### Don't know how to code? use my editor :)

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago (Edited 1 year, 11 months ago) by Safe


This project has been taken over by 8byte!


After months of having this in my to-do...I've finally refractored Safe's old code!

The new project, Safehou-se, takes custom fitted themes created by artists/developers on toyhou.se and makes them fill-able forms for people who do not know how to code.

I’ll repeat that one more time. People who do NOT know how to code can now edit themes like a google form. And that’s by using my website.



(side note all the templates have explicit permission by the authors)

(second side note all the placeholder images are from the older site...some styles may appear different)

What now?

I (8byte) have subscribed to this thread, so feel free to continue using this thread to give feedback and ideas! If you make toyhouse templates, you can follow the docs to make your templates compatible with this style!

If you have any specific feedback, be sure to join the Coders' Discord... that's where most of the development has been happening :)

Also...shameless plug of my ko-fi... if you like what I do, drop a tip?

archived 09.28.2022

Hi! I am looking for volunteers to help add new templates onto the website, specifically people who know basic html and JSON structure. (javascript is a bonus!)


First off, thank you to 8byte for helping me get started with this project and helping me learn more about the toyhou.se and art community. (You guys are so cool!)

Thank you to Eggy Togo and future developers who are willing to donate time and themes to building this cool cool utility.

Thank you to alyeong for helping me out with the font-awesome issue, I really appreciate them helping me get premium icons to work.


I’m a new developer trying to bring some cool code/themes/tools to the toyhou.se community. For fun.

Uhh, yeah, so I created this cool tool that I call “bruhhou.se” (name obviously pending). Bruhhouse takes custom fitted themes created by artists/developers on toyhou.se and makes them fill-able forms for people who do not know how to code.

The website

You can reach the TEST website here. Please comment on the thread if you end up using the site, that’s not a hard rule or anything I just want to know if y’all use it LOL.

It should work on mobile and PC and it should be fully functional. Please pm me with any bugs or whatnot.


This post technically is an interest check. I want to know if you have or will want to use this website in the future, I also want to know if you have any feedback for the website in general. If you have a minute or two, I implore you to check out the website and provide me with that good stuff (the feedback)

Side note:

There are a few bugs such as images not working, and there’s like a good chance I accidentally missed some data somewhere and a template doesn’t work in a specific spot. This website is in beta and is just being tested.

I created this thread for feedback on the idea and concept.

What now?

Good question! If you want to support my development I suggest the following:

I can code using React and Typescript! The project is closed source but hit me up for access to contribute!
I created codes that I want on your website! Great! If you know JSON do me a favor and organize all the customizable data that is in your code. If not, feel free to just dm and I will get around to it!
I have money! Great! Donate on my ko-fi or my paypal :)
I don’t have money! Great! I do need some art done for the placeholders and I have no idea how art works, if you’re willing to donate time or art to use as placeholders please hit me up :)

Thanks! Feel free to hit me up for any questions, comments, concerns.


HYPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED boosting the shit outta this <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3



I'm new at toyhouse, and although i really wanna learn how to code, i am pretty impatient and want to do profiles for my OCs, and this will help me so much thank you!

Posting this so i don't lose it :D

Sorry if my english is bad it's 1am for me :')


This is awesome, when I saw the preview I was like "WHaaaaaaat." Fantastic idea!

I definitely want to make some for this.


WOW - great idea! I am interested!


Thanks cheeber and spearthedemon

I've only added like 3-4 templates so far, but I hope that I can speed up the process soon.


Just checked the coding and personal website out, and wow am I blown away!  Coding in general is such a nitty thing, especially for a user who's new to it (and/or aspiring learning coders), so to create this in your free time is amazing!

Your work is mighty impressive so kudos for you and your hard work in lending such a powerful tool for the community!  I can't wait to see this grow in the near future, and best of luck on your future projects!! :D <33


InsaneJames thanks for testing it out! I’m glad you were able to get it finished without a hitch. I don’t have an official channel for bug tracking but I take dms and replies to this thread seriously.

jiko thanks for the kind words!


this looks great so far! i'm loving the user-friendliness to folks who don't know how to code (such as me lol), definitely looking forward to using this more in the future!!


Wow this is so awesome!  Not a coder myself, but if there’s anything I can do to help you please lmk! So glad I won’t have to be switching to WYSIWG whenever I want to edit and then creating a broken code,,


refel nyxx_ Thanks for your kind words! If you find anything confusing or hard to figure out lmk as I love that kind of feedback.

And nyxx in your case, at the bottom of my OP there's some set options for being able to contribute to the project. But I think your response was already a great motivator already :)))


does this mean i can finally not is are haz the stupid?!?!?!?

cant wait to try this out when i have time!


Aestrum I think that too! Let me know your feedback on the site if you end up poking around!

mysteriouschocomilk I don't think you're stupid! A lot of people just know really know how to edit html or anything like that. I wanted to make that more accessable. Let me know how it goes!


Are there coders others can suggest to be added to the project? (If they want to of course) Also i love this thing already, Can't wait for the progress to start popping in mate!