🐇🍵 Leporidebug HTML [Updated: 06/04]

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago (Edited 1 day, 20 hours ago) by Leporidebug
 52.Custom PokeTrainer [F2U] Leporidebug

C002.Pokemon Trainer

Custom request by crabstronaut. A somewhat compact Pokémon trainer layout. Hope you'll enjoy ^^


going to be using little casette and maybe more!


Ameliakp06 thank you for using!


fuzyfurball thanks for using ^^


Using the corp secret's code on a character's profile! :]


gonna be using the monologic light ver! i still need to thoroughly read on how to add stuff on it tho c:


Heyo! So I am using Wumble for my World and for some strange reason the CSS I am using for the world is... Hiding the credits? I tried putting it everywhere but it just won't show up for some reason-

But on normal TH it's fine as Shown by how it looks when I code on Circlejourney so just letting you know of that issue! 


VictoryDrawsManga , hello ^^ it looks like you're missing two < /div > closing brackets, that's why the credit could not show up. I suspect there may also be div bracket issues upstream, do use Circlejourney's live editor to help you double check. Try adding the two closing brackets for now and tell me if it resolves the issue.


Leporidebug I tried adding two more </div> closing brackets and now it caused the entire code to disappear from the World page if you check the link again-

Oh yeah heres how it turns out on Circlejourney, perfectly fine once again- Unless I put in the tags wrong?



VictoryDrawsManga, you should be adding the brackets at the very very end, not before where the container is created, aka after fal fa-rabbit and the unclosed < /i > bracket. Please always check that the brackets are closed.


Leporidebug I tried just that and the same issue is still there- The entire code has disappeared and no icon to be seen. If all else fails can I find another to put the credits such as using a buttons snippet and putting your link and stuff that way? ;; (Sorry, I am not the best at coding especially since the editor doesnt have a CSS previewer so it's hard to not be able to see the changes with CSS in real time!)

Heres my code below:



VictoryDrawsManga hmm... what a challenge. Have you checked upstream for any warnings that the editor will throw for misplaced brackets yet? I cannot help you with the screenshots you sent alone. However, I was able to see the credits just fine after copying and pasting this world template with the CSS you appear to be using (see: example world).
Another thing... it is helpful to look at the spaces before a bracket. Most code writers try to align the beginning and the end, so if something seems off, it's probably missing a closing bracket or has something extra... try to use the live editor to your best advantage.


I think after looking at the code again that the root cause is something that happened when I tried to take out the social media links part of the code so I am just going to start all over again- Thanks for the help and sorry for the trouble! :"D