my other resources out! 


  • 2/19/2022 I have homework.
    • Added Image Module: Icon Splash
  • 3/1/2022
    • Redid the code pick up pages!
    • Updated Playlist 1.1 is out and behaves in a less ugly way on smaller screens.
    • Updated Awards 1.1 now has hover descriptions so we don't have to memorize what all these awards are for.
  • 3/5/2022
    • Added Cardoflauge versions of all existing modules + new previews.
    • Updated The regular foundations now have instructions on how to swap from dark to light colors.
  • 5/12/2022 Here I go coding again.
    • Added Artsy Tabs 1.0 for if you thought the Cardoflauge tabs was cuter. Comes in regular and ReColor!
    • Added Tell Us What You REALLY Think 1.0 It's an inventory! It's a story! It's  another damn relationship module because I'm never happy! It's whatever  the hell you want really! Only in regular and ReColor. Cardoflauge version tba.

Oh yeah these other things were by me too, maybe you wanna check them out too.


This is awesome!!!! I might switch my characters over to using it :O


Oh this is cool!! I love uniformity lmao so I think I'll give it a try!!


Woah this sounds so cool!! :O I might give it a go :D



ok, looks like my secondaries folder might be getting recoded,,,


Very good code! I used it for Scott and may use it for many other chars!


awesome! definitely gonna try it out!


Using for a few characters in the same universe! Thank you so much for making such a versatile code!


Moved the changelog up into the og post. Also another version is added sooo that's neat.


Made what the kids these days might call a snippet.

Check it out.



Using this!


This is very good, I'm using it!


This is everything I've ever wanted in a code! I'm just savvy enough to modify it to my liking! Thank you so much!


(Mirrored from this bulletin)

Hey there! 

I just wanted to let you know that I am pulling you turn the screws for the time being. I know it's my most popular code but it's been in need of a rewrite for years, and the coder that I originally referenced  when making the code has decided to exit the community. So still having a code up that has their work in it felt wrong. Plus you can really feel the patchwork of it, I can do way better now. (And don't get me started  on mini screws, that shit has been broken and bad forever.)

I'm also pulling Babusagi for similar reasons. (It uses that coders full length background code, It's also just sloppy as hell because it was my first completely original bootstrap thing) I'm on the fence about rewriting it, I may just make a new code with a similar layout instead. Especially since the species I made it for has been retired for ages. 

You can still use these codes but please don't redistribute them. And look out for the updated versions! They'll likely be more stable and customizable, so they'd definitely be worth upgrading to when they're out.  Feel free to comment here if you want pings when those updates are out!

Thanks for your support!